Welcome To The Herpes News Room

Informative News for the Herpes Chat Room Groups


Welcome to the Herpes Hope Newsletter. I'm Donna, a regular visitor of the Herpes Chat Room and the editor of this newsletter. It is our intent to bring to you news and views of upcoming and current events, commentary, and announcements. Any and all information you have to offer is welcomed. Herpes has affected our lives both physically and emotionally. Remember we do not have to share this burden alone. In helping others we help ourselves.

Thank you all for visiting this site. If you would like to contribute any information, view or article that you feel would benefit others, please email me at the address listed on the bottom of this page.


Study finds pill coating kills HIV - This story was sent to me from a friend and was taken from an article located on MSNBC News web site. 

Herpes Patent - Scientist Sues University of Chicago over Herpes Patent  

Informative Information Regarding the Herpes Virus

Henderson-Morley - is a herpes research organisation based in the UK with a vaccine in phase lll trials, novel herpes diagnostics and a plan based treatment for herpes.

Vaccine Update 1 - An Ongoing Study May Help to Answer Whether the Risk of Transmitting Genital Herpes Can Be Reduced.

Vaccine Update 2- Herpes Simplex Virus Vaccine Studies from NIAID. 


International Herpes Management Forum - The International Herpes Management Forum (IHMF) was established to improve the awareness, understanding, counseling and management of infections caused by herpes viruses. Steered by the IHMF Board of seven international opinion leaders, the IHMF involves international opinion leaders in all aspects of medical management of herpes virus infections including herpes simplex virus (e.g. genital herpes), varicella zoster virus and cytomegalovirus infections. The International Herpes Management Forum (IHMF Home Page)


Herpes Web Ring - which has almost 50 links on it, provides links to many sites located on the web dedicated to informing people about the herpes virus.

 The Antopia Herpes Network - a clearing house for information and support on the Web. With links to the activities mentioned above, as well as the other useful sites, AHN is a great starting point for the "newbie" or seasoned person looking for any kind of herpes information on the Internet. What's more, in keeping with AJ's commitment to provide fair access to everyone, all AHN-sponsored sites are, and will remain, free to any participants! Please visit and bookmark the Antopia Herpes network, and if you have your own web page, please consider adding your information to the Web Ring!

Herpes Hope Our Main Page Hosted By Juliette - This page is dedicated to those who choose to put their personal stories and other forms of inspiration on the site to provide others with hope in dealing with the Herpes Virus.

The Neonatal Page Hosted By MissLou - for those interested in researching about the concerns of having the virus and childbirth, this site is a great starting point.


Social Groups

Washington, DC - H20 OF WASHINGTON

Gulf South - Gulf South Friends - is a place to meet people with HSV/HPV in Gulf South

Indianapolis, IN - Indianapolis Friends, Hosted By Rissa

Michigan - Michigan Friends, Hosted by Mya

New York, NY - New York Social Group - Email the New York Social Group or call (212) 352-4292

Providence, RI - Coming Soon

San Francisco, CA -
Bay Area Friends - is a Social group for single men and women in the San Francisco Bay Area. They meet every other week, sometimes more often, and rotate events around the entire Bay Area. They are very active and schedule fun activities from bowling to winery tours, depending on what their members want to do. Membership is absolutely free! Won't you join them?

Social Functions

RI Jazz Festival- Come join us for Smooth Jazz and Ocean Breezes in Newport RI, August 13 thru the 16th. 



Support Groups

Listed below are links to many support groups through out the United States that have web sites.

Atlanta, GA - Marimba's Atlanta Support Group Page

Indianapolis, IN - Zeewango's Indianapolis HELP Support Group

Reno, NV - Reno Herpes HELP Support Group

New York, NY - HRA NYC Support Group

Philadelphia, PA - Philadelphia HELP Support Group

Tampa/Clearwater, FL - Tampa/Clearwater Group


Chat Rooms

H Chat Where all this Originated


Dating Sites 

 Meet People with Herpes - a personal ads service run by AJinLA (Anthony), a frequent visitor to the herpes-related Internet Chat Sites. MPwH has quickly grown to become by far the largest dedicated site catering to our romantic needs, with over 4500 members.

Inspirational Words


The Scarlet H - One persons account of dealing with the herpes virus for the past eight years. 

Recommended Reading 


The Herpes Handbook, by By Charles Ebel


Research Papers


Herpes Research paper by Domestic Bent - Domestic put a lot of hard work into this research paper which deals with the aspects of whether one should or should not use immunosuppressive therapy to control the herpes virus.

Other Sites

Bart's Pic Page Where You Can See Some Faces - This site currently has over 300 pictures of regulars who frequent the chat sites listed above.

The Pssssst...You got it too??? Page. Bet you don't know who it is.

The Herpes Sticker- H Sticker designed by Smone


Thank you for visiting the H Chat newsletter. If you have any information that you feel would benefit others, please email me at the address listed below. Additionally, if you have any questions or concerns and would like me to get back to you personally, email me and I will be more than happy to answer your questions.



Email me at hchatnews@hotmail.com

Stay healthy, stay happy, you'll be glad you did. Thanks for coming.

You are theperson to be informed by this page!!

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