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YES! It works!

controlling your breath

  The following information can provide a simple and remarkably effective remedy to any asthma sufferers. If it worked for those fellow sufferers who honestly tried, it probably will work for others too! If I could help someone sharing this info, then it was worth to create this Home Page. I'm sure there will be many positive responses to this treatment.

  Without going into much detail here regarding my personal background, I do NOT belong to any organisation, health related business or any profit orientated group to benefit from revealing this information. I am honestly sharing it to all interested visitors of this Home Page.

   It has been proven that asthmatics overbreathe, they suffer from a condition known as "hidden hyperventilation". This simply means using the lungs to move more air in and out of the chest than the body can deal with. If we breathe in too great a volume of air for our body's needs, we breathe off carbon dioxide too rapidly, and the lungs are unable to maintain the right level in the air sacs. When the carbon dioxide level drops it makes it harder for oxygen to be released from the blood stream into the tissues of the body. These tissues then become starved of oxygen. All asthmatics overbreathe and have a much lower level of carbon dioxide. More Details

   The aim is to use a series of regulated breathing exercises to teach the person who overbreathes to breathe a normal volume of air for the rest of his or her life. An adult who suffers from asthma usually breathes 10 or more litres of air per minute when he or she is "well". During an attack, the rate increases to 15 to 20 litres of air per minute. The simple and achievable aim is to decrease this level of air down to normal 4 - 6 litres per minute.

   It should be noted that these shallow breathing techniques require a lots of dedication (but not medication!) and they are very hard to do. If they feel easy, you are not doing them right! At least 3 times daily on top of the shallow breathing an asthmatic should do 20 - 30 minute special exercises that include some 4 - 5 breath-withholding techniques (no breathing till discomfort occurs) followed by 3 minutes' shallow breathing in between. Do not do this without supervision, and only do BEFORE eating, when relaxed. Suggested times: before sleep or shortly after waking up and once during the day. After a couple of days one will feel the improvements in his/her breathing. One will be able to breathe freely through the nose that will accelerate the healing. The need for using relieving medication will be drastically reduced: 6 weeks after using these techniques showed that the need for relieving bronchodilators is dropped by 90 percent as an average for 19 severe asthma patients in a clinical trial! As a matter of fact most people end up drug free... Please search the net for the overwhelming evidence of different people's reactions to this treatment with the keyword of Buteyko (the name of a professor who developed these techniques) and it is officially recorded that in Russia alone already 100,000 patients having benefited from this breathing-method. There are now Buteyko-workshops in England, New-Zealand, Australia, Germany, USA, Israel, Italy, France, Singapore that I could locate through the internet.

   It also seems that on top of overbreathing most asthmatic patients suffer from lacking the ability to produce vitamin A in their body to some degree or they are/were subjected to polluted or unnatural conditions that cause them to use up more vitamin A than they can consume (eg. by pesticides, heavy metals, food additives, nitrites, food allergies to prevent the absorption of vitamins ... etc.).

    Even for a totally healthy man it is not easy to obtain sufficient daily intake of vitamin A from the common everyday diet. In a healthy body just one third of the consumed beta carotene is absorbed and just one half of that is converted to vitamin A and only a fraction of that will be used right away. It is easy to realise why most of us suffer from vitamin A deficiency. One should consume large amount of raw carrots, spinach, green leafy veges, take halibut- or cod-liver oil, eggyolk to be able to produce the required quantities of this vitamin.

    For those who can not or will not eat this kind of diet, it is a must to take some extra vitamin A, preferably  natural one with vitamin E (they seem to work miraculously together) and some vitamins C, D, B complex (especially B12), Zinc and Selenium are also recommended.

   Contrary to the medical belief an asthmatic patient needs far larger amount of vitamin A than a healthy man, an asthmatic should start taking at least 15,000 i.u. vitamin A with 100 mg of vitamin E, and increase slightly this amount if needed. Some of the patients take up to 50,000 i.u. vitamin A daily in cold winter months, with 500 i.u. of natural vitamin E. Some need 'only' 20,000 i.u. Vit A and 200 i.u. Vit E in the worst winter months. Children need much less than adults.

   Please note that there is a wide variation in each person's daily requirement of this vitamin, to my knowledge noone who tried this cure to prevent asthma, ever got sideeffects from overdose, apart from a brief case when a patient took ten times the already large intake of vitamin A by mistake, when she experienced headache, but that was reversed within a few days of ceasing the vitamin.

   As a last suggestion please remember that overeating causes over-breathing, eating meat produces more hyperventilation than eating vegetables. Cooked food produces more hyperventilation than raw food. Stay away from refined sugar-rich foods (eg. most cereals, soft drinks, cakes, biscuits...), from refined flour products (eg. bread, pasta, pies, pastries, gravies...).  Eat millet, buckwheat or rice instead, use a little honey instead of sugar. Give up smoking, avoid alcohols, coffee and conventional tea. Do not ever drink milk as it is unhealthy and promotes the build-up of mucus. Recommended drinks are fresh, raw vegetable juices, filtered water and herbal teas. Remember that mucus tends to be thicker when you are dehydrated. Eat large amount of fresh, raw, preferably organically grown fruits and vegetables. Try to get enough rest and relaxation, but on the other hand you need gentle regular exercise too.

    Regardless to say that the medical interest is to suppress any effective treatment that uses no drugs. I am one of those few individuals, who believe that benefiting from others misery and pain should be considered as a crime.

   Arnold B.

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20th of June, 1997.

Updated on 5th of July, 2003.

Links and information on professor Buteyko's breathing exercises and on the topic of Cure Asthma:


Dr Paul J. Ameisen: Every Breath You Take (Lansdowne Publishing, Sydney, Australia 1997) (Most recommended book on curing asthma without drugs. Available from down under only.)

Richard N. Firshein: Reversing Asthma, Breathe Easier with This Revolutionary New Program / Paperback / Warner Books, Incorporated, USA. April 1998

Teresa Hale: Breathing Free, to Heal Asthma, Emphysema, Bronchitis, and Other Respiratory Ailments Foreword by Leo Galland / Paperback / Three Rivers Press, August 2000

Ellen W. Cutler: Winning the War against Asthma and Allergies: A Drug Free Alternative Treatment Plan for Asthma Sufferers and Their Families Foreword by Stephen Bock / Paperback / Delmar Thomson Learning, USA July 1997

Alexander Stalmatski, Brigid McConville: Freedom from Asthma, The Revolutionary Five-Day Treatment for Healing Asthma: With the Breath Connection Program Paperback / Three Rivers Press, June 1999

Russell Stark Buteyko Workshop in New Zealand

Information on Buteyko's cure for asthma provided by grateful ex-asthmatics, testimonials, multilingual links. Collected by Peter Kolb

Aaron Lumsdaine Buteyko Workshops in Australia

for Buteyko Workshop Information in USA fax to Roger Young on (317) 328 0428

Buteyko and asthma curing information in USA

Testimonials and info, UK

Serene Clinics, UK

Asthmafree World, UK

Asthmafree Living, London, UK

Buteyko Breathing, Singapore

Asthma curing information in german language (deutsch)

Buteyko Italia in italian language (italiano)

Related material in french (français)

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