Curriculum Vitae-Resume
Howard S. Pitkow, M.S., Ph.D. 
1210 Newport Mews Drive
Bensalem, Pennsylvania 19020

Temple University School of Medicine
Professor Emeritus of Physiology
Department of Physiology
Temple Health Science Center
Eighth at Race Streets
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Tel:  215-625-5264
Fax:  215-629-1622


AFFILIATIONS             1965-1998 : Pennsylvania College of Podiatric Medicine (PCPM), Department  of  Biomedical Sciences ,  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

       Taught Medical Physiology, Biochemistry, Histology, Embryology to first year medical students

PROFESSIONAL SOCIETY ACTIVITY        1995 to date: National Association of Academies of Science ( NAAS )

            Elected Offices on NAAS Board of Directors

                   Immediate Past-President,NAAS-2002-2003.
           President , NAAS --- 2001-2002
                   Secretary, NAAS -1998-2000

             Other Activities
                    Delegate from Pennsylvania Academy of Science- 1996 -2004.
                    Program  Committee of American Junior Academy of Science - 1997-1998.
                    Chairman, Collegiate Academy / Membership Committee - 1999-2000.
                    Newsletter and Communications Committee  - 1999-2000.
                    Chairman, AJAS Breakfast with  Scientists  Committee- 2000-2001.
                   Chairman,Recognition and Awards  Committee-2002-2003 ( Member-2000-01
                    Chairman, NAAS Nominations Committee-2002-2003.
                     Chairman, NAAS Meeting  Planning Committee-2002-2003.
                      American Association for the Advancement of Science Liaison Committee-
                               (  AAAS)-2003-2004.
                     Audit Committee-2003-2004.
                      Finance Committee-2003-2004.



1. The Importance of Biochemistry Laboratory to the Podiatric Student. 5th Annual Meeting, American Association of Colleges of Podiatric Medicine, New York, New York, July 21-23, 1972.

2. The Effect of 7,12-Dimethylbenzanthracene on Neonatal Development and Maternal Organ Weights. 60th Annual Meeting, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Anaheim, California, April 11-16, 1976.

3. Gonadotropic Hormone Mimicking Response of Dipeptides. 61st Annual Meeting, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Chicago, Illinois, April 3-8, 1977.

4. Spontaneous Activity of Pregnant and Nonpregnant Control CF-IC Mice. 53rd Annual Meeting, Pennsylvania Academy of Science. Mount Airy Lodge, Mount Pocono, Pennsylvania, April 17-19, 1977.

5. Pharmacological Effect of Amino Acids and Dipeptides on the Reproductive System. 6th International Conference in Endocrinology. Royal College of Physicians, London, England, July 11-15, 1977. (P)

6. Amino Acid and Dipeptide Analogues to Gonadotropic Hormone. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, London Hospital Medical College, London, England, July 11, 1977.

7. The Inhibitory Effects of 7,12-Dimethylbenzanthracene on Post-Partum Development in the Rat. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, St. Thomas' Hospital Medical School, London, England, July 13, 1977.

8. Teratogenic Effect of a 7,12-Dimethylbenzanthracene on Maternal Mammary Gland Development and Lactation. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hammersmith Hospital, London, England, July 15, 1977.

9. Reproductive Biological Effect of Amino Acids and Dipeptides. 27th Congres International Des Sciences Physiologiques, Paris, France, July 17-23, 1977. (P)

10. Physiology of Peripheral Circulation. 2nd Annual Achilles Postdoctoral Seminar on Peripheral Vascular Disease, Pennsylvania College of Podiatric Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 29-30, 1977.

11. The Inhibition of Cerebrum Biochemistry in Pups Exposed to Dimethylbenzanthracene During Gestation. 62nd Annual Meeting, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Atlantic City, New Jersey, April 9-14, 1978.

12. Growth Retardation in Post-Partum Pups Due to Dimethylbenzanthracene Administration in Pregnant Rats. 54th Annual Meeting, Pennsylvania Academy of Science, Seven Springs, Mountain Resort, Champion, Pennsylvania, April 16-18, 1978.

13. Amino Acid Substitutes for Gonadotropic Hormone. Beltsville Symposia in Agricultural Research (III. Animal Reproduction), Beltsville, Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, Maryland, May 14-17, 1978. (P)

14. Retarding Capacity of 7,12-Dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA) on Neonatal Growth and Maternal Organs. First Annual Research Day, Pennsylvania College of Podiatric Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 20, 1978.

15. The Physiology of the Placenta. Education Day, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 10, 1979.

16. Dimethylbenzanthracene Induced Changes in Developing Rat Brain Nucleic Acid, Protein, and Behavior Patterns. 55th Annual Meeting, Pennsylvania Academy of Science, Mount Airy Lodge, Mount Pocono, Pennsylvania, April 22-24, 1979.

17. The Effect of Constant Hypothermia on Physiological Parameters of the Foot. Second Annual Research Day, Pennsylvania College of Podiatric Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 19, 1979.

18. Controlled Hypothermia Influence on Foot Physiology. 67th Annual Meeting, American Podiatry Association, Detroit, Michigan, August 9-14, 1979.

19. The Effect of Low Levels of Polynuclear Hydrocarbons on Gestation and Post Partum Pup Development. Department of Pharmacology, Dalhousie University School of Medicine, Halifax, Nova Scotia, August 21, 1979.

20. Physiology of Ovulation. Education Day, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 25, 1979.

21. Dimethylbenzanthracene Suppression of Mammary Gland Nucleic Acid Synthesis and Lactation. 30th Annual Meeting, American Physiological Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 14-19, 1979. (P)

22. The Deleterious Effects of 7,12-Dimethylbenzanthracene on Gestation and Post Partum Development in the Rat. Department of Pharmacology, Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Oct. 26, 1979.

23. The Effect of Dimethylbenzanthracene Administration in Pregnant Rats on Lactation and Pub Development. Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Temple University School of Dentistry, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 28, 1979.

