<BGSOUND SRC="Music-Nsync_This_I_Promise.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
8.5 lbs down...
43.5 more to go!!!

Start: 185lbs
Goal: 130lbs
Sometime in your life you will go on a journey. It will be the longest journey you have ever taken.  It's the journey to find yourself.
                                                                                         ~Katherine Sharp
About Me
A little about me and my lifetime struggle with my weight.                Updated: 8.30.00
Dear Friends,
I wish you a peaceful and successful New Year!!! May you make all of your dreams come true!!!!
Your friend in fitness, Pamela
Journal Entries
My thoughts - the good,  the bad, and the ugly. Come see what's currently going on with me!                          Updated: 1.7.01
Progress/Goal Charts
Come see the progress I'm making  as well as what my  rewards and goals are!
Updated Bi-monthly
Remove Failure as an option!!!
                         -Joan Lunden
Progress Pics
Watch me slim down right before your  eyes. Now you see me.... Now you don't!
       Updated 6.26.00
If you think you can't....you won't!!
Message Board
It's never too late to be what you might have been.      ~George Eliot
Where to go to meet other "dieters," find  a weightloss buddy, and get involved in discussions and live chats!
What you give is what you get!
- Yours truly
Inspirational Links
In my opinion, these are the BEST sites
on the web!!! Please visit and support these pages.               Updated 11.27.00
Things happen, both good and bad, for a reason. There is always some life lesson in everything that happens to us.  What's important is that we learn the lesson.                                      -Bob Greene
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To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.         -Oscar Wilde
Page created on:  2.25.00