nw: *Lions Croydon

Logo � Lions International
Org. No. A 0007664 P
District 201 V5, Identity No. 4387, Club No. 022974

P.O. Box 59, Croydon, Victoria 3136, AUSTRALIA
Croydon's logo

Community minded persons are welcome to enquire about our activities and membership through the Membership Chairman below, or by viewing the slide show below. Our aims are to provide service and assistance to the less fortunate in the local and wider community, whilst enjoying the fun and fellowship of our own and other club members.

Fellowship...good times...meeting people...building lasting friendships...service to the community ....learning new skills....leadership and personal development - these are just some of the benefits of being a member of a Lions Club, the worlds largest and most active service club organisation.

We welcome visitors for a no obligation visit to our club, which meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month in the Park View Room, located in Club Ringwood - cnr of Oban Road and Maroondah Highway - at 7.00 for 7.30 pm start.



As a community group, we are involved in various community based projects. Some of these projects can be viewed in the slide show seen here.

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Besides what we do for the community, we are also a club that looks after the social aspects of the club and its members. View some of them here.

MEMBERSHIP ENQUIRIES, please check here!

VACANCIES now exist in our Membership classification system, open to both men and women, so why not enquire now? Those wishing to make an enquiry, please contact Frank PETTIT on: (03) 9727 1711 or just email him.

Upcoming Projects

The next projects organised by the club include the The Biggest Morning Tea held in Main Street, Croydon on the 28th of May 2009 and a BBQ at Anaconda on the 30th of May 2009.

Lions Christmas Puddings.

We do not have any more Christmas cakes available but we still have Christmas puddings. However, if you are still looking to buy a few, please contact Graham MACKAY on his mobile: 0411 041 994 or just email him.

Birthday Calculator

WELCOME - You are visitor number Counter #1 installed '99 to our Homepage site.

Croydon, the "Doorway to the Dandenongs" is part of the Municipality of the City of Maroondah located on the outer eastern fringe of the City of Melbourne, Australia.

The Croydon Lions Club is number 342 in the Australian order of Lions Clubs, and was granted its Charter by Lions Clubs International on 11th November 1964.
Page maintained by Anil A. Last updated Monday Sep. 8, 10.00pm AEST
Site Copyright The Lions Club of Croydon Inc.
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