24. Tropic Effects of Amino Acids and Peptides on the Female Reproductive System. 56th Annual Meeting, Pennsylvania Academy of Science, Seven Springs Mountain Resort, Champion, Pennsylvania, April 20-22, 1980.

25. Mechanism of Ovulation and Ovulation Induction. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 6, 1980. (Presentation was broadcast by the Hahnemann Television Network to Mercy Hospital, Nesbitt Memorial Hospital, Veterans Administration Hospital, Wilkes-Barre General Hospital, and Wyoming Valley Hospital).

26. The Synergistic Potential of Amino Acids and Dipeptides in Reproductive Biology. XI International Congress of the International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology, Palazzo dei Congressi, Florence, Italy, June 16-20, 1980. (P)

27. The Retardation of Mammary Gland Growth and Lactation by Dimethylbenzanthracene, a Carcinogenic Hydrocarbon. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Universita Cattolica de Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy, June 25, 1980.

28. The Effect of Dimethylbenzanthracene, a Carcinogenic Hydrocarbon, on Mammary Gland RNA and DNA Contents During Lactation in the Rat. 57th Annual Meeting, Pennsylvania Academy of Science, Host Farm and Corral, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, April 5-7, 1981.

29. The Environmental Toxicological Effects of Dimethylbenzanthracene on Mammary Gland Growth and Lactation in the Rat. National Association of Biology Teachers, Sahara Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 22-25, 1981.

30. Dimethylbenzanthracene Influence on First Generation Rat Mammary Gland Nucleic Acid Content During Lactation. 66th Annual Meeting, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 15-23, 1982. (P)

31. The Teratogenic Influence of Dimethylbenzanthracene on Lactational Physiology During Successive Generations in the Rat. 1st World Congress on Toxicology and Environmental Health, American College of Toxicology, Sheraton Washington Hotel, Washington, DC, May 27-30, 1982.

32. Suppression of Corticosterone Serum Levels and Lactational Physiology in Post Partum Rats Treated with Dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA) During Gestation. 33rd Annual Meeting, American Physiological Society, Town and Country Hotel, San Diego, California, October 10-15, 1982. (P)

33. The Effect of Dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA) Administered During Gestation on Hormone Levels Essential for Lactation in Post Partum Rats. 22nd Annual Meeting, Society of Toxicology, Caesar's Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 6-10, 1983.

34. The Repression of Lactational Physiology in the Progeny of Rats Injected with Dimethylbenzanthracene During Gestation. 59th Annual Meeting, Pennsylvania Academy of Science, Host Farm and Corral, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, April 10-12, 1983.

35. The Stimulatory Effect of Reproductive Amino Acids on Dimethyl-benzanthracene (DMBA) Primed Mammary Gland Nucleic Acid Content During Lactation. 34th Annual Meeting, American Physiological Society, Sheraton Waikiki Hotel, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, August 20-25, 1983.

36. The Inhibition of Mammary Gland Physiology of Rats Suckled by Mothers Receiving 7,12-Dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA) During Gestation. National Association of Biology Teachers, Philadelphia Centre Hotel, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 20-23, 1983.

 37. Physiological Reproduction and Embryological Effects of Pollutants on Pregnancy. Department of Biology and Chemistry, Inter American University of Puerto Rico, Aguidilla, Puerto Rico, March 20, 1984.

38. Physiological Effects of Pollutants in the Human. Department of Natural Sciences, Inter American University of Puerto Rico, Aguidilla, Puerto Rico, March 21, 1984.

39. Dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA) Suppression of Adrenal Steroid Secretion and Its Effect on Lactational Physiology in the Rat. 60th Annual Meeting, Pennsylvania Academy of Science, Seven Springs Mountain Resort, Champion, Pennsylvania, March 30 - April 1, 1984.

40. The Influence of Lactational Hormones on Mammary Gland Biology in Rats Treated with 7,12-Dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA) During Gestation. 7th International Congress of Endocrinology, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, July 1-7, 1984. (P)

41. The Hormone Potentiating Capability of Amino Acids on Lactational Performance in Rats Injected with 7,12-Dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA) During Gestation. 61st Annual Meeting, Pennsylvania Academy of Science, American Host Farm Resort, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, April 21-23, 1985.

42. The Effect of Dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA) on Spontaneous Activity in Mice during Pregnancy and Lactation. 70th Annual Meeting, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, St. Louis, Missouri, April 13-18, 1986.

43. The Effects of Adjuvant Induced Arthritis on the Gastrocnemius and Tibialis Anterior Leg Muscles. 62nd Annual Meeting, Pennsylvania Academy of Science, Seven Springs Mountain Resort, Champion, Pennsylvania, April 18-20, 1986.

44. The Effects of a Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon on Behavioral Patterns in Mice During Gestation and Post Partum. 63rd Annual Meeting, Pennsylvania Academy of Science, Americana Host Farm Resort, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, April 12-14, 1987.

45. Lower Extremity Muscle Protein and Nucleic Acid Synthesis in Adjuvant Induced Arthritic Rats. 72nd Annual Meeting, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Las Vegas, Nevada, May 1-5, 1988. (P)

46. The Effects of Isoandrosterone, A Weak Anabolic Steroid, on Surgically Induced Wound Healing in Anterior Leg Muscles. 39th Annual Meeting, American Physiological Society, Montreal, (Quebec), Canada, October 9-13, 1988. (P)

47. The Effects of Anabolic Steroids on the Biochemistry of Leg Skeletal Muscles in Rats. 66th Annual Meeting, Pennsylvania Academy of Science, Greentree Holiday Inn, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April 20-22, 1990.

48. Stimulation of Skeletal Muscle Growth by Anabolic Steroids. 41st Annual Meeting, American Physiological Society, Orlando, Florida, October 6-10, 1990. (P)

49. Pharmacological Effects of Amino Acids and Dipeptides on the Female Reproductive System. 2nd International Congress on Amino Acids and Analogues, Vienna, Austria, August 5-9, 1991.

