Hi, We're Charles & Pat Knaper

We realize it has been some time since we have shown any apparent activity here at GeoCities. However there has been some work done on the sidelines that has not been revealed yet. As an update, I'll just say we are having all the furniture re-done or replaced. With 30+ years of accumulation, we are also getting rid of a lot of things that hasn't seen daylight in many years. Please check back periodically for a look see. For now, just sit back in your chair, sipp some fresh lemonaide and enjoy the silence.

MAY 21 1998
UPDATE!! We made it to Hot Springs and are currently looking for a home to buy and employment. We are both doing well, and anxious to get settled in again.

JUNE 9 1998
We are in the process of purchasing a home here in Hot Springs. It is an older home, on about 1/2 an acre. As is life, it is not our "dream home", but it is one we believe we will be comfortable in. And the monthly payments will be less than rent for something compreable. More as we find out for certain if we qualify.

JULY 25 1998
UPDATE!!! I've started work at a very large Home Improvement Center here in Hot Springs, and will be closing on a house that we are buying on the 29th of July. Dad turned 87 yesterday, and I am 55 today!! The Library here is getting another computer.

October 10 2002
UPDATE!!!! We have pretty well settled here in Hot Springs. Dad turned 91 this last July. I work at the Horse track here and Pat works as a chashier in a Super Market. We now have a total of 4 grand-daughters and 2 grandsons.

March 5 2008
UPDATE!!!! I still work at Oaklawn Jockey Club here and Pat works as a chashier in a Supermarket. We have a total of 4 grand-daughters and 2 grandsons, 3 Teenagers in all. Fortunately for us, we pay off the House in two more months. Life is decent for us.

Here are some of the current links we are interested in.
This page was updated on 5 March 2008