As of May 1, 2001, I have officially been diagnosed with breast cancer.
Is this horrible?  Nah.  I'm just considering it more of a little detour.
My Breast Cancer Story

Oops!! Cancer again. This time Melanoma. Read more below on 2/20/04 update.

This page was last updated 02/20/04

Pictures taken Feb, 2001.  Ski Trip to SnowShoe, WV
My husband hates this picture because it shows how much weight he has gained.  He's always been a trim man and started eating with all the stress of me being ill for so long.  Yes, he's bigger on the outside, but it nowhere matches the giant size of his heart.  He's one in a million and I don't know how I would have made it without him!  And personally, I still think he is the most handsome man I've ever met!

A personal note from Me to You:  This page and the links I've provided contain a lot of information about the Gastric Bypass Surgery.  Some of it is positive and some of it is not.  Please don't close your mind to either.  Read my journal and explore all of the links to the information.  You're not just considering surgery for getting slim; you're considering surgery that could very much affect how you live the rest of your life, surgery that could even take your life.  You owe it to yourself and your family to thoroughly investigate all aspects of WLS.  Remember this is not just about affects your family too.  You need to pray about the decision, talk to your doctors at length, and read everything you can find on it.  Consider all risks and then weigh whether you'll be better off after the surgery.  If, after all of this, you still feel like you want the surgery, then the surgery is probably right for you.  Here are a list of questions to help you make the decision.  Please take the time to review these questions.

Questions to Ask Yourself Before you Make The Decision to Have WLS

Pre-ops are often curious about individual pros and cons after having WLS.  Here's a list of my personal pros and cons.

My Weight Loss Journal

October '98: Run into two old co-workers of mine whom I haven't seen in about 2 years. They looked great! One of these ladies used to weigh close to 300 lbs, the other was easily 250. Now these two women are walking around in size 6-8 jeans!! The reason for their new appearance was a surgical procedure called the Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass. This surgery is a combination of the old gastric bypass and the stapling that became so popular a few years back. But was this surgery for me?

Late October '98: Met with Dr. Harold Engler. He didn't feel like my weight was enough to entirely justify the surgery.  However, because I have digestive problems (I'm taking Propulsid everyday), five herniated discs in my back, and plantar fascitis, he felt the loss of weight from the surgery would help alleviate some of these medical problems and their associated pain. AND he said my heart (and every other organ in my body) would thank him for taking a load of lard off of them.

He and I also reviewed my weight and diet history. He wanted to be sure I had tried other alternatives to weight control before he made his final decision about this surgery. I assured him I had tried Weight Watchers, many different types of diet pills, Jenny Craig, Nutri-Systems, PHC, herbs, and the list goes on. Sometimes I had successes of up to 50 pounds, but 55-60 came back on.  And I'd always be bigger than before.  I'd lose weight (most of it muscle) and what I'd gain back would be all fat.  I can't even guess how many times I have lost down to the 170s, even the 150s a few times and how many times I've climbed right back up into the 200s.  One time even reaching 240.  

November 2nd: Received notification that my insurance company would cover the cost of the surgery.

November 6th: Received confirmation from Dr. Engler that my surgery was scheduled for December 8th at 8:30 a.m. I am terrified!!!!

November 11th: Having 2nd thoughts (and 3rd and 4th and 5th and....). My daughter, a Registered Nurse, thinks I am doing the wrong thing. She said that surgery is always a risk and she doesn't believe in elective surgery. She proceeded to tell me all of the things that could go wrong.

I look to my husband for advice. He had been telling me he would support me in either decision, but now he is becoming unsure. He says he loves me and doesn't want me to take a chance with my life if it isn't an absolute emergency.

And I understand how he feels. I would feel the same way if the situation were reversed. But I wonder about the quality of my life as I am now. Maybe this is an least for me. I get more depressed and hate myself more each day. Sure, I know that if I have this surgery there will be a lot of lifestyle changes that won't be so great, but my lifestyle NOW isn't so great!

December 14, 1998. I was involved in a serious auto accident on Thanksgiving Day. Very lucky to be alive!! Surgery will have to wait a few months.  Was this accident a sign that God doesn't want me to have the surgery?

August, 1998.  I lost down to about 210 pounds after the accident.  Thought I might be on a roll and could continue with the weight loss.  WRONG!  It's climbing back up steadily.  I'm already back up to 218.

