Hi! Welcome to COMPANIONS!!

(The Home Page of Leah Letrero)

Hello! This is a homepage I dedicate to people who, like me, are interested in exploring human journey of faith and self-discovery.

No one told us that journeying through life is going to be easy. But who says we can't ENJOY it? Remember the time whenever we go on a journey....there's always that feeling of excitement, of adventure, of eagerness even if we don't know where we are going, as long as we are journeying? We can still do it! As a matter of fact, we should always look at life with excitement, anticipation, sense of adventure and eagerness. Look at it in the eyes of a child! Child-like NOT CHILDISH because as we move on, we do have to make INTELLIGENT CHOICES. So, let's enjoy this inner journey. Leave your baggages behind, bring with you an open mind and heart and the inquisitive eyes of a child.

Journeys, they say, are best done alone..but COMPANIONS make it more exciting for you! Companions are easy to talk and share things with. Companions help push you up to reach the top. Companions hold on to you tightly so you won't fall down the ridges.

So, let us be companions to each other. As I share with you my journey as well as some of the significant others that help me and still continue helping me, feel free to share with me your journey, too, so we can NOURISH, SUPPORT AND LEARN from each other's faith experiences. If you have problems, feel free to talk about them, for Companions are there to help and support you along the way.

Let us venture together in the WILDERNESS OF LIFE and explore how we can find spirituality in the everydayness of living.

Who is COLC and How I Met Them?An Introduction
My SourceAn Introduction to the Supreme Being whom I believe in!
BOOKS A Compilation and Review of Books I recently Read that Provides Valuable Insights
TV SHOWS Review of THEX-FILES Episodes and other Shows
MOVIES Review of Old and New Movies I recently Watched
WORDS TO LIVE BYQuotations, Phrases, Prayers and their Impact
STORIES THAT INSPIREThis is the Section dedicated to you, the Readers. If you have Faith Stories you want others to know and be uplifted, be inspired or be jolted! Feel free to e-mail and send me for inclusion.

Disclaimer:The contents and opinions expressed in the different pages are solely my own except those that are otherwise specified. For those concerned who wish the specified contents to be eliminated just tell me and I will exclude them. Thank you.

© 1997 leah.letrero@usa.net

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