50. Synergistic Effects of Amino Acids on Lactation. 2nd International Congress on Amino Acids and Analogues, Vienna, Austria, August 5-9, 1991.

51. The Anabolic Effects of Amino Acids on Muscle Wound Healing in Diabetic Rats. 2nd International Congress on Amino Acids and Analogues, Vienna, Austria, August 5-9, 1991. (P)

52. The Growth Stimulating Effects of Isoandrosterone on Muscle Wound Healing in Diabetic Rats. 69th Annual Meeting, Pennsylvania Academy of Science, Sheraton Berkshire, Reading, Pennsylvania, April 2-4, 1993.

53. The Effects of an Anabolic Hormone on Surgically Induced Wound Healing in Lower Extremity Skeletal Muscles in Normal and Diabetic Rats. Joint Meeting of the European Tissue Repair Society and The Wound Healing Society, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, August 22-25, 1993. (P)

54. The Influence of Amino Acids on Anterior Leg Muscle (ALM) Wound Healing in Diabetic Rats, 72nd Annual Meeting, Pennsylvania Academy of Science, Pa. State University, Nittany Lion Inn, State College, Pennsylvania, April 12-14, 1996. (P) .

55. The Etiology, Chronic Effects, and Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus. Attleboro Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center, Langhorne, Pennsylvania, November 15, 1999.


1. Pitkow, H.S., Reece, R.P., and Waszilycsak, G.L. The Integrity of Mammary Alveolar Cells in Two Consecutive Lactations. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. and Med., 39:845, 1972.

2. Pitkow, H.S., The Importance of Biochemistry Laboratory to the Podiatry Student. J. Podiatric Med. Ed., 4(1):19, 1973.

3. Davis, R.H., Pitkow, H.S., Inverso, M., and Mandel, M. The Effect of Melatonin on Ovarian Oxygen Consumption of Chorionic Gonadotropin Treated Rats. IRCS Med. Sci., 3:571, 1975.

4. Pitkow, H.S., Kramer, D.L., and Davis, R.H. Effect of L-Tryptophan on Ovarian and Uterine Weights in Immature Mice. IRCS Med. Sci., 3:544, 1975.

5. Pitkow, H.S., Davis, R.H., Frank, A., Ward, P., and Hill, H.G. Gonadotropic Effects of Amino Acids on the Immature Female Rat Reproduction System. IRCS Med. Sci., 3:601, 1975.

6. Pitkow, H.S., and Davis, R.H. Interdisciplinary Teaching Between the Clinic and the Medical College. College Student Journal, 9(4):357, 1975.

7. Davis, R.H., Pitkow, H.S., and Hill, H.G. Down's Syndrome and Thyroid Function. Lancet, 2(7948):1308, 1975.

8. Pitkow, H.S., and Davis, R.H. Basic Science Education: A Singular Comparison Between Podiatric and General Medicine. J. Podiatric Med. Ed., 6(4):8, 1975.

9. Pitkow, H.S. Review of Gross Anatomy. By B. Pansky and E.L. House. BOOK REVIEW. The American Biology Teacher, 38(1):61, 1976.

10. Pitkow, H.S., Hill, H.G., and Davis, R.H. The Effects of Amino Acids on Pregnant Mare Serum--Chorionic Gonadotrophin Injected Immature Female Rats. IRCS Med. Sci., 4:71, 1976.

11. Pitkow, H.S., Ward, P., Frank, A., and Davis, R.H. The Effects of 7,12-Dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA) on Neonatal Development and Maternal Organ Weights. Fed. Proc., 35(3):799, 1976.

12. Davis, R.H., Sackman, J.W., Kramer, D.L., and Pitkow, H.S. The Effects of Melantonin Injected During Mouse Pregnancy. IRCS Med. Sci., 4:158, 1976.

13. McGowan, L., Pitkow, H.S., and Davis, R.H. Age and Peritoneal Fluid Cellular Distribution in Women 20 to 40 Years of Age. Experientia, 32(3):314, 1976.

14. Davis, R.H., Pitkow, H.S., and Kramer, D.L. Absence of Teratogenicity of Amino Acids in Mice. IRCS Med. Sci., 4:229, 1976
15. Pitkow, H.S., Kramer, D.L., and Davis, R.H. The Laboratory Experiment in Medical Physiology. College Student Journal, 10(1):2, 1976.

16. Pitkow, H.S., Hill, H.G., and Davis, R.H. A Medically Oriented College Acceleration Program for High School Seniors. Improving College and University Teaching, 16:85, 1976.

17. Pitkow, H.S., Hill, H.G., Alburger, G.A., and Davis, R.H. Student Views of an Ideal Basic Science Teacher. J. Podiatric Med. Ed., 7(2):15, 1976.

18. Davis, R.H., and Pitkow, H.S. Effect of Progesterone on Mouse Peritoneal Fluid Cellular Distribution. IRCS Med. Sci., 4:356, 1976.

19. Davis, R.H., Inverso, M., and Pitkow, H.S. Rat Estrus Cycle and Tubal Ova. IRCS Med., Sci., 4:397, 1976.

20. Pitkow, H.S. New Trends in Integrated Science Teaching: Education of Teachers. Proceedings of the ICSU Conference by the Unesco Press. BOOK REVIEW. Science Education, 60(3):426, 1976.

21. Davis, R.H., Melincoff, R.H., Meyers, R., Phillips, S., and Pitkow, H.S. The Effect of Thymectomy on Mouse Peritoneal Fluid Cellular Content. IRCS Med. Sci., 4:482, 1976.

22. Pitkow, H.S., and Davis, R.H. The Effect of Pregnancy and Dey on the Spontaneous Movement of CF-IC Mice. IRCS Med. Sci., 4:464, 1976.

23. Davis, R.H., Kramer, D.L., and Pitkow, H.S. A Fast Simple Method for Staining Vaginal Smears. (Eine Schnelle und Enfache Methode zur Farbung von Vaginal-Ausstrichen.) Microscopica Acta, 78(4):310, 1976.

