Quake Shrine
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New Bodhi  model download
Quake III Arena Map download
New Bodhi model pictures
Map picture
Team Arena Map
Easy Coding Tutorial
Camo skin for Bitterman Model : PUNGI
Camo skin for Razor Model : BUSHY
Torch skin for razor model
Torch Skin Pics
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Torch skin for Razor Model : TORCH
download Evil Padnevil skin
download The King skin
more Padman skin pics
I was running out of space on the Geocities site, so I started another site on tripod. My tripod home page. There are pics of my Padman skins there. There is also a large collection of naked Q3A skins. The models, skins, and bot files are all there to download. Bare Page
I've been working on a RTCW map. I've posted a beta of it . You can download it from here. or at
Well, I've been messing around with UT2003 lately. When I'm not playing Q3A. I like it alot better than the first UT. I've written a tutorial on how to make a skin with using the Face Projection feature of Upaint. Check it out here:
My UT2K3 skin Tutorial
Well, I'm back. Did you miss me? I'm leaving this page as is for those that might still be interested in Quake 3 and Linux Live CD's. But my new interest is to be found:
My Bookmarks
Stux is a live CD based on Slackware. I really like it. Current version is 0.8.1.
Goblinx is a Linux live CD based on Slackware. It was created using Linux-live scripts by Tomas Matejicek the creator of Slax. But Goblinx is so much more than just another Slax-based live CD. Nvidia drivers built in for full 3d acceleration You have to check it out for yourself. Click the logo to visit Goblinx Cave (website).
Slax is a wonderful Linux Live CD. Created from Slackware Linux by Tomas Matejicek. You can also install it to a Hard drive or USB drive. Tomas's linux-live scripts are now being used to create many different Live CD, such as Klax, Goblinx, Buffalo, Wolvix, Myah, and Mutagenix. Check out Slax website by clicking the image below.
I've developed a Live CD from Slax 5.0.6 and the Linux-Live Scripts. The theme of my Live CD is 3D Gaming. The games on the CD are: Quake3 demo, Quake2 demo, Cube, Tuxkart, Doom Legacy, and Chromium. Click the Sla-game-ax screenshot to download. It is a Bit torrent file.
Download Link:
Sla-game-ax 1.0.5 documentation
I have uploaded Sla-game-ax Version 2 based on Slax 5.0.6.
Click on picture to go to download site.
Sla-game-ax 2 documentation
Text file of Slax/Linux-Live Script based Live CDs Descriptions
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