September 12, 1999. Well, here I sit, all 230 lbs of me. Surgery has been rescheduled for Oct. 27th. I'm going through it this time. I haven't talked with anyone but my husband about it. I'll let the rest of my family know the week before and tell them firmly that I really don't want to discuss this with them.
In the meantime, I'm getting myself ready. I'm taking calcium and vitamins everyday, plus exercising. I want to be in as good of shape as possible when I have the surgery. Wish me luck!!

My Before Picture taken 2 days before surgery

November 9, 1999. Two-weeks post-op! I look back at my previous notes and I cannot believe it is finally over. I had the surgery and it is over! I'm still quite sore, but feeling stronger everyday. I dared to step on the scales this morning. The weight loss amazed me; 18 lbs. in 2 weeks!! I honestly hope my weight loss slows down. If I lose too fast, I'll have saggy skin and will lose too much muscle along with the fat.

January 6, 2000. Well, here I sit at 10 weeks post-op and with 42 lbs. less sitting with me. It has not been an easy journey getting from Nov. 9 to Jan 6. It seemed the area where my intestines were joined to my stomach pouch wanted to swell (the stoma area). It took 2 endoscopes w/ dilations to correct the situation. It was tough dealing with the severe discomfort and constant vomiting, but I survived it and am feeling great today. I'm back at work and getting along fine now. There were moments when I hated myself for having the surgery, but now I get up in the mornings and put on my size 14 clothes (that are getting too big) and feel I did the right thing.

January 28, 2000. Very, very happy I had the surgery. I feel great! I have more energy than I have had in a long, long time. I am eating healthy foods and an adequate amount of them. Everything is progressing wonderfully!

March, 2000.  We visited my in-laws in Orlando, Fla.  While there I had an episode of severe abdominal pain.  The pain lasted for several hours and occurred several days in a row.  I called Dr. Engler's office and they called me in a medication for stomach cramping.

May 19, 2000. Current weight: 160. Clothes size: 10-12. Lots of energy! Eating anything I want. No food affects me adversely. I do, however, try to stay away from fatty foods and sugar so that I can continue to lose weight at a steady pace.

June 22, 2000 Current weight is 154. Clothes size: 8-10. Energy is still high! Still eating anything I want. Hair is still coming back in.  Still having that weird pain in my abdominal area that comes and goes.

August 24, 2000 Current weight is 150. Up until now the off-and-on pain I've been having for the past several months has been aggravating, but not enough to send me to a doctor....UNTIL yesterday. During the past 3 days they have become quite severe. Doc made preliminary diagnosis that after surgery I formed some adhesions that have wrapped around my intestines and are creating a blockage. More surgery in store for me. Will update as I know what is happening.

October 10, 2000:  Current weight is 140.  Had surgery on Sept 15th to remove all the adhesions that had wrapped around my intestines creating a partial blockage.  AND while he was at it, the doc did a tummy tuck.  This was a last minute decision that I hadn't really looked in to.  I didn't realize until after the surgery that there would be such a long horizontal scar.  I am very lucky that the surgery was a success and I'm now on my way to feeling great!  I've started walking everyday on the treadmill trying to get back into tip-top shape.  Clothes size:  an easy 8.

Nov. 21, 2000.  Thanksgiving is on us and this year will be very different for me. Last year I couldn't eat any of the delicious treats my Mom made. This year, I'm indulging, but I just won't be eating as much as in the past. I'm feeling better everyday now. Weight is currently 138 and I'm wearing size 6 clothes. This is where I stop. Small enough. NOW...something just as tough as losing weight...the e word....exercising! Gotta tone up some of this new bod!

Dec. 8, 2000. Bad news; at least for me. The severe abdominal pain has returned. My doctor feels like another blockage has occurred which may result in MORE surgery. My weight is down to 135 lbs. and my size is now a 4/6. I feel sickly and look 10 years older than I really am. I'm trying to be optimistic and have faith that a higher power in Heaven will intervene and create a miracle that will heal me. He has done great things in my life before and I have faith He won't let me down again.

Dec. 22, 2000. Surgery is scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 26th. This will be another attempt to remove the adhesions for the final time. Please keep me and my family in your prayers.

