
Sorry guys, but I have to put this in here. All pictuers and logos on this page are in the process of being copyrighted, and are sole possesion of me as intellectual property. All usage of these pictures must be cleared through me, and are only availible for private use. Thankyou!

Welcome to Shawn's Sci-Fi/Fantasy Art Page.  I hope you all enjoy my little corner of the Web.  The following are all descriptions of the pictures I have drawn.  Just click on the link to view the pictures.
Minotaur --  "I said Fosters!"
Imp -- Kill the wabbit
Predator -- Strike a pose
Predator -- Sniper
Predator -- Strike another Pose
Group Adventurers
Swordsman Strikes a Pose
This is just a small selection of what I intend to include on this web page.  Hopefully soon I will get off my butt and color some, and also get to drawing some more pictures.  If you have any questions or comments please direct you emails to :  ottus@hotmail.com