Ovarian Cancer 

      Screening Program

Ovarian Cancer information

ovarian screening information

Additional resources


When ovarian cancer is discovered early, women can be cured with existing treatment methods. However, as the disease progresses, survival rates drop sharply. Therefore, ovarian cancer is a curable cancer but must be detected early to achieve extended survival. An early detection trial which offers free annual screening by transvaginal sonography (TVS) is the main focus of the Ovarian Cancer Screening Research Program located in Lexington, Kentucky. Over 30,000 participants have received more than 150,000 free TVS screens in this program which delivers over 1000 screens a month. TVS detects virtually all small ovarian cancers and preliminary results indicate that it reduces ovarian cancer deaths in the group screened. We have included a short informational video below and and links to the left to offer further information about the work of the program and receiving free screenings.




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  Link to the UK Division of Gynecologic Oncology



This page is maintained by Dr. Edward J. Pavlik

I can be e-mailed at:  epaul1@.uky.edu or ejpavlik@msn.com 

Last revised: May 07, 2008
Content Copyright 1999- 2008, Edward J. Pavlik

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