CometZone Period Forum:

Period Forum:

a page for women who suffer during periods

Tired of suffering from painful, long, or just otherwise crummy periods? Whether known as "the curse", "the vampire", being "on the rag" or menstruation....... IT SUCKS!!! That's why I put up this page. Having experienced moderate to extremely painful periods over the years that I have had periods, I have discovered that the best thing to do is my own research into the matter. Doctors aren't really interested into getting "to the bottom" of mysterious period complaints, particularly if they're busy, male, or chauvinistic. Or all of the above. Or if it was my doctor, simply ordering me to go on the Pill and out of his office. (I have since stopped consulting him for period complaints.)

Pain: it's not a normal way to spend 25% of your typical month. I hope after leaving this page, it's a four letter word that you won't ever have to utter again.


What is a normal period?

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