24. Pitkow, H.S. Outlines of Biochemistry. By E.E. Conn and P.K. Stumpf. BOOK REVIEW. The American Biology Teacher, 38(8):506, 1976.

25. Davis, R.H., Kramer, D.L., and Pitkow, H.S. Endocrine Influences on Peritoneal Fluid Cellular Content. (Endokrine Einflusse auf den Zellgehalt der Peritonealflussigkeit.) Microscopica Acta, 78(5):385, 1976.

26. Davis, R.H., Sartor, L.C., Pitkow, H.S., Hill, H.G., Geller, E., and Gerbush, L. Student Evaluation of Basic Science Faculty in Podiatric Medical Education. J. Podiatric Med. Ed., 7(4):27, 1976.

27. Pitkow, H.S. The Departmental Chairman: Role and Function. J. Podiatric Med. Ed., 7(4):16, 1976.

28. Davis, R.H., and Pitkow, H.S. The Value of Animal Experimentation for First-Year Medical Students. College Student Journal, 11(1):54, 1977.

29. Pitkow, H.S., Phillips, S., Warnquist, M., and Davis, R.H. Gonadotropic Hormone Mimicking Response of Dipeptides. Fed. Proc., 36(3):312, 1977.

30. Pitkow, H.S. Vitamin C, The Common Cold, and the Flu. By Linus Pauling. BOOK REVIEW. The American Biology Teacher, 39(4):251, 1977.

31. Pitkow, H.S., and Davis, R.H. Reproductive Biological Effect of Amino Acids and Dipeptides. Proc. Internat. Union of Physiol. Sci., 13:601, 1977.

32. Pitkow, H.S., Willner, R., Udell, S., and Davis, R.H. Pharmacological Effect of Dipeptides on Ovarian and Uterine Weights in Immature Mice. IRCS Med. Sci., 5:378, 1977.

33. Pitkow, H.S. To be an Invalid: The Illness of Charles Darwin. By R. Colp, Jr. BOOK REVIEW. The American Biology Teacher, 39(7):448, 1977.

34. Hill, H.G. Pitkow, H.S., and Davis, R.H. The Pathophysiology of Osteomyelitis (Monograph). J. Amer. Podiatry Assoc., 67(10):687, 1977.

35. Pitkow, H.S., Warnquist, M., Phillips, S., and Davis, R.H. Pharmacological Effect of Amino Acids and Dipeptides on the Reproductive System. Proc. 6th Internat. Conf. Endoc., Royal College of Physicians, London, England. Abstract No. 56, 1977.

36. Davis, R.H., Moonka, D.K., Platt, H., Meyers, B.E., and Pitkow, H.S. Biological Activity of Amino Acids. IRCS Med. Sci., 5:506, 1977.

37. Pitkow, H.S., Warnquist, M., Phillips, S., and Davis, R.H. Spontaneous Activity of Pregnant and Nonpregnant Control CF-1C Mice. Proc. Pa. Acad. Sci., 51(1):23, 1977.

38. Pitkow, H.S., Citron, A., Ehrlich, T., Ambrits, M.A., and Davis, R.H. The Inhibition of Cerebrum Biochemistry in Pups Exposed to Dimethyl-benzanthracene (DMBA) During Gestation. Fed. Proc., 37(3):853, 1978.

39. Davis, R.H., Moonka, D.K., Platt, H., and Pitkow, H.S. Chronic Occlusion of the Rabbit Fallopian Tube with Silicone Rubber. IRCS Med. Sci., 6:142, 1978.

40. Pitkow, H.S., Rizen, H., Ambrits, M.A., and Davis, R.H. Amino Acid Substitutes for Gonadotropic Hormone. Proc. Beltsville Symp. Agricult. Res., May, 1978.

41. Pitkow, H.S., The Economic Growth Debate. By L. Pringle. BOOK REVIEW. The American Biology Teacher, 40(7):446, 1978.

42. Pitkow, H.S., Citron, A., Rizen, H., and Davis, R.H. Growth Retardation in Post Partum Pups Due to Dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA) Administration in Pregnant Rats. Proc. Pa. Acad. Sci., 52(1):34, 1978.

43. Pitkow, H.S., Madonick, H., Christman, R.A., Rice, C., and Citron, A. The Deleterious Effects of 7,12-Dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA) on Gestation and Post Partum Development in the Rat. IRCS Med. Sci., 6:305, 1978.

44. Pitkow, H.S., and Davis, R.H. Stimulatory Capability of Amino Acids and Dipeptides in Reproduction. Biology of Reproduction, 20(1):133A, 1979.

45. Pitkow, H.S., Rice C., Christman, R., Rynn, M., and Scalpato, D. Dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA) Effects on Rat Neonatal Nervous System Development and Function. IRCS Med. Sci., 7:358:1979.

46. Pitkow, H.S., Rice, C., Christman, R., and Scalpato, D. Dimethyl-benzanthracene Suppression of Mammary Gland Nucleic Acid Synthesis and Lactation. The Physiologist, 22(4):101, 1979.

47. Pitkow, H.S. Manual of Mink Anatomy: An Illustrated Guide to Dissection. By A.A. Smith and C.G. Krasulak. BOOK REVIEW. The American Biology Teacher, 41(9):572, 1979.

48. Pitkow, H.S., Rice, C., Christman, R., Madonick, H., and Citron, A. Dimethylbenzanthracene Induced Changes In Developing Rat Brain Nucleic Acid, Protein and Behavior Patterns. Proc. Pa. Acad. Sci., 53(1):65, 1979.

49. Pitkow, H.S., and Davis, R.H. The Synergistic Potential of Amino Acids and Dipeptides in Reproductive Biology. Proc. XI Internat. Congr. Internat. Soc. Psychoneuroendoc., page 138, 1980.

50. Pitkow, H.S. and Davis, R.H. Tropic Effects of Amino Acids and Peptides on the Female Reproductive System in Rodents. Proc. Pa. Acad. Sci., 54(1):79, 1980.