Jan 1, 2001.  First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!  I'm home from the hospital and we pray things will now be better.  The doctor used a new type of mesh inside of me in an effort to keep the scar tissue away from my internal organs.  He also did a type of suturing that involves using steri-strips and tiny stitches.  A PLUS HERE:  it leaves a very, very minimal scar line. I'll take a picture with steri-strips and stitches have been removed.  Current weight:  130 lbs.  (My plans are to gain weight during 2001!!!)

Jan 15, 2001.  This morning's weight: 129.  Having episodes of fainting/blacking out.  Always occurs just after I stand up or within moments of standing and walking.  Yesterday, I passed out completely.  I've asked the doctor about this and he says I have low blood volume.  I've been told by several that I can remedy this by drinking lots of fluids.  It's sure worth a try. 

Jan 25, 2001.  This morning's weight:  126.  Still having dizzy spells, but they don't seem as often now. My sweet husband took me on a mini-shopping trip (which always improves a woman's spirits, if not her health).  Easily in a size 4.  I didn't buy too much as I want to gain a little bit of weight.  I'm just too little for my height (and my skin).  Last night I decided to exercise to get myself ready to return to work.  I walked 2 miles!!  I was so proud.
As of this date, no food affects me adversely.  (Not even sugar!  I somehow wish it did as I am a sugarholic). 

Feb. 27, 2001.  We buried my Grandmother yesterday.  MaMaMa, as I called her.  She was one of the all time great ladies.  She lived next door to my parents so we were always together.  I have never been more than a week without seeing her in my whole life.  She developed a severe case of pneumonia, and because she was 92 years old, it was difficult for her to fight it.  Between my mom and I, we sat by her bedside 24 hrs a day for the week she was in the hospital.  We were both with her when she died.  I cradled her head as she died and sang to her "Precious Lord, Take My Hand."  I also sang at her funeral yesterday.  I know this isn't related to weight loss, but it has affected my life in a way like never before.  Go out right now and tell your family and friends that you love them.

March 22, 2001.  Sometime early this year, SELF Magazine reporter, MP Dunleavy, called to ask me if I would interview with her for an article she was doing on weight loss surgery.  To see the rest of this story, please click "Self Magazine Article."

March 27, 2001.  SELF Magazine called and said that a Good Morning America Producer wanted to speak with me about appearing on GMA to do an interview on my particular complications after WLS.  At 2:30 p.m. I spoke with GMA and at 3:00 p.m. GMA called me with my travel arrangements.  At 5:00 p.m. I was on a plane to New York.  Never have I dressed and packed so quickly!!!  I just grabbed something that happened to be clean, ironed and available in my closet.  

March 28, 2001.  Appeared on Good Morning America.  To see a summary of the story, visit : GMA: Weight Loss Surgery Poses Health Risks.

To see my story of the trip, visit "My Appearance on Good Morning America"

April 11, 2001.  Weight: 135.  I've been hanging at 135 for about 6 weeks now.  I'm happy about that because I needed to gain some weight.  Energy level:  low right now.  I think due to stresses of my life lately, like the death of my grandmother, the publicity of the article/tv show.  Pain:  Not good in the past 2 weeks.  We went to Disney World last week and I was unable to enjoy much of the trip due to the severity of the pain.

April 19, 2001.  Had an appointment with Dr. Engler.  He is going to give me a referral to a surgeon at Duke University in N.C.  I told him I would travel to China if I could find some help for these adhesions!

April 24, 2001.  Last Friday I had a routine OB/GYN appointment.  While doing her breast examination, Dr. Montano discovered a considerably sized lump in my left breast.  Late this afternoon I went for a mammogram which confirmed the lump.  The radiologist came back in to see me and recommended a biopsy as soon as possible.

April 26, 2001.  Appeared this morning on the Debra Duncan Show.  She is a very lovely lady who has a talk show in the Houston, Texas area.  To read more about this trip, please visit, "My Appearance on the Debra Duncan Show."

April 29, 2001.  My biopsy is scheduled for sometimes tomorrow.  I am to call the surgeon's office in the morning to get a definite time.  As you probably know, it's been a nerve-wrecking weekend.  And it's not over.  I won't know any results until sometimes on Tuesday.  These are the times when I have to put my faith in God and trust that He, as always, won't put anything on me that I can't handle.

