laproscopic fundoplication
Laparoscopic Fundoplications

It is my intent to show the "up side" and the "down side" of a laparoscopic fundoplication. You need to arrive at your own conclusions about the surgery. Doctors can only tell you how things should be in the post-op world, following a laparoscopic fundoplication. No outcome is going to be the same, as you will see by reading the stories listed here. Additionally, I am not a doctor. Use the information provided here at your own discretion. Speaking of doctors,

*** If you want to see how important the doctor is, for this surgery, read this first. ***

This site was established in 1995. As of 12/23/2006 all story pages together total 204079 hits.

I do not want to clog up this site with tons of links on the subjects of Acid Reflux, Gerd, Heartburn, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, Hiatal Hernia etc. One search will give you all the links you need.

This is just to let you know that there is plenty of reading here. All stories are "as supplied by the writer". New stories are added as they are received.

First of all, what is a laparoscopic fundoplication?

Added 12/31/2004...Within the past 2 weeks, I have heard from 2 people that are having annual Post Fundoplication stomach cancer tests taken. I have not heard of this possible requirement before. I also, do not recall reading it in any of the stories posted here, although I could be wrong. If you are post fundoplication and you are getting this cancer test. Please let me know. My email address is listed at the bottom of this page. Thanks.
I do plan to ask my doctor about it sometime after the New Year.

Here's the stories (If you find an email address that is not working, please let me know so I can correct it. Thanks)

Hi, my name is Gene, originally from Phila. Pa. This is my web site and the link below contains my laparoscopic fundoplication information from beginning to, hopefully, the end.
Updated 5/19/2005...Gene's 10 year after story here

Mr. Dan L. wanted to share his laparoscopic fundoplication story. Thanks Dan.
Click here Dan's Story
Click here for Dan's update

Mr. Mike E. wanted to share his laparoscopic fundoplication story. Thanks Mike.
Click here Mike's Story
Click here Mike's Update Story

Ms. Linda L. wanted to share her laparoscopic fundoplication story. Thanks Linda.
Click here Linda's Story

Ms. Shelly G. wanted to share her and Brock's, her son, laparoscopic fundoplication stories. Thanks Shelly.
Click here for Shelly and her Son's Story

Mr. Ben T. wanted to share his laparoscopic fundoplication story. Thanks Ben.
Click here for Ben's Story

Mr. Robert L. wanted to share his laparoscopic fundoplication story. Thanks Robert.
Click here for Robert's Story

Ms. Carrie wanted to share her laparoscopic fundoplication story. Thanks Carrie.
Click here for Carrie's Story
Click here for Carrie's Update

Mr. Adam S. wanted to share his laparoscopic fundoplication story. Thanks Adam.
Updated 12/23/2006...Click here here Adam's Story

Mr. Mark S. wanted to share his laparoscopic fundoplication story. Thanks Mark.
Click here for Mark's Story

Mrs. Carla B. is looking for help and information concerning her infant son.
Click here for Carla's Story

Mr. Andrew H. wanted to share his laparoscopic fundoplication story. Thanks Andrew.
Click here for Andrew's Story

Mr. Michael L. wanted to share his laparoscopic fundoplication story. Thanks Michael.
Click here Michael's Story

Joyce K. wanted to share her laparoscopic fundoplication story. Thanks Joyce.
Click here for Joyce's Story

Jeff wanted to share his laparoscopic fundoplication story. Thanks Jeff.
Click here for Jeff's Story

Kristi wanted to share her story. Kristi did not have the surgery but does have a story to tell that helped her avoid surgery. Thanks Kristi.
Click here for Kristi's Story

This section contains "Additional Stories". It contains a group of short stories supplied by visitors to this site. Also, the guest book contains many more stories. I hope some of them help.
Additional stories.

Link to Debbie's web site.
Debbie's story- Debbie is a mother with 2 very young children. Both have reflux. One child had a laparoscopic fundoplication and the other gets symptoms from breast-feeding.

The previous guestbook had to be deleted because has dropped that service. I was able to copy the entire guestbook.
Click here to read it.

