Recipes & Chemical Links
Well here it is: This is as simple a recipe as I have ever seen. First you need the chemicals sodium hydroxide & gamma-butyrolactone. Links are below; (These companies are not selling products for GHB, DO NOT MENTION GHB WHEN ORDERING)P.S. Lactone is usually packaged in 1000ml. containers. Hydroxide comes in various sizes usually 100g or 500g. For 1000ml lactone 500g hydroxide makes a kit(A large kit approx 3000g)
--Recipe for approx. 200g GHB
--gamma-butyrolactone 130ml(about 1/2 cup)
--sodium hydroxide 65g(about 1/4 cup)or by a postage scale cheap ones cost about $4
--distilled water 130ml(about 1/2 cup)
--ph strips ph1--14 get at pet store for fish tanks
In a stainless steel or glass pan mix the lactone and hydroxide. Slowly add the water and stir until it starts to react; NOTE-Reaction is Violent meaning the product boils suddenly. Be sure it is not going to spill or boil out of container for it WILL burn your skin or any thing it gets on.(the reaction starts in about 1 min) cover or not -and let sit until reaction stops(about 2--5 min) You MUST Use stainless steel, glass or wooden utenils for any other will cause FAILURE of your experiment--Break any undisolved hydroxide, let cool and check ph. PH should be around 7-8 neutral Yellow is neutral-
More Recipes and links!
There are alot of recipes out there. They are basically the same. Some are more technical and some suggest heating after reaction. Here they are. Also the lycaeum has a good page.
Powder GHB
GHB synth
Chemicals & Kits
Well, here are some links for kemicals. Remember do not mention GHB they do not like that, and will not answer. Have fun kiddies.
Good product, good price, lactone is 99.9% pure. Check it out.
Still working on the sodium link. Looking for best price. Coming soon.
If you want to buy a kit this is the best price I have found(though still expensive)