May 2, 2001.  I have breast cancer.  No need to use pretty words or hunt for some glamorous way to say it.  I'm optimistic and I will not become a victim of this or let it defeat me.  I'm a tough 'ole bird and I intend to stay that way!!  I read this from a breast cancer survivor, "What has happened to us is truly horrible.  But we have a choice.  We can live the rest of our lives as a memorial service around the event or we can learn from it and build an even better life."  I like that.  That's me.  

Now there are decisions to be made.  Whether to have a lumpectomy or a mastectomy with or without reconstruction.  Now that I've had the WLS and a tummy tuck, the reconstruction will be harder to do.  They usually use some of your abdominal muscle and skin, but I'm pulled tight now.  I have no extra skin on my midriff area, stomach or back.  Perhaps doc could take some of this droopy butt or thighs?  Cool idea!!!!

The link to my Breast Cancer Story.

May 8, 2001.  Still no date for surgery.  Doing well.  Feeling positive.  Weight this morning was 132.  Still struggling with the pain of adhesions, but will have to deal with this until I am cured of the cancer.

May 15, 2001.  Morning weight:  130.  Date for Breast Surgery is Tuesday, May 22, 2001.  One week from today.  Last night I went to my first Breast Cancer support meeting, but was unable to really get much from it due to the pain from the adhesions being so severe.  

I keep saying "pain from adhesions."  I often wonder if adhesions is what is really going on in there.  I can't think of what else it might be.  I just know that sometimes the pain is so severe it will take your breathe away and you just want to get in a fetal position and away from the world.

I guess I'll just have to wait until the battle is over with the cancer.  I'll rest for a bit, then put my armor back on and go to war again to have my life back.

Sept. 11, 2001.    This is a day we will always remember.  It has placed a deep scar in our hearts that will never go away.  But we must go on.  And in honor of those who died in this terrible tragedy, we must go on stronger, and more brave and more faithful in our God than ever before.  We cannot let their deaths have been for nothing!

Sept. 20, 2001.  Morning weight 128.   "The Pain" (as I have so affectionately started called it) still haunts me every day.  After explaining my medical history since the bypass to my team of cancer doctors, they are all convinced that the pain is not, and perhaps never was, coming from adhesions.  They feel like something is definitely wrong internally and all have recommended that, once I finish my cancer treatments, I have a reversal of the bypass.  They have referred me to an excellent surgeon and I have an appointment for early November. 

Update on Breast Cancer:  I completed my chemo treatments on Sept. 12th. and  I'm currently in the process of my reconstruction.  I'm feeling stronger everyday and looking forward to returning to work within the next few weeks.  My medical prognosis is excellent and my family and friends are the reason I was able to get through these past few months with a smile on my face and hope in my heart.  I thank them all more than they can ever know.  Especially my husband.  He has truly been my backbone.

(I laugh when I look back at how distressed I was from the hair loss from my weight loss surgery.  You ought to see it now...grin!  I hope the old saying is true that "bald is beautiful."  One good thing is that chemo does not cause permanent hair loss.  It may come back in a different texture or color, but I'll just be happy when it comes back in.)

Much has happened since I updated this page!
On Dec. 6th, we lost my husband's brother, Ken, to pancreatic cancer. He was only 47 years old.
On Jan. 7th, I lost a very, very dear friend of mine, Bonita, to breast cancer. She was only 43 years old.
Also during the months of Dec, Jan, Feb, we lost 3 special ladies from our church, Linda, Helen and Carolyn; we lost a precious 13 year old boy, Cody, from our church who was in a 4-wheeler accident; and we lost a beautiful and smart 20 year old young lady, Jennifer, from our church who was in an automobile accident.
I pray for the families of all of these people!
UPDATE ON ADHESIONS In November I went to another doctor; Dr. Bob Martindale. Dr. Martindale performed diagnostic test to see where my pain was coming from and discovered that I did not have adhesions, but rather I had a big ole' ugly ulcer. He immediately put me on Nexium and I have had NO FURTHER PAIN!!!!
All of that suffering for 2 years and 2 major surgeries for nothing!
I just thank God for Dr. Martindale!!!!!!!! NOW, I am pain free and cancer free. What more could I ask for? God saw me through the hard times and I praise Him for it!
I'm currently having some problems with my blood sugar. At first I thought it was simply hypoglycemia, but after receiving a blood sugar test kit from my inlaws and doing checks, my blood sugar is doing alot of fluctuating. Preliminary diagnosis from my internal med doctor is that I may have the beginnings of Type II Diabetes. I'm praying that this is only a temporary thing. But even if it is Diabetes, it sure beats the pain I had and it sure beats breast cancer.
Current weight: 135 and proud of it! I had lost too much weight and was looking like a refugee. I'd like to gain about 5 more pounds. Some women may be proud of those low weight numbers and that tiny dress size, but me? I'd rather look and feel good! And isn't looking healthy and feeling good what it's really about?!?!

