This site is dedicated to the men and women of the United States who served, fought, and died in the jungles of Vietnam.
Though most of us would like to forget Nam, we just can not, to do so would be an injustice to those that gave their lives. If you scroll down to the bottom of this page, CLICK ON THE JETS, it will take you to my Vietnam '68'
clik here for my boring family stuff
Hope you enjoy my web site. I have tried to include photos of my family and friends as well as the quite, beautiful part of the country that I now live in.
Maureen and I moved to Alpena in 1989. The job market sucks but, as they like to say in this town, thats the price you pay for living in Gods country. We live here in peace. Something that I never could say eariler in my life. Again, if you scroll to the bottom jets, it will take you to where this site wants you to be.
Alpena  is located in Northern Michigan.
The city itself sits on the shores of Lake Huron. We are 90 miles south of the Mackinac Bridge. We are appx 250 miles North of Detroit. There are only two main roads into and out of Alpena. M-32 from the west and US23 from the north and south.
me today We like to camp, canoe, take long walks in the forests, swim in the lakes and rivers here. We love to take long drives in the country and to enjoy the beauty and safety of the GREAT NORTH.   Wish you were enjoy it with us. BUT...if everyone came up here, we would have to leave again. You are always welcome to visit, just don't plan on moving here. .
click on the above comic  to see me today
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clik here to read about how we got involved....its a looong story
How did our country come to be involved in Vietnam? Was it right? Did we belong there? Why did we stay? Click on the button to the right > and read about it. Its long, and It is full of facts you may not know about.  After reading it, or if you care to do so eariler, go to the bottom of the document and clik on the back arrow. It will take you to many other interesting Vietnam Veterans sites. What the U.S. Government made us do over there was a horrible injustice to both the fighting men of the United States and the people of Vietnam. Don't blame the man, blame the system!
clik here to see Nam in '68'