Today is:


No Longer Matters to Me!

This used to be Bowb's Calorad Testing Site. It has been gone for some time now, because I just got tired of messing with it. I did try the product myself, and it DID NOT work for me.

And that is all I have to say about it anymore.

THE COLD HARD FACTS: There is no quick, easy way to lose weight! It WILL require much determination and effort on your part! There remains but one, and only one, formula for weight loss: BURN MORE CALORIES THAN YOU CONSUME!. . . . PERIOD!

Want to see some actual comments I have received from people who visited my Calorad site during my testing period? Just send me a quick email with "Calorad Comments Request" in the subject line, and I will send you a sampling of some of the comments I received.
For those of you who do not know, I kept a daily diary of my experience while testing the Calorad product. If you would like to receive a copy of it by email to read for yourself, send me an email request, and be sure to include "Calorad Diary Request" in the subject line.

HEY! Don't freak out if you don't receive anything for a few days... I WILL answer all requests as soon as I can!