51. Pitkow, H.S., Segal, K., Schutzbank, S., Richter, R., Prant, G., and Davis, R.H. Controlled Hypothermia Influence on Foot Physiology. J. Amer. Podiatry Assoc., 71(3):125, 1981.

52. Pitkow, H.S., Rice, C., and Christman, R. The Effect of Dimethyl-benzanthracene (DMBA) on Mammary Gland RNA and DNA Contents During Lactation in the Rat. IRCS Med. Sci., 9:46, 1981.

53. Pitkow, H.S. Nutritional and Environmental Health: The Vitamins. By E.J. Calabrese. BOOK REVIEW. J. Nutri. Ed., 13(3):125, 1981.

54. Pitkow, H.S., Rice, C., and Christman, R. The Effect of Dimethyl-benzanthracene (DMBA), A Carcinogenic Hydrocarbon, on Mammary Gland RNA and DNA Contents During Lactation in the Rat. Proc. Pa. Acad. Sci., 55(1):93, 1981.

55. Pitkow, H.S., Goldman, M.A., and Urbas, W.M. The Influence of Dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA) on First Generation Rat Mammary Gland Nucleic Acid Content During Lactation. IRCS Med. Sci., 9:712, 1981.

56. Davis, R.H., Pitkow, H.S., and Shovlin, K.S. Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Tryptophan in a Selye Pouch. J. Amer. Podiatry Assoc., 71(12):690, 1981
57. Pitkow, H.S. Histological and Histochemical Methods: Theory and Practice. By J.A. Kiernan. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 19(5):648, 1982.

58. Pitkow, H.S. Steroids: Keys to Life. By R.F. Witzmann. BOOK REVIEW. J. Amer. Med. Assoc., 247(4):527, 1982.

59. Pitkow, H.S. Advances in Physiological Sciences: Respiration. Edited by I. Hutas and L.A. Debreczeni. BOOK REVIEW. Endeavour, 6(1):43, 1982.

60. Pitkow, H.S., Urbas, W., and Goldman, M. Dimethylbenzanthracene Influence on First Generation Rat Mammary Gland Nucleic Acid Content During Lactation. Fed. Proc., 41(4):1377, 1982.

61. Davis, R.H., and Pitkow, H.S. A Natural Influence on Adjuvant Induced Arthritis in Rats. Proc. Pa. Acad. Sci., 56(1):112, 1982.

62. Pitkow, H.S. Cancer: The Misguided Cell. By D.M. Prescott and A.S. Flexer. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 19(7):956, 1982.

63. Pitkow, H.S. Fertilization and Embryonic Development In Vitro. Edited by L. Mastroianni, Jr., and J.D. Biggers. BOOK REVIEW. American Scientist, 70(3):324, 1982.

64. Pitkow, H.S. The Clocks That Time Us: Physiology of the Circadian Timing System. By M.C. Moore-Ede, F.M. Sulzman, and C.A. Fuller. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 19(10):1438, 1982.

65. Pitkow, H.S. The Final Epidemic: Physicians and Scientists on Nuclear War. Edited by R. Adams and S. Cullen. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 19(11-12):1577, 1982.

66. Pitkow, H.S., Urbas, W.M., Goldman, M.A., and Hill, L. The Effect of 7,12-Dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA) on Hormone Serum Levels Essential for the Initiation and Maintenance of Lactation in the Rat. IRCS Med. Sci., 10:557, 1982.

67. Pitkow, H.S., Goldman, M., and Urbas, W. The Teratogenic Influence of Dimethylbenzanthracene on Lactational Physiology During Successive Generations in the Rat. J. Amer. Col. Toxicology, 1(3):114, 1982.

68. Pitkow, H.S. Health of the State. By P. Adams. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 20(2):299, 1982.

69. Pitkow, H.S., Urbas, W., Goldman, M., and Hill, L. Suppression of Corticosterone Serum Levels and Lactational Physiology in Post Partum Rats Treated with Dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA) During Gestation. The Physiologist, 25(4):248, 1982.

70. Pitkow, H.S. Structure and Function in Man. By S.W. Jacob, C.A. Francone, and W.J. Lossow. BOOK REVIEW. The Physiologist, 25(6):500, 1982.

71. Pitkow, H.S. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. Edited by B.G. Katzung. BOOK REVIEW. J. Amer. Med. Assoc., 250(3):413, 1983.

72. Pitkow, H.S., Goldman, M., Urbas, W., and Hill, L.M. 7,12-Dimethylbenzanth-racene Retardation in Mammary Gland Growth and Lactation in Rats. Proc. Pa. Acad. Sci., 57(1):79, 1983.

73. Pitkow, H.S., Goldman, M., Urbas W., and Hill, L.M. The Effect of Dimethyl-benzanthracene (DMBA) Administered During Gestation on Hormone Levels Essential for Lactation in Post-Partum Rats. The Toxicologist, 3(1):32, 1983.

74. Pitkow, H.S. The Repression of Lactational Physiology in the Progeny of Rats Injected with Dimethylbenzanthracene During Gestation. Proc. Pa. Acad. Sci., 57(1):122, 1983.

75. Davis, R.H., and Pitkow, H.S. Effect of Amino Acid and Vitamin Supplementation on Cortisone Treated Adrenalectomized Rats Fed Gelatin Diet. IRCS Med. Sci., 11:378, 1983.

76. Pitkow, H.S., Goldman, M., and Urbas, B. The Stimulatory Effect of Reproductive Amino Acids on Dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA) Primed Mammary Gland Nucleic Acid Content During Lactation. The Physiologist, 26(4):A-52, 1983.

77. Pitkow, H.S., Corey, S.V., Ruziskey, J.A., and Hill, L.M. The Endocrine Mimicking Influence of Amino Acids on Lactating 7,12-Dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA) Treated Rats. IRCS Med. Sci., 11:742, 1983.

78. Pitkow, H.S. The Real Menstrual Cycle. By D. Asso. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 21(9):1332, 1984.

