defilements attacking the heart


The Abyss of The Mind And Heart

The jungle of this universe,where all eventually must enter(drop in).Silence is the cry of those who have succeeded and returned...and the world knows of them no more ,except by deed.
A journey (or going forth) where all that is near and dear is lost,or so it seems...

As one can observe in the opening scene...a heart under attack by defilements,and the defender attempting to save himself with man made weapons.A very useless battle as can be seen...he is out numbered and they are stronger and have the ability to attack when not seen and from any angle.Defeat seemingly at any moment...
Defilements live in the heart and can attack ( from with-in ) at any moment and when least expected...

As can be seen man,,, ( life on this planet ) has a divine spark with- in...and when integrated in the personality,all obstacles may be overcome...never to experience defeat again.
The mind lives in the heart, and , the heart is unable to see, when the mind has become clouded with defilements and wrong thinking during everyday life .HOW CAN THIS BE PROVEN,you ask ???
When a child enters this world and they grow and develope in their environment,while young when asked about anything,they most always respond with complete honesty and openess.As the child grows they are influenced by the environment...and if it is such as to frighten the child ,or no proper bonding with playmates ,or parents ,or no true love,,an unfavorable environment,and many more unhealthy obstacles ....Now if the child learns little lies , as he/she grows older ,these develop into bigger and more frequent ...along with other wrong thinking and defilements.
As can be now seen the mind may have become so clouded with un- truths and defilements that the heart can no longer see the truth and happiness as the mind is clouded by wrongly held views, blocking the outside world.........

A condition that may surround many individuals,,,never giving an indication of what has happened , due to....... the heart being strangled by defilements, thoroughly blinded by an aura, insulated from happiness by suffering.........

Superstition and fear belong to the earth, and not of the heart.

Provocative views...
arrogant views........
delight in argument
wrongly held views..
just some examples of,perhaps, what may be seen through the window of fear...

some thoughts to ponder in one's spare time

strengthen and inspire me O lord of life...
that my will and my heart,may ever aspire to thy truth and stability...
help me to realize that fear is failure...
and therefore to be without fear...
for in the heart of the coward.......
virture , abideth not

some things to be found in these crevices ...very , very , soon :

- dream interpretation
- meditation
- relaxation
- centering the mind with the body
- healing with the creative life force in the body ( sexual current ) not to be confused with breeding .
- questions and answers ...with the xookeeper
- instructions on how to...



even in the seemingly darkest hour...we are never alone... our heart is with us, guiding us .........if only we look within...

Everyone feels like they are going insane at times...when actually, the truth of the matter is ... we are living in an insane world and the only thing that will save us is to practice centering the mind with the heart and the breath.

Why is the breath and the heart so important you ask yourself...

When we come into this world we have the heart and breath centered...due to our environment , they become unbalanced and no longer function together,,, thus causing disease, of the body and the mind...

...but, what can we do about this...

Try this...

There are seven basic steps:
1- Start out with three or seven long in & out breaths,thinking, bud - with the in-breath ,and and dho with the out.Keep the meditation syllable as long as the breath.
2- Be clearly aware of each in & out breath.
3- Observe the breath as it goes in & out,noticing whether it's comfortable or uncomfortable,broad or narrow,obstructed or free flowing,fast or slow,short or long ,warm or cool.If the breath does not feel comfortable,change it until it does.For instance,if breathing in long & out is uncomfortable,try breathing in short & out short.As soon as you find that your breathing feels comfortable , let this comfortable breath sensation spread to the different parts of the body.
To begin with,inhale the breath sensation at the base of the skull and let it flow all the way down the spine.Then ,if you are male,let it spread down your right leg to the sole of your foot,to the ends of your toes,and out into the air. ( If you are female,begin with the left side first,because the male & female nervous systems are different.)
Then let the breath from the base of the skull spread down over both shoulders,past past the lungs & liver,all the way down to the bladder & colon.
Inhale the breath right at the middleof the chest and let it go all the way down to your intestines.
Let all these breath sensations spread so that they connect & flow together ,and you'll feel a greatly improved sense of well being.
4- Learn four ways of adjusting the breath:
a. in long & out long
b. in short & out short
c. in short & out long
d. in long & out short
Breathe whichever way is most comfortable for you. Or,better yet,learn to breath comfortably all four ways,because your physical condition & your breath are always changing.
5- Become acquainted with the bases or focal points for the mind ---the resting spots of the breath---and center your awarness on whichever one seems most comfortable. A few of the bases are:
a. the tip of the nose
b. the middle of the head
c. the palate
d. the base of the throat
e. the breastbone ( the tip of the sternum )
f. the naval ( or a point just above it )
If you suffer from frequent headaches or nervous problems,don't focus on any spot above the base of the throat.And don't try to force the breath or put yourself into a trance.Breath freely and naturally.Let the mind be at ease with the breath -- but, not to the point where it slips away.
6- Spread your awarness--your sense of conscious feeling--throughout the entire body.
7- Unite the breath sensations throughout the body.letting them flow together comfortably,keeping your awarness as broad as possible.Once you are fully aware of the aspects of the breath you already know in your body,you'll come to know all sorts of other aspects as well.The breath ,by it's nature,has many facets: breath sensations flowing in the nerves,those flowing around and about the nerves,those spreading from th enerves to every pore.Beneficial breath sensations and harmful ones are mixed together by their very nature.
To summarize: (a) for the sake of improving the energy already existing in every part of your body,so that you can contend with such things as disease and pain; and (b) for the sake of clarifying the knowledge within you ,so that it can become a basisfor the skills leading to release and purity of heart--you should always bear these seven steps in mind,because they are absolutely basic to every aspect of breath meditation.

Phra Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo

An interesting sermon given by Phra Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo on July 6, 1959

Starting to feel better.........
Why not add some thoughts with our feelings of new found happiness and non suffering...

When preparing for meditation a few precepts may increase the benefit of meditation ...
and add to your health and happiness ...

the following is just some suggestions or you may want to make your own...

To refrain from :
- taking life
- stealing
- lying
- sexual misconduct ( usually considered sex
with anothers wife or husband )
- becoming intoxicated

More will be written later on the need for a very happy and fullfilling sex life...which is necessary to materialize your dreams and wishes.........

feel free to contact the zookeeper at any time
just click on the link below...


By popular demand ..... now available....( attorneys need to wait a while longer for an industrial strength repair kit )the do it your self , heart rebuild kit.......consisting of faq's , read me instructions , along with the necessary prayers and meditation guidlines to insure success......... to download the heart repair here The Lotus.........A very good image to meditate upon. The beauty of nature is expressed in the natural harmony and balance of all things and life forms in the universe.

To focus on fear breeds disease of the mind and the body , as well as causing destruction of the family and friends.Where the mind goes the heart follows , and when the serpent of fear rears it's ugly head , it's target is always the heart.........

The Xookeeper has,in the past, meditated at nite in the bottom of cremation pits in the jungles of N.E.Thailand .........

A good test for centering the mind.

When you leave this life ...only your heart will be with you .........

To view pic's of N.E.Thailand click on the link below.


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