The Other Side of the Face



  Life with a Bipolar Partner





Hi, my name is Don. I was what you'd call an SO (Significant Other) of a wife, who, in ways, is like you and I. She laughs and cries, has good days and bad. But she suffers from a mental illness called Bipolar Disorder, often called Manic Depression. Her highs are often manic, outwardly shown with anger and rage and her lows are often reclusive or suicidal. It causes her mood swings to reach the extremes you and I are unable to understand. It is difficult and frustrating to try and ride the roller coaster of emotions that people with these disorders have to suffer through. But she was no monster and she deserves no scorn. When she was happy her face lit up like the sun and her eyes sparkled as diamonds. I'd like to use this page to describe my story and those of others who have had to live on the outside, on "The Other Side of the Face".





Welcome to all my all my guests. Please, if you are now or have lived with a person with a mental disorder, please write to me and tell your story. I'd like to hear what your relationship was like. Whether it worked or not, sharing is hope. The divorce rate for couples influenced by this disorder is enormously high, as we have gotten divorced ourselves.  This page will improve as the stories come in, information is the key, understanding is the answer.

Peace to all----DON






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