79. Pitkow, H.S. Dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA) Suppression of Adrenal Steroid Secretion and Its Effect on Lactational Physiology in the Rat. Proc. Pa. Acad. Sci., 58(1):115, 1984.

80. Pitkow, H.S., Goldman, M., and Urbas, W. The Influence of Lactational Hormones on Mammary Gland Biology in Rats Treated with 7,12-Dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA) During Gestation. Proc. 7th Internat. Cong. of Endocrin., Quebec City, Quebec (Canada), Abstract No. 2014, 1267, 1984.

81. Pitkow, H.S., Rainieri, J.J., and Gould, D. The Hormone Potentiating Capability of Amino Acids on Lactational Performance in Rats Injected with 7,12-Dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA) During Gestation. Proc. Pa. Acad. Sci., 59(1):83, 1985.

82. Pitkow, H.S., Rainieri, J.J., and Dwyer, P. The Effects of a Carcinogenic Aromatic Hydrocarbon on Behavioral Patterns in Mice During Pregnancy and Lactation. IRCS Med. Sci., 14:1031, 1986.

83. Pitkow, H.S., Dwyer, P., Rainieri, J.J., and Davis, R.H. Lower Extremity Muscle Protein and Nucleic Acid Synthesis in Adjuvant Induced Arthritic Rats. IRCS Med. Sci., 14:21, 1986.

84. Pitkow, H.S. The Molecular Basis of Cancer. Edited by P.B. Farmer and J.M. Walker. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 23(5):766, 1986.

85. Pitkow, H.S., Rainieri, J., and Dwyer, P. The Effect of Dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA) on Spontaneous Activity in Mice During Pregnancy and Lactation. Fed. Proc., 45(3):157, 1986.

86. Pitkow, H.S., Dwyer, P., and Rainieri, J. The Effects of Adjuvant Induced Arthritis on the Gastrocnemius and Tibialis Anterior Leg Muscles. Proc. Pa. Acad. Sci., 60(1):91, 1986.

87. Pitkow, H.S. Blood Disorders: The Facts. By S. Callender. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 23(11-12):1700, 1986.

88. Pitkow, H.S., Rainieri, J.J., Dwyer, P. and Davis, R.H. The Effects of Adjuvant Induced Arthritis on the Gastrocnemius and Tibialis Anterior Leg Muscles. Proc. Pa. Acad. Sci., 60(1):71, 1986.

89. Pitkow, H.S., Rainieri, J.J., and Dwyer, P. The Hormone Potentiating Capability of Amino Acids on Lactational Performance in Rats Injected with 7,12-Dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA) During Gestation. Drug and Chemical Toxicology, 9(1):15, 1986.

90. Pitkow, H.S. The Effects of a Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon on Behavioral Patterns in Mice During Gestation and Post-Partum. Proc. Pa. Acad. Sci., 61(1):93, 1987.

91. Pitkow, H.S. Annual Review of Physiology, Vol. 49. Edited by R.M. Berne and J.F. Hoffman. BOOK REVIEW. J. Amer. Med. Assoc., 258(12):1667, 1987.

92. Pitkow, H.S. An Introduction to Fetal Physiology. By F.C. Battaglia and G. Meschia. BOOK REVIEW. American Scientist, 76(2):194, 1988.

93. Pitkow, H.S. Mapping Our Genes: Genome Projects. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 26(4):674, 1988.

94. Pitkow, H.S. Respiratory and Infectious Disease. By W. Smith. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 25(5):800, 1988.

95. Pitkow, H.S. VDT Health and Safety: Issues and Solutions. By E.A. Scalet. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 25(9):1432, 1988.

96. Pitkow, H.S., Bitar, M.S. and Davis, R.H. Lower Extremity Muscle Protein and Nucleic Acid Synthesis in Adjuvant Induced Arthritic Rats. FASEB Journal, 2(4):A761, 1988.

97. Pitkow, H.S., Keis, A., Kressler, M., Cicchinelli, L., and Bitar, M.S. The Effects of An Anabolic Steroid on Wound Healing in Lower Extremity Skeletal Muscles of Normal and Diabetic Rats. Med. Sci. Res., 16(18):993, 1988.

98. Pitkow, H.S., Keis, A., Cicchinelli, L., Kressler, M., and Bitar, M.S. The Effects of Isoandrosterone, a Weak Anabolic Steroid, on Surgically Induced Wound Healing in Anterior Leg Muscles. The Physiologist, 31(4):A86, 1988.

99. Pitkow, H.S., Keis, A., and Bitar, M.S. The Effects of 7,12-Dimethylbenzanth-racene (DMBA) on Animal Spontaneous Movements During Pregnancy and Post-Partum. J. Pa. Acad. Sci., 62(3):119, 1989.

100. Pitkow, H.S. The Epidemiology of AIDS. Edited by R.A. Kaslow and D.P. Francis. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 27(6):974, 1990.

101. Pitkow, H.S., Cicchinelli, L., Rothberg, F., and Robertson, D. The Effects of Anabolic Steroids on the Biochemistry of Leg Skeletal Muscles in Rats. J. Pa. Acad. Sci., 63:223, 1990.

102. Pitkow, H.S. Rothberg, F., and Robertson, D. Stimulation of Skeletal Muscle Growth by Anabolic Steroids. The Physiologist, 33(4):A-121, 1990.

103. Pitkow, H.S. Cancer Sourcebook. Edited by F.E. Bair. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 28:(2),340, 1990.

104. Pitkow, H.S. Light: Medicine of the Future. By J. Liberman. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 28(11/12):1808, 1991.

105. Pitkow, H.S., Davis, R.H., and Bitar, M.S. Pharmacological Effects of Amino Acids and Dipeptides on the Female Reproductive System. Amino Acids, 1(1):122, 1991.

106. Pitkow, H.S., Davis, R.H., and Bitar, M.S. Synergistic Effects of Amino A
cids on Lactation. Amino Acids, 1(1):109, 1991.

