BIO-DATA :     Dr Savjibhai Patel

Name:                          Dr Savjibhai Parbatbhai Patel

Address (a)Office                 Diabetes Medicare Centre-Ahmedabad

                                      1, Adishwar Flats,P.O.Road Khokhra,Maninagar (East),

                                           AHMEDABAD-380008. Gujarat, INDIA.

                                      Phone- (+91)-079-22772891  Fax- (+91)-079-22779195  Mob-07931066634


                                        Web, www.  

     (b)  Residence:        1, Vaibhav Park, Off Cadila Bridge,Ghodasar

                            AHMEDABAD-380050. Gujarat State, INDIA.

               Phone-(+91)-079-25830985   Fax-(+91)-079-22779195

Date & Place of            JANUARY 8th, 1953 At NARANGADH, Taluka- Lathi

       Birth :                Dist, Amreli, Gujarat State INDIA.

Nationality:                         Indian

Academic Qualification:     1-F.C.G.P.­ May, 1995 Fellowship from Academic Wing

                                                   College of G.P. of Indian Medical Association New Delhi India.

                                             2­M.B.B.S. Oct."1977· M.S University of Vadodara, India    

                                               3-M.D. Equalize qualification at USA for MS admission in 1998

Position Held:                 `   1- Medical Officer (Director-Sports Medicine)

Shri G.B.Patel college of Phy.Edu.Ahmedabad-India Since July 1980.

    Present:                            2-Convener-AMOPEC (Asso of Medical Officers of Phy. Edu.

                                                      Colleges) Gujarat, India ­  Since August 1995.

                                              3- Hon. Sec.- Gandhi Leprosy  Seva Sangh-Vastral Rd-Amraiwadi

                                                       Ahmedabad 380026 Gujarat. India.

                                              4-Vice President-Indian Association of Health &Fitness H.Q.Chadigadh

                                              5-President & Managing Trustee-ASHEA-Ahmedabad 380008 India

                                                      ASHEA (Academy of Sports Health & Education Ahmedabad)

                                              6-Director-Oasis Sports & Recreation Club-Ahmedabad since 1999

                                              7-Zonal Director-PPS GSB IMA HQ-Ahmedabad 2002-2004

      Past:                               1- Hon. Gen. Secretary I.A.S.M. April 1997-December 1999

                                                     (Indian  Association  of Sports Medicine H.Q. New Delhi­

                                                   Affiliated with FIMS(International Federation of Sports Medicine)

                                               2- President-Maninagar Medical Circle –Ahmedabad 2002-2003

                                               3-Founder Secretary  & past president SMAG 1995-2002

  (Sports Medicine Association of Gujarat)  HQ Ahmedabad INDIA 

 4- Hon.Treasurer (Finance Sec)-AGPA-Ahmedabad Association of      

                                                    General  Practitioners Ahmedabad.

Present Empanelment:        1- L.I.C. Govt of India

                                               2- CIPET Govt of India

Area of Interest:                 1- Family Medicine (Professional, Social & Public Health)

   a) Professional :                2-  Sports Medicine- Education, Preventive medicine

                                              3-Health Education & Research in nutrition & diet

                                              4- Adventurous  Tourism, Organisational (Professional & Community)

   b) Community Project      1- Diabetics Detection Campaign with

      -Health :                            Hoechst India at Ahmedabad in 1996.

                                                2-  School Health Check-up Khokhara Centre of

                                                  Labour Welfare Dept Govt Of Guj Ahmedabad- Nov'1997,98,99

   c) Sports Events Served: 1-"Vadodara National Marathon 1997" as Sports Medicine Specialist.

