Visitor Number

This is what we look like

<------ Dean _______ Justin ------>


Some Info about us

pictures of us

Pictures of Hawaii

Pictures of Family and Friends

Some of our favourite Models

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Clickhere Pictures of Us

Clickhere Pictures of our 21st Birthday Party

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Hello Everyone, we are the Dayboys....

We will tell you a little more about ourselves.. We live in Melbourne, Australia. Yes, we are twins if you were wondering from the photo's. We are both 21 years old. We love sports, especially Aussie rules football and cricket, which we play. Other sports we like are Karate, swimming and don't mind golf, basically we are into all sports.
Dean's nicknames are Bats, D. Bats, Harry, Quality and bat boy... Where Justin's are J's,Bats, J.Bats, and bat boy.....

We listen to mainly dance music, a bit of alternative and basically top 20..

Some of our Favorite songs are:

Ghetto Superstar - Pras Michel

Instant moments - Roos

Mo Money Mo Problems - Puff Daddy

She's got that vibe - R Kelly

Only you - 112

You belong to me - JX

Push the feeling on - Night Crawlers

Twisted - Wayne G

Sure Do - Strike

Iris - Googoo Dolls

So in love with you - Duke

And heaps more, but we couldn't be bothered saying them all.

Justin and I are both at uni at the moment, we are doing engineering. If you are wondering why everything is always we, and why we are doing the same things, It's because we are close brothers and have the same interests.

We want to say hello to some people we have met over the internet... They are: Angela in Canada and Anja in Virginia. I (Dean) met up with Anja about 2 years ago, we started to email each other every now and then, and that changed to everyday emails and phone calls. I love her Yankie accent. She is a great girl, we get along really well....and one day I intend going to America to meet her.

I've (Justin) also been talking to Angela for about 2 years. We get along really well. We speak on the phone quite often. I will be going to Canada for sure to meet her. And like me is at University studying hard. We are great friends and have a lot in common.

Hi also to Keana, Kristy, Niki and Lynn, and everyone else we may have forgotten to mention.

We recently went to Hawaii for a holiday, it was the time of our lives, there were four of us that went, we are so depressed to back home!! We met a few great girls over there, we all miss them heaps.. so a big hello to Erin, Gayle, Jennifer, Amy, Stephanie, Erika and Stacey. Hawaii is the best spot for young people to and see, it goes off! There are heaps of pictures of the trip, so go have a look at them..

Just this New Years we were off on another trip. This time we headed up to Noosa in sunny Queensland. We had a great time. Justin, Brett, Simon, Adam, Brent and Darren were the boys away this time. Must say, it came close to comparing to Hawaii. Great memories... Not sure when our next trip will be, but we are definately there in Hawaii and America this June/July.Change of plans, we are off to London in June to hook up with our mate Brett. Should be great!!

Well, we are off like a brides nightie, so hope you enjoyed, make sure you check out our links.

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