Of Mountain Home, AR
Past President, Joan Linson hands gavel to 2003 President Pat Stripeik. Joan won't be resting on her laurels, she is this years Program Chairman and in charge of obtaining Special Teachers for 2004. Photo by Emily Fry.
Carolyn Wilkens shows off Dip and Swirl, a beautiful leaf quilt in vivid colors with a black background. Guild members Barbara Arlett, Ellie Bast, Sandy Goodbrake, Florence Kirkland, Donna Krause, Joan Linson, Connie Lutes, Sharry Neumann, Laura Norman, Betty Pulver, Betty Riggins, Kay Sanders Chick, Jackie Satter, Paula Vine, Carleen Vogel, Carolyn Wilkens and Carol Wilson helped to make the quilt. It was hand quilted by Laura McBroom. The North Wind blowing is quilted in the upper left portion of the quilt.
Clare Kroll one of our own members won the 2002 Opportunity Quilt. Each member is asked to sell $10 worth of ticket every year. Clare buys the tickets herself and this year it paid off, she won! Clare said it is the best $10 she has ever spent.
Betty Riggins, 2001 Guild President receives quilt top created with blocks made by guild members, and assembled by Sue Boring. This is a new guild tradition and a way members show appreciation for all the time and effort that a President devotes to the Guild. Betty said she loved being President and it's evident the members loved her, too.
Guild members display the solution to Margaret Wilburn's latest mystery wall hanging.
The Opportunity Quilt was won by Colette Stotter of Redding, California, Laura McBroom's granddaughter. Thank you to all those who bought and sold tickets and a special thank you to Carol Lewis, Marj Albecht, Barb Arlet, Laura Norman and Carol Wilson for their hard work.
Since the need for baby quilts is so great, Donna Bohaty our Baby Quilt Chairman pictured above with a few of the member's quilts) has extended the challenge for the members to make five baby quilts. Again this year the first of the five quilts will go to Baxter Community Medical Center but each member will have a choice if the subsequent quilts will go to Baxter Community Medical Center, Serenity House or to fill other community needs. Any member who makes five quilts will receive a pin. Our members have turned in a total of 253 baby quilts as of Oct. 2001.
Guild members were treated to a trunk show of Paula's quilts during the April meeting. Paula won Best of Show for her Tennessee Waltz quilt at two different quilt shows. Paula is one of the original charter members of the guild.
Our April program featured different applique techniques which were demonstrated by Marylou Balough, Sue Boring, Sue Husby, Joan Linson, Connie Lutes, Betty Pulver and Jackie Tucker.
Guild members were treated to a mini trunk show at the February meeting. This beautiful Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt was made by Betty's mom, Bessie Hudson in 1934 and was stitched by the light of a kerosene lamp. Betty told us that she wished someone had told her to refold quilts every few months and never have them professionally dry cleaned as chemicals are thought to be harmful to old fabrics. This which would have prevented her quilt from being damaged.
Guild members have been following "clues" provided by Margaret Wilburn in our monthly newsletter and the results are shown above.
Our 2000 Opportunity Quilt is Mirror Image Star Log Cabin. Shown above is Opportunity Quilt Chairman, Scotty George presenting the quilt to the lucky winner, Pat Malik of Mountain Home. Pat told us the pattern was a perfect choice as she lives in a log cabin. Scotty has done an outstanding job, encouraging and inspiring members to sell a record breaking number of tickets.
The patriotic theme of the quilt is carried out with the use of red, white and blue fabrics, as well as the outstretched eagle across the top and with the American Flag bocks in the upper corners.
The quilt reflects special symbolism for Baxter County, Arkansas in the lake scene across the bottom representing our twin lakes; the bottom right block depicts the historic Casey House, where the Guild's early quilt shows were held; the Baxter County Courthouse in shown in the bottom left corner, and the multiple tree blocks in the side borders represent the Ozark Mountains.
Guild members participating in the construction of the Courthouse Quilt were Enid Riggle, Ann Ukele, Nancy Staley, Carol Lewis, Betty Pulver, Mary Rogers, Kathy McClellan, Connie Lutes, Kay Sanders-Chick as well as (not included in photo) Sonja Smith and Laura McBroom who hand quilted the 52" X 52" wallhanging.
Left to Right: Pat Stripeik, Chairman of the Past Presidents' Exhibit and Past Presidents, Paula Vines - 1985 and 1991, Sue Huseby - 1998, Joan Aitken - 1993, Karen Estep - 1999, Connie Lutes - 1986, Mary McAuliff - 1987, Florence Malaney - 1988, Faye Riley - 1989.
It seems appropriate that the Hill 'N Hollow Quilters Guild was conceived at a quilt show. In the Spring of 1983, Phyllis Speer and Paula Vines first met at Mountain View during the Ozark Folk Center Quilt Show and the decision was made to organize a quilters guild in Mountain Home. In October of that year an organizational meeting was attended by 8 women, and officers were elected with Phyllis as President.
The first official meeting was held in January of 1984 at the Presbyterian Church with 29 interested quilters attending. A raffle quilt was begun soon afterward and a quilt show was planned. The first show was held in October, 1984 at the Casey House. During the years since, many workshops and demonstrations have been presented, including some by nationally known teachers. Quilters have continued to join until membership is now well over 100 and includes both a day and an evening monthly meeting.
Community projects have always been important to the Guild. Among them are a Special Olympics Banner, a wall quilt for a hospice benefit, a quilt for an historical society benefit, a quilt to celebrate Mountain Home's centennial (this quilt now hangs in the Mayor's office)
an Arkansas Sesquicentennial quilt (now hanging in the County library), and a quilt hanging in the Obstetric waiting room at the Baxter County Regional Hospital.
The Guild's current ongoing community service project is the making of quilts given to the local hospital for distribution to newborn babies whose families have need of them. Prior to our Teddy Bear project our Guild members made between 100 and 150 baby quilts each year.
In addition to these activities, many Guild members have presented quilt-related show and tell programs to various clubs and organizations in the area, as well as the second and third graders at Nelson-Wilks Elementary School, during Arkansas Week. These programs and quilt displays have increased community awareness and respect for the art of quiltmaking.
In 1998 the Quilt shows became bi-annual. The annual opportunity quilts continue to be our major source of revenue for continuing our crib quilt project as well as workshops which are open to the public whenever possible.
The Hill 'N Hollow Quilters Guild is composed of quilters of various levels of expertise, united by a common bond, the love of quiltmaking. One of the most attractive features of the group has been the many warm friendships among the members. Much of this warmth and closeness is because of the willingness to share knowledge and time with each other.
Click here for directions for no waste flying geese pattern.
Browse Nine Patch Newsletter Click here for Quilt Seeds Designs This site has links for threads, fabric, stores, teachers, etc.