                                                   with participation from Phy. Edu College trainers of Ahmedabad

                                             2-  Served as Team Physician ­ Gujarat Ranji Trophy Cricket Team 

                                                   (Ranji Trophy-A First Class Cricket in India)

                                                   One Day & League match at Valsad ­ Nov.'1997

Professional Membership:   1-Ahmedabad Medical Association. H.Q- Ahmedabad

   ( Life)                                   2-Gujarat Medical Association. H.Q.-Ahmedabad

                                                 3-Indian Medical Association. H.Q.New Delhi

                                                4-Sports Medicine Association of Gujarat.Ahmedabad

                                                5-Indian Association of Sports Medicine H.Q. New Delhi

                                                6-IMA College of General Practationer. New Delhi

                                                7-Gujarat State Tuberculosis Association .H.Q.-Ahmedabad

                                                8-Ahmedabad Family Physicians Association-Ahmedabad

   Other Membership:            1--Science And Cultural Society.H.Q Ahmedabad

                                                2-Gujarat Internet Users Group (GIUG) H.Q.Ahmedabad

                                                3-Oasis Sports & Recreation Club¬ Ahmedabad,

 International:                     1-FIMS (Inter.Fed. of Sports Medicine H.Q.Swiss) member since 1997

                                                 Adm. Sec. Off in  U.S.A 

                                             2-ACSM  (American College of Sports Medicine- 1998

Delivered talk on           1-  Faculty Resource for Refresher Course for Phy Edu directors of   colleges   

Invitation (1996-04):        affiliated By Guj University & Organised by Guj Uni at Ahmedabad in 2000                

                                         2-Faculty Resource for Refresher Course for Phy Edu teachers Organised  

                                             By DEO  Junagadh   Gov of Guj  in 2001       

                                         3-National Television (Govt. of India)"Ija Ane Sarvar' in Gujarati

                                            Programme by Doordarshan Kendra. Ahmedabad-March'97

                                         4-Refresher Course for Phy. Edu.Teachers & Directors at Sadra Mar "99

                                                 organised under grant from U,G, Gujarat Vidyapith(Deemed Uni.)

                                         5-Refresher Course Meet for Teach.of Phy.Edu.Org. by SIPE Off

                                                 Govt of Gujarat atAhmedabad

                                          6-Aug "97 Gujarat State Womens Hockey  Asso. Team. Pre Tournament

                                                 Mental Training talk delivered for parents & players at Ahmedabad

                                                 Prior to  National Championship Tournament  at New Delhi

                                           7-  ­Oct' 97 Gujarat Cricket Asso. Team for Ranji Trophy & One Day      

                                                  Match at Valsad -Pre Participation Mental Training

Publication & Paper         1- ­Contributed  in Book "Glimpses of Sports Medicine"

 presentation( 1996-04):           Published By  SMAG  Ahmedabad- July 1996

                                          2-Articles in "Kheladi" A Sports Magazine Published from Ahmedabad

                                                 -Articles in Annual Souvenirs of SMAG since 1996

                                           3-­ Paper presented at Ist Nat.Conf.Feb'97 of Alternative Medicine

                                                    at Ahmedabad Gujarat on "Sports Exercise & Positive Health"

                                           4-­ Paper preset. at Seminar "Update On Sports Medicine"  

                                                     Organized by SIPE Off Dept of Edu  Govt of Gujarat,

                                                     AMA & SMAG at Ahmedabad. July 1996

                                           5-Paper presented at "Sports & exercise for prevention of diseases"

                                                    at 20th Nat.Conf. of IASM  Cuttack  Orissa April  1997          

                                             6-Paper NAPESS Swarnajayanti Nat.Con. of Phy.Edu &

                                                     Sports   Science .At Chandigadh-Oct'97

Research                        1- Establish an  Institute at Ahmedabad-Gujarat in April "1997 named

     &                                    "Academy of Sports Health & Education Ahmedabad (ASHEA)

Establishment:                2- Initiated & Established SMAG (Sports Medicine Asso.of Gujarat)

                                                    SMAG-a professional organisation affiliated with IASM - New Delhi

                                                    IASM -national federation of sports medicine India

                                                    Founder Convener & serving as Founder Hon. Gen. Sec. of SMAG since 1996

                                          3- Presented & Discussed "Herbal Fluid Role in Fatigue Syndrome

                                                    in Sports "at National Seminar on Medicinal Plants Resources

                                                    development At Ahmedabad On oct "98

Field Related Special     1- E.K.G. Training course by Dr Mishra from Chennai Org. by AGPA 

Training Undertaken:     2-Team Physician Course by American College of