Xine's Home Page

I'm sure that some of you have been to my page before, but due to a mouseclick, I managed to delete whole thing. Three megs worth of work, gone before I knew what was going on. So, I am rewriting. This page will be only a pale shade of it's predecessor, but will reflect me, and those around me. So in the interest of keeping my main page small, I am going to create numerous pages to keep this type of thing to a minimum. I figure that this way if I delete something, it cannot be 3 megs worth of anything. Some of these links below are 'dead' as I have not had time to fill in all the pages that I want. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Links Page
My Monitor and Various Information
My Iguanas; and those like them
My Friendsdead
Second Chance Reptile Rescue and Rehabilitation I run a shelter for abandoned reptiles. After a month of being in my shelter they are (usually) ready for adoption. Please stop by and see if there is an animal that you can give a home to.
Body Piercingdead

Page created by: Christine Lynn

Contact me on ICQ #6389755

Changes last made on: Sometime in 1999