Why Astrology?
What it's all about. The heart of this site.

  What's Up?
My weekly forecast column at Astrology & New Age.

Good causes. Some other things I do (includes the link to my wildlife rehabilitation site.)

  Virtual Postcards
Zodiac, general, themes. Send one today!

  Alternative Medicine
Links to sites I've found most useful.

  The Site Fights!
This site was a 2-time winner. Here is the chronicle of my experiences.

I was a Spirit Fairy for The Site Fights. Come see!

  Humorous Writings
An assortment of amusing things I have come across in my web travels and correspondences.

  Drop in on My Friends
Links to the pages of those near & dear.

  Meet Me
Requisite bio and my personal photo gallery.

My web design portfolio.

  Credits & Awards

  Site Updates


This is my personal web site. And while astrology is my primary avocation, most of the online astrology work I do can be found at Astrology & New Age so it didn't make sense to post it all here, too. This is where I kick back and relax and share.

 Current Thoughts...


This just in....

A tragic fire on Monday destroyed the personal library of President George W. Bush. Both of his books have been lost.

A presidential spokesman said the President was devastated, as he had not finished coloring the second one.


 Past Thoughts

Even though we sit hundreds of miles apart, connected only by electrical impulses, I believe they are merely a mundane representation of the connection that we all have shared from the beginning.

It is a joyous thing to me to be connected to so many so easily on a level that in many ways is closer to our Higher connection.

We're all in this together.

I hope that you enjoy your visit here. If you wish to speak with me further about things astrological, metaphysical, or esoteric, or just to report a link isn't working, feel free to send me an email. You can also page me via ICQ.




Please take a moment to sign my guestbook.
You can view it here.
(My old guestbook.
Maybe. They've been revamping their tools.)



This site was born on May 19, 1997.

stars have shot by since this counter was reset November 1, 2000.


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