February 20, 2004

I've gone too, too long without updating this page.  Updates:  I'm going great now that I'm on Nexium.  No pain at all.  My hypoglycemia seems to be stable.   I  have found this is rather common with WLS patients.  We just have to learn when to and when NOT to eat sugar.  Weight has settled between 135 and 140. 

My melanoma story:  Please read this carefully and learn from it!
For the past few years I have had this rather large freckle on my right cheek. It's just up under the eye and close to the nose area. Cosmetically it bothered me. I went to a dermatologist who said it didn't look to him to be any type of skin cancer. He suggested I see a plastic surgeon if I wanted it removed. I went to the plastic surgeon who had done my breast reconstruction after breast cancer and he agreed with the dermatologist; doesn't look to be any type of skin cancer, but we'll remove it. He shaved it and within a few days it started to heal beautifully. We didn't even expect any type of scar there. I was soooo happy to have that flaw removed from my face. Then came the pathology report. The diagnosis of melanoma stunned us all. Dr. Lynn went back in the same area and dissected a plug that he felt sure contained all the cancer. Again, the pathology report showed melanoma out to the margins of the plug. This told us there was more cancer there. Yesterday I went into surgery again and this time the doctor removed quite a large plug from this area. We are now praying that all margins are clean and the cancer is gone. I have faith that all will be well. Regardless of the outcome of the pathology report, all will be well, because even in the valley, God is good!! Never forget this fact for it will get you through anything!!

To learn more about melanoma visit


It's gonna take more than a little 'ole cancer to take my smile away!
I have my God, my husband, and a healthy and happy group of children and grandchildren!


April 30, 2006 Current weight 135. Size 6. Very happy with the little bit of weight I have put on. Wish I could put on at least 20 pounds more. I think it would help with the saggy skin (perhaps even the wrinkles in the face). There are times when I can't eat anything. Last night we went to Chili's Restaurant. They bring chips and salsa to the table, and by the time my meal arrived, I was full from drinking a cup of coffee and eating a few chips. I use to enjoy a glass or two of wine at social gatherings. Now I can drink no alcohol at all. The sugar is instant and followed shortly by the dumping syndrome. Big Easter celebration at church, and I could only eat a piece of ham and a few bites of macaroni and green beans. I miss being able to participate in celebrations. My husband wants me to consider having reversal. I'm looking into it, but don't feel good about having more surgery. So I'll be grateful for where I'm at...cancer free....yippee. And I'll continue to thank God for each good day that I have.

Vitamin and Supplements that I take daily

Are you taking yours?  Remember, now that your digestive system does not adequately absorb vitamins and minerals essential to life, you must take them in supplement form.  And you must be faithful to this everyday.  Your body will thank you for it and you'll be rewarded with energy, increased health and possibly a longer life!

Oct. 26, 1999
The day before
224 lbs.

Jan 28, 2000
3 months post-op
188 lbs.

June 22, 2000
About 8 months
154 lbs.
(After losing alot of hair, I had it cut short)


Having fun after exercising
Jan 25, 2001
128 lbs.
Size 4

Here's the link to see the pictures of my tummy tuck!
So you wanna have a Tummy Tuck?  

Since I have had so many problems with adhesions, I frequently get asked questions concerning them.  Here are just a few notes I have made..
Adhesion Info

If you want to get a good idea of how post-ops are doing, join the "Obesity Surgery Support Group Graduate List" or "Graduate-OSSG".  This is a group of persons who are at least one year post-op.  You are not allowed to participate or post to the group unless you are at least one year post-op, but you are certainly welcome to subscribe to the group and read all of the mail.  Here is a good way to find out how those "one year out" are doing.  Click on the link below to check it out!


Please take a moment to check out the links I have provided for you.  You will find there a world of information regarding weight loss surgery!!



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