~ This page is dedicated to ~

"Yes, My Love?"
"Would you make a place for me? A safe place, Mother.
A place where the air is fresh, the vegetation lush and the water as crystal
clear and pure as fresh as winter snow."
"That sounds like a most wonderous place, My Love. Tell
me more."
"Well, Mother I believe that the world is not just another
planet in the solar system and that our race shouldn't just occupy the
space it provides us. This world we live on has nurtured our inferior needs.
It has provided us with the means to survive and prosper. We, as humans,
have ignored the plain fact that we have neglected to take care of the
one thing that has cared for us... home. We have taken for milleniums never
giving in return. Earth is tired now, and needs to rest from the abuse
it has endured through time. So, Mother, will you make a place for me?
A place where reality is much like fantasy. Where there is only peace and
serenity and no poverty. Most importantly, a place to raise my children
so that they may prosper for generations and take care of the precious
gift they have and never take it for granted."
"My dear, sweet, precious child. Your wisdom intrigues
me and your sincerity warms me. This place you so desire is and always
will be, with you, in your heart and in your dreams. As long as you never
stop imagining this safe place, you will always be the richest, most prosperous
person that you can be. Never stop hoping for the good things in life,
my child, and someday the line between fantasy and reality disappears leaving
only reality."
"Yes, My Love?"
"I have only one other thing to say."
"What is it My Love?"
"Thank you!"
Shani Delane Proctor - Viramontes
4-10-70 to 4-25-94
Shani wrote this poem shortly before she passed away
from complications related to Lupus. It reflects her own feelings
of love for our Planet and others around her. I hope to be adding more
of her poetry soon for her friends and family, so please come back.
I will also be doing some rearranging, so please
be patient, as this is a new site. Sorry for any inconvience this
might cause...
~ Shani Delane Proctor-Viramontes ~
~ 4/10/1970 ~ to ~ 4/25/1994 ~

This Candle burns for you Sweetheart...
Love you and miss you always,
Below you will find two pages called,
" Shani's Story and Shani's Story Part 2". I have placed these pages here for her family, friends and those of you who might visit her pages.
I think it is important for people to know how and why she died...
In hopes that her death will help someone else at risk of this terrible infection; If only one person is helped by her story then Shani will not have died in vain.
Sincerly, Shani's Mom.

Special Thanks to Sissi from Fantasy Realm for working so hard
on the design of this page for Shani's friends and family!
If you would like to thank her yourself, she can be reached at
the website below.
Thank you so much Sissi!
You are an angel in your own right.
All my love...
Page and graphics designed especially for Shani's site by
Fantasy Realm

Drop us a note?
This site is a member of the "My Mom is a Survivor" webring.
Please go and visit some of these mothers.
Thank you.
~ Miranda ~