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Pick of the Week AUG 23-29
Renamer '98 with MP3 Renamer '98 |
Version: 2.45
Date: 21/SET/98
Category: MP3/File
Renaming Utility
File Size: 164 KB
Self Extracting Zip Format
License: Shareware
without nag screens
requirements: Windows
95/NT, Visual
Basic 5 RunTime Libraries (1.2
MB) (If you get a
message that "MSVBVM50.DLL"
is missing, please download
this) FILE Renamer '98
Screen Shot
MP3 Renamer
'98 Screen Shot
Price: $5.-
Install & Uninstall feature.
File Renamer '98 and MP3 Renamer
'98 have merged into ONE program.
To Switch between FILE Renamer
'98 and MP3 Renamer '98 just
press F4,
you can also specify in the Settings Menu,
which program loads when the
program starts!
File Renamer '98 lets you rename multiple
types of files with ease.
It's excellent for renaming
several files or for creating a
file series, and it is fully
configurable. With a
feature called "Rename From
List", you can create
a list with all the files in a
directory, modify the filenames
on that list, and then rename the
original files with the versions
on the list.
Another feature lets you replace
characters from an
existing file series with another
set of characters, E.g.:
serie01.jpg to Anna01.jpg, you
replace "serie" with
"Anna", the rest
remains unchanged.
You can also remove unwanted
characters from a file
name, E.g.: robert~1.jpg to
The Preview
Feature lets you see how
each file will be renamed before
taking any action with your
actual files.
You also have a "Favorites
Menu", so that you
can quickly go to the folders
that you specify.
You can right-click
on any folder and "Open it
with FILE Renamer '98".
TWO IN ONE, FILE Renamer '98 and
MP3 Renamer '98 have merged into
one multi-use program
MP3 Renamer '98 let's you rename MP3 files
with ease, using the
information included in the ID3 Tag of
the MP3 File. It's excellent for
renaming several files, and it is
configurable. It can also
extract the Tag from the file
name. With a feature called "Rename From
List", you can create
a list with all the files in a
directory, modify the filenames
on that list, and then rename the
original files with the versions
on the list.
You also have a "Favorites
Menu", so that you
can quickly go to the folders
that you specify.
This shareware application can
be found in the WINUSER
Forum on CompuServe,
an official distribution and
support online resource for
future updates. Search for File
Renamer '98
The Windows Users Group
Network WUGNET,
operators of the oldest and
largest independent support
resource forum for Windows users
on CIS with over 1,000,000 active
members is recognized in the
press, user groups, developers,
and Microsoft as the foremost
resource for shareware publishers
on CompuServe and the Internet.
How to use it:
Please read this information before using the
program to avoid unwanted results, you can also create a
directory and fill it with several files (or copies of files)
that you could use to experiment with.
File Renamer '98 divides a file in 6
parts (E.g.: File1-01se.txt):
- First Part = "File"
- Second Part = "1"
- Third Part = "-"
- Fourth Part = "01"
- Fifth Part = "se"
- Extension = "txt"
Lets look at the options for every
part of the file name with a sample file named
First Part
- Do Not Change the File Name:
leaves the name as it is.
- Change File Name to...:
it changes the file name to the string contained in the
E.g.: Box contains "Hello", the New File Name
preview box will show "Hello.txt"
- Remove From the File Name...:
removes the characters in the box from the file name.
E.g.: Box contains "amp", the New File Name preview
box will show "S le.txt", if you select the No Spaces
button next to the preview box, it will show "Sle.txt"
- Replace... With...:
this option can only be used by selecting it from the
Automatic Settings box, it will be explained later.
Second Part
- Do Not Include: it
does not make changes to this part of the file name.
- The Number or Letter...:
it puts the character in the box in this part of the file
E.g.: Box contains "IM", the New File Name preview
box will show "HelloIM.txt"
- An Ascending Number Starting
at...: it puts numbers in this part of the
file, in an ascending order, starting with the number in
the box.
E.g.: Box contains "12", the New File Name preview
box will show "Hello12.txt", if a series is being
created the next file will be named "Hello13.txt", etc.
- A Descending Number Starting
at...: it puts numbers in this part of the
file, in a descending order, starting with the number in
the box, if it reaches "0", the next files will
have "0" as well, it does not generate negative
E.g.: Box contains "5", the New File Name preview
box will show "Hello5.txt", if a series is being
created the next file will be named "Hello4.txt", etc.
Third Part
- Do Not Include: it
does not make changes to this part of the file name.
- The Character...: it
puts the character in the box in this part of the file
E.g.: Box contains "-", the New File Name preview
box will show "Hello5-.txt"
Fourth Part
- Do Not Include: it
does not make changes to this part of the file name.
- The Number or Letter...:
it puts the character in the box in this part of the file
E.g.: Box contains "KK", the New File Name preview
box will show "Hello5-KK.txt"
- An Ascending Number Starting
at...: it puts numbers in this part of the
file, in an ascending order, starting with the number in
the box.
E.g.: Box contains "12", the New File Name preview
box will show "Hello5-12.txt", if a series is being
created the next file will be named "Hello5-13.txt",
Smart Numbers button:
instead of creating the series: hello5-8.txt, hello5-9.txt,
hello5-10.txt. It creates hello5-08.txt, hello5-09.txt,
hello5-10.txt. If there are 100 files then it will be
"hello5-001", etc.
- A Descending Number Starting
at...: it puts numbers in this part of the
file, in a descending order, starting with the number in
the box, if it reaches "0", the next files will
have "0" as well, it does not generate negative
E.g.: Box contains "5", the New File Name preview
box will show "Hello5-5.txt", if a series is being
created the next file will be named "Hello5-4.txt",
Fifth Part
- Do Not Include: it
does not make changes to this part of the file name.
- The Character...: it
puts the character in the box in this part of the file
E.g.: Box contains "GG", the New File Name preview
box will show "Hello5-5GG.txt"
- Do Not Change the File
Extension: it does not make changes to the
extension of the file.
- Change the File Extension to...:
it changes the file extension to the option in the box,
you can also type an extension in the box.
E.g.: Box contains "TXT", the New File Name preview
box will show "Hello5-5GG.TXT"
Other Options:
- Files of Type (Wildcard) box:
it will list only the files that match the wildcard
specified in the box.
- Rename Files Manually:
you can rename files manually, or by selecting them using
the "Control" key and clicking on the desired
- Rename All Files in Directory:
it renames all the files automatically according to the
options you specified.
NOTE: FILE Renamer '98
will NEVER erase or overwrite a file, if it finds a file that
already exists and no options were specified it will ALWAYS put a
number like "(1)hello5-5.txt", to indicate that there
are duplicate named files.
- Explorer: it opens an
explorer window with the directory being used.
- Refresh: it refreshes
the file list in case another program made changes to the
- Rename File(s): this
is the button that starts the renaming process, it will
change to a "Stop" button if more than one file
is being renamed.
Automatic Settings:
- Continue an Existing Series:
if there is a directory containing files like:
hello1-01.txt, hello1-02.txt, hello1-03.txt, and you put
two more files in the directory named: sample1.txt,
sample2.txt, then select this option, the files will be
renamed hello1-04.txt, hello1-05.txt, respectively. Not
all series can be continued, the program will tell you
when this happens.
- Create a Series: this
option will specify the most popular settings for a file
series, E.g.: file1-01.jpg, file1-02.jpg, you just have
to specify the first part of the file name and the rest
is done.
- Extension Only, and Name Only:
this two options require the entry of either the
extension or the first part of the file name.
- Remove Character(s):
it requires only the entry of the characters to be
- Rename Manually: if
you would like to rename a file manually, just select
this option and change the file name shown in the New
File Name box.
- Replace Character(s):
lets say you have a file series like Ana1-01.jpg,
Ana1-02.jpg, and you would like to change it to
Anna1-01.jpg, Anna1-02.jpg, that means, to change only
the first part of the file name without changing the
numbers of the series. To do so select this option and in
the first part of the file name section fill the first
box with "Ana" and the second box with
"Anna". NOTE: This
command can only be used
when it is selected from the
Automatic Settings box.
- File/Exit
- Edit/Settings: you
can specify here whether you want to use long file names
or the standard DOS (8.3) file format. You can also
specify which program you want to start with, FILE
Renamer '98 or MP3 Renamer '98.
- Favorites: you can
add here shortcuts to folders that you use mostly, for
quick access in the future, or you can delete the
- Rename List: you can
create a list of all the files in the current directory
with "Create List" and edit it with the
"Edit List" command, this feature lets you
specify exactly the new file name for each file to be
renamed. The command "Rename Files From List"
will do the changes. You can also undo or redo the
changes using their respective commands.
- Help/About: clicking
on "Update" will download the latest version of
this program, you can also go to our web site, or send an
email with your comments, suggestions, bug reporting,
etc. just by clicking on the links.
Tips: To open FILE Renamer
'98 or MP3 Renamer '98 to a certain directory, simply drag from Windows the desired directory and drop
it on top of the program icon. Or EVEN better, right click on the desired folder, and you
will have the option of "Open with
FILE Renamer '98".