107. Pitkow, H.S., Davis, R.H., Holmes, P., Rodriguez, S., and Bitar, M.S. The Anabolic Effects of Amino Acids on Muscle Wound Healing in Diabetic Rats. Amino Acids, 1(1):108, 1991.

108. Pitkow, H.S. Scientific Knowledge in Controversy: The Social Dynamics of the Fluoridation Debate. By B. Martin. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 29(4):624, 1991.

109. Bitar, M.S., Pitkow, H.S., Davis, R.H., and Keis, A.F. Diabetes-Related Alterations in the Proestrous Pattern of Luteinizing Hormone and Norepinephrine Turnover Rates in Anterior Brain Areas of Female Rats. Exp. Clin. Endocrinol., 10:73, 1991.

110. Pitkow, H.S., Rainieri, J., Dwyer, P., Cicchinelli, L., Rothberg, F., and Robertson, D. The Effects of Anabolic Hormones on the Growth of Lower Extremity Muscles. Exp. Clin. Endocrinol., 11:27, 1992.

111. Pitkow, H.S. Bad Medicine: The Prescription Drug Industry in the Third World. By M. Silverman, M. Lydecker and P.R. Lee. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 30(1):161, 1992.

112. Pitkow, H.S., Harte, G., and Brekke, M. The Growth Stimulating Effects of Isoandrosterone on Muscle Wound Healing in Diabetic Rats. J. Pa. Acad. Sci., 66 (Suppl.): 201, 1993.

113. Pitkow, H.S. Changing Human Reproduction: Social Science Perspectives. Edited by M. Stacey. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 30(8):1345, 1993.

114. Pitkow, H.S. Sickle Cell Disease: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management. Edited by V.N. Mankad and R.B. Moore. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 30(9):1501, 1993.

115. Pitkow, H.S. Human Cardiovascular Control. By L. B. Rowell. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 30 (1):166, 1993.

116. Pitkow, H.S. The Angry Gut: Coping with Colitis and Crohn's Disease. By W. G. Thompson. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 31(2):325, 1993.

117. Pitkow, H.S., Labbad, Z., and Bitar, M.S. The Effects of an Anabolic Hormone on Surgically Induced Wound Healing in Lower Extremity Skeletal Muscles in Normal and Diabetic Rats. Wound Repair and Regeneration, 1(2):119, 1993.

118. Bitar, M.S., Labbad, Z, Jones, E., Pitkow, H.S. and Waldbillig, R.J. Diabetes Induces Reductions in Wound Fluid Growth Factors (IGF-1, TGF) and Increases Wound Fluid Collagenase Activity. Wound Repair and Regeneration, 1(2):97, 1993.

119. Pitkow, H.S. Human Reproduction: Principles, Practices, Policies. By C. Overall. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 31(8):1325, 1994.

120. Pitkow, H.S. Asthma. By A.J. Wardlaw. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 31(10):1615, 1994.

121. Pitkow, H.S., Brekke, M., Harte, G., Labbad, Z. and Bitar, M.S. Amino Acids, Dipeptides and Leg Skeletal Muscle Wound Healing in Diabetes. J. Amer. Podiatry Med. Assoc., 84(11):564, 1994.

122. Pitkow, H.S. Catching My Breath: An Asthmatic Explores His Illness. By T. Brookes. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 32(4):632, 1994.

123. Pitkow, H.S., Labbad, Z.G., and Bitar, M. The Effects of an Anabolic Hormone on Wound Healing in Lower Extremity Anterior Leg Skeletal Muscles in Normal and Diabetic Rats. J. Pa. Acad. Sci., 68(3):117, 1994.

124. Pitkow, H.S. Why are Some People Healthy and Others Not: The Determinants of Health of Populations. Edited by R. G. Evans, M. L. Barer, and T. R. Marmor. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 32(7):1160, 1995.

125. Pitkow, H.S. Why We Set Sick: The Science of Darwinian Medicine. By R.M. Nesse and G.C. Williams. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 32(10):1629, 1995.

126. Pitkow, H.S. Sex Determination, Differentiation, and Intersexuality in Placental Mammals. By R.H.F. Hunter. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 33(5):818, 1996.

127. Pitkow, H.S., and Labbad, Z. The Influence of Amino-Acids on Anterior Leg Muscle (ALM) Wound Healing in Diabetic Rats. J. Pa. Acad. Sci., 69 (Suppl.): 159, 1996.

128. Pitkow, H.S. The Lupus Book, By D.J. Wallace. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 33(9): 1511, 1996.

129. Pitkow, H.S. Skin Deep: An A-Z of Skin Disorders, Treatments and Health. By C. A. Turkington and J.S. Dover. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 33(10):1679, 1996.

130. Pitkow, H.S. Genetic Disorders Sourcebook. Edited by K. Bellenir. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 34(5):827, 1997.

131. Pitkow,H.S. REVIEW PAPER: Physiology of Circulation. J. Pa. Acad. Sci., 70(3):126,1997.

132. Pitkow,H.S. Smoking: The Story Behind the Haze. By E.L. Koven. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 34(11):1834, 1997.

133. Massey, K.A., Blakeslee, C.H., and Pitkow, H.S. Possible Therapeutic Effects of Growth Hormone on Wound Healing in the Diabetic Patient. J. Amer. Podiatric Med. Assoc., 88 (1):25,1998.

134. Massey, K.A., Blakeslee, C.H., and Pitkow, H.S. A Review of Physiological and Metabolic Effects of Essential Amino Acids. Amino Acids, 14(4):271,1998.

135. Majumdar, S.K., Pitkow, H.S., Bird, L.P., and Miller, E.W.(.Book  Editors ). In: ETHICS IN ACADEMIA. The Pennsylvania Academy of Science Publication, Easton, Pa.
ISBN:0-945809-16-6; XIV + 349 pages; January, 2000.