Yet another Guestbook manager bites the dust. I was also able to capture its contents as well.
View it here

Please, if you have a moment, fill out my NEW Guestbook.

Another guestbook site dies. Sorry no more guest books

My email address listed below changes from time to time. As soon as I start getting virus emails and other junk mail, with this address, I change it. If you expect to maintain some sort of contact with me or this site, bookmark the site. Thanks. By the way, the next email address I will use is fundo7

This is my current email address:

Trying this new hit counter out

acid reflux, heartburn, gerd, post-op, pre-op, laproscopic, hiatal hernia, gastroesophageal reflux disease, barrets disease, barrett's disease, laproscopic fundoplication, incisional hernia, stomach herniation, laproscopic fundoplication, laparoscopic fundoplication, acid reflux, reflux, heartburn,gerd, post-op, pre-op, laproscopic, hiatal hernia, gastroesophageal reflux disease, incisional hernia, minometry, stomach herniation, acid reflux, heartburn, gerd, post-op, pre-op, laparoscopic, hiatal hernia, gastroesophageal reflux disease, laproscopic fundoplication, incisional
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stomach herniation, nissan fundoplication surgery, laproscopic fundoplication, laparoscopic fundoplication, laproscopic fundoplication,GENE LEONE, acid reflux, barrets disease, barrett's disease, minometry, reflux, heartburn,gerd, laparoscopic fundoplication, post-op, hernia, GENE LEONE, pre-op, laproscopic, hiatal hernia, gastroesophageal reflux disease, incisional hernia, stomach herniation, laparoscopic fundoplication, acid reflux, heartburn, gerd, post-op, pre-op, barrets disease, GENE LEONE, barrett's disease, laproscopic, hiatal hernia, gastroesophageal reflux disease, nissan fundoplication surgery, laproscopic fundoplication, laparoscopic fundoplication, incisional hernia, stomach herniation, laproscopic fundoplication, laproscopic fundoplication, acid reflux, reflux, heartburn,gerd, laparoscopic fundoplication, post-op, pre-op, laproscopic, hiatal hernia, gastroesophageal reflux disease, incisional hernia, stomach herniation, GENE LEONE, acid reflux, heartburn, gerd, post-op, pre-op, laproscopic, nissan fundoplication surgery, laparoscopic fundoplication, hiatal hernia, gastroesophageal reflux disease, minometry, laproscopic fundoplication, incisional hernia, GENE LEONE, stomach herniation, laproscopic fundoplication, nissan fundoplication surgery, laproscopic fundoplication, acid reflux, laparoscopic fundoplication, GENE LEONE, reflux, heartburn,gerd, post-op, pre-op, laproscopic, hiatal hernia, laparoscopic fundoplication, gastroesophageal reflux disease, incisional hernia, stomach herniation,laparoscopic fundoplication, acid reflux, heartburn, gerd, post-op, pre-op, barrets disease, GENE LEONE, barrett's disease, laproscopic, hiatal hernia, gastroesophageal reflux disease, nissan fundoplication surgery, laproscopic fundoplication, laparoscopic fundoplication, incisional hernia, stomach herniation, laproscopic fundoplication, laproscopic fundoplication, acid reflux, reflux, heartburn,gerd, laparoscopic fundoplication, post-op, pre-op, laproscopic, hiatal hernia, gastroesophageal reflux disease, incisional hernia, stomach herniation, GENE LEONE, acid reflux, heartburn, gerd, post-op, pre-op, laproscopic, nissan fundoplication surgery, laparoscopic fundoplication, hiatal hernia, gastroesophageal reflux disease, minometry, laproscopic fundoplication, incisional hernia, GENE LEONE, stomach herniation, laproscopic fundoplication, nissan fundoplication surgery, laproscopic fundoplication, acid reflux, laparoscopic fundoplication, GENE LEONE, reflux, heartburn,gerd, post-op, pre-op, laproscopic, hiatal hernia, laparoscopic fundoplication, gastroesophageal reflux disease, incisional hernia, stomach herniation
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