Click on the picture for news
and information about the beast
who has participated in the
deaths of over 130 people
(and who also made
this gruesome painting).
Since vision problems are among the many miserable effects of MS, there used to be here a link to a large print version of this page. But that's kind of pointless because both Netscape and Internet Explorer browsers can be reset for large print displays and therefore, everything is easier to read. To find out how to do this (for either browser) click here for instructions.
Getting back to not being dead yet, mastering Multiple Sclerosis involves overcoming a variety of fairly minor inconveniences, more annoying than devastating. This can be achieved quite nicely with a plethora (great word, huh?) of assistive devices.
If you're not terribly interested in sitting around feeling sorry for yourself (my dad had MS, he was very good at that), you might consider some means of personal mobility
This has nothing to do with the sitcom on ABC a while back. Click here to see how I've changed my home to make it easier to get around in. I looked for information on the Internet about home adaptations, but really couldn't find anything. So this may be the only such information available out there. |
Us MSers gotta stick together. Doctors may come up with helpful medication (although if you have, like me, Chronic Progressive MS there frequently isn't much out there) and various types of special equipment. But it takes living with the day-to-day vexations of MS that really makes you an expert. Only MS patients can dream up solutions to little problems AS THEY OCCUR. See what other MSers have to say on this page full of Low Tech Solutions. By the way, if you have any ideas,
please click here and them to me for inclusion on this page.
Like any health concern, the more knowledgeable about it you are, the better. For keeping yourself informed about means of treatment, strategies for coping with this thing, and good stuff like that, try the Multiple Sclerosis Book Store.
Oh yes, there WAS another great, free service if you prefer to communicate with something as quaint as the human voice:
By the time you get to this point, you'll probably be heartily sick of reading about MS and other handicapped issues. So take a look at my OTHER WEBSITE, which is devoted to l'il ole me, to my personal interests. I'm sure you're just itching to know more about me, so I hope you'll drop by.
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