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Come on in, grab a chair and let me tell you a little about myself. We can have a glass of cold ice tea and watch the beautiful sunset while we talk.

I am a wife, mother, have MS, and am the Technical Advisor and Host Coordinator for the online multiple sclerosis site MSWorld. I have had the privilege of meeting so many nice people all over the world that have MS or know someone that does.

MSWorld was started by Kathleen Wilson in the summer of 1996 with six people at the first chat. It has fulfilled everything she hoped for and more.

In a month or two, Susan/GraceOP and I had become co-hosts and shared hosting duties with Kathleen/KatOP. It wasn’t too long after that, we started a Friday afternoon chat so the people from Europe could join us. Ciska/LoveOP, from the Netherlands, was next to join our hosting staff. It is amazing how close we have become to each other and the relationships have been formed over a computer, modem, and a phone line. The bonding material we have in common is the fact that we all have MS.

We now have chats everyday and some days two or three. The times are listed on the Chat Schedule web page. We have a staff of 31 and our membership has grown to over 6000 people.

The wonderful thing about MSWorld is, we are reaching people that do not know many, if any, other people who have MS. It has helped people realize that they are not alone with this chronic illness. There are many of us who understand and share the frustrations that living with MS can bring. Just being there with compassion and understanding helps a lot. We also have family members and friends of people with MS attend our chats. They want to learn more about MS and how they can help and support their loved ones with MS.

The potential for helping people worldwide is endless. We provide a safe and comforting atmosphere for people to share their feelings with others who understand. We aren’t all business. We have a lot of fun times and laugh a lot. People with chronic illnesses, like people in general, need a place to kick up their heels and have fun.

We have links from MSWorld's web site to Past Chats where you can read the transcripts of past meetings, our magazine Living MS, Staff page where you can read bios of each host, Resource Center with medical information, Message Boards, and the Technical Help page where I have instructions on how to get to chat.

Please come join us at chat. You won't be sorry you did. If you need help getting to chat, just email me and I will be glad to help. See you at chat!


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Thanks to The Java Boutique for help
creating this java applet!.

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