136. Pitkow, H.S. and Bird, L.P. INTRODUCTION and PREFACE. In: ETHICS IN ACADEMIA. Book Edited by S.K. Majumdar, H.S. Pitkow, L.P. Bird, and E.W. Miller. The Pennsylvania Academy of Science Publication, Easton, Pa.
ISBN:0-945809-16-6; XIV + 349 pages; January, 2000.
                                                                                                                            137.Pitkow,H.S.The Biological Basis of Cancer. By R.G. Kinnell, R.E. Parchment, A.O. Perantoni, and G.B. Pierce. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 36(1):164,1998.

  138. Massey,K.A., Blakeslee,C., Martin, W., and Pitkow, H.S. Pneumatic Ankle Tourniquets: Physiological Factors Related to Minimal Arterial Occlusion  Pressure. J. Foot and Ankle Surgery, 38(4):256,1999..

  139. Pitkow,H.S. Hermaphrodites and the Medical Invention of Sex. By A.D. Dreger. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 36(2):348,1998.

  140.Pitkow,H.S. On the Fabric of the Human Body 1.Bones and Cartilages. Translation of Versalius by W.F. Richardson and J.B. Carman. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 36(4):716,1998.

  141. Pitkow,H.S. In the Blood: Sickle Cell Anemia and the Politics of Race. By M. Tapper. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 36(11/12):1975,1999..

  142. Pitkow,H.S. ( Editor ). In: National Association of Academies of Science Directory,Proceedings, and Handbook (1998-99). The American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, D.C., pp.180, 1999.

  143. Pitkow,H.S. Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base. By J.E. Joy, S.J. Watson, and J.A. Benson. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 37 ( 4 ):756, 1999.

 144. Pitkow,H.S. On the Fabric of the Human Body 2.The Ligaments and Muscles. Translation of Versalius by W.F. Richardson and J.B. Carman. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 37 (5) :970,2000.

 145. Pitkow,H.S. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: An Integrative Approach to Evaluation and Treatment. Edited by M.A. Demitrack and S.E. Abbey. BOOK REVIEW. Science Books and Films, 36 (2):63, 2000.

 146. Pitkow,H.S. Radiation from Medical Procedures in the Pathogenesis of Cancer and Ischemic Heart Disease. By J.W. Gofman and edited by E. O'Connor. BOOK REVIEW.
Choice, 37 (9):1680, 2000.

147. Pitkow, H.S. The Lupus Book: A Guide for Patients and Their Families. By D.J. Wallace. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 37 (11/12):2011, 2000.

148. Pitkow, H.S. Crohn Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. By J. Zonderman and R.S.Vender. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 38 (3):567,2000.

149. Pitkow,H.S. Iron, Nature's Universal Element: Why People Need Iron and Animals Make Magnets. By E.V. Mielczarek and S.B. McGrayne. BOOK REVIEW. Science Books and Films, 37 (2): 72,2001.

150. Pitkow, H.S. 101 Questions About Blood and Circulation: With Answers Straight From The Heart. By F.H. Brynie. BOOK REVIEW. Science Books and Films, 37 (5):215,2001.

151. Pitkow,H.S. Smoking: Risk, Perception, and Policies. Edited by P. Slovic. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 34 (4):719,2001.

152. Pitkow,H.S. The Human Embryo Research Debates: Bioethics in the Vortex of Controversy. By R.M. Green. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 39 (5) :912,2002.

153. Pitkow,H.S. Body of Knowledge: One Semester of Gross Anatomy, the Gateway to Becoming a Doctor. By S. Giegerich. BOOK REVIEW. Science Books and Films, 38 (3):416,2002.

154. Pitkow,H.S. Having Faith: An Ecologist's Journey to Motherhood. By S. Steingraber. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 39 (7):1273,2002.

155. Pitkow,H.S. The Oxford Illustrated Companion to Medicine, Edited by S. Lock, J. Last, and G.M. Dunea. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 39 (10):1802, 2002.

156. Pitkow,H.S. Hepatitis B : The Hunt For a Killer Virus. By B.S. Blumberg. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 40 (2) :308, 2002.

157. Pitkow,H.S. Understanding Hepatitis. By J.L. Achord. BOOK REVIEW. Choice,40 (5) :855, 2003.

158. Pitkow,H.S. Tourette Syndrome. By M.T. Brill. BOOK REVIEW. Science Books and Films, 39 (2) :73, 2003.

159. Pitkow,H.S. Stiff : The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers. By M. Roach. BOOK REVIEW. Science Books and Films, 39 (4): 172, 2003.

160. Pitkow,H.S.  Female Fertility and the Body Fat Connection. By R.E.Frisch. BOOK
        REVIEW. Choice, 41 (1):184,2003.

161. Pitkow,H.S. On the Fabric of the Human Body 3 and 4. The Veins and Arteries
        ( Book 3 ),and, The Nerves ( Book 4 ), Translation of Versalius by W. F. Richardson
        and J. B. Carman. BOOK REVIEW. Choice,41 (2):372,2003.
162. Pitkow,H.S. Cholera: Deadly Diseases and Epidemics. By W. Coleman. BOOK
        REVIEW. Science Books and Films, 40(1):20,2004.

163. Pitkow,H.S. Influenza: Deadly Diseases and Epidemics. By D. Emmeluth. BOOK
        REVIEW. Science Books and Films, 40 (1):20, 2004.

164. Pitkow,H.S. Reproductive Issues in America: A Reference Handbook. By J.C. Merrick and R.H.
        Blank. BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 41 (5):944, 2004.

165. Pitkow,H.S. The Male Pill: A Biography of a Technology in the Making. By N. Oudshoorn.
        BOOK REVIEW. Choice, 41 (7):1327, 2004.

166. Pitkow,H.S. Guide to the Human Body. By R. Walker. BOOK REVIEW. Science Books  and Films,
           (  ):    , 2004.

167. Pitkow,H.S. Pandora's Baby: How the First Test Tube Babies Sparked the Reproduction Revolution.
        By R.M. Henig. BOOK REVIEW. Choice,  (  ):   , 2004.


                                                    UPDATED: March 8, 2004.


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