allergy, sinus, sinusitis, surgery, FESS, septoplasty, nose, nasal allergy, sinus, sinusitis, surgery, FESS
Rhinology/Allergy pages
This web site serves to inform patients about multiple disease processes related to the nose, sinuses, and head and neck in general.  The information contained herein should not be construed as medical directives, and your primary care doctor/allergist/ENT should always be consulted before instituting these ideas.  Click on the links below for information on various topics.
allergy philosophy
sinus disease
allergy immunotherapy
snoring/sleep apnea
Steven M. Houser, MD
(click above for "who I am")
Other sources that may be of interest to you:
Murray Grossan MD's ENT pages
Academy of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery
food allergy
My nasal logo: (C) copyrighted
American Academy of Otolaryngic Allergy
sinus surgery
epistaxis (nose bleeds)
click here to see other award-winning sites
Allergy product information
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American Rhinologic Society
allergen avoidance
allergy medication
sinus anatomy
septoplasty/turbinate reduction
septal perforation repair
cerebrospinal fluid fistula repair
click here to see other family-friendly sites
allergic fungal rhinosinusitis
Alternative Medicine
Interesting intraoperative photos
allergen pictures
last updated: 11/2/2008
The advertisements in the upper right corner are not affiliated with this web site
ND alumni award site
Invasive fungal rhinosinusitis
CT evaluation
Empty Nose Syndrome
MetroHealth Medical Center
MetroHealth ENT
Turbinate Reduction
Nasal Irrigation
Enter ENS Message Board
Steven M. Houser, MD, FACS
MetroHealth Medical Center
2500 MetroHealth Dr
Cleveland OH 44109
Cleveland Nasal-Sinus Center
I would recommend that you purchase this book!
I would recommend sinus sufferers buy this book
I would recommend ENS sufferers buy this book
Please note: I can no longer assess individual symptoms per email nor assess CT scans in advance.  If you want to be assessed you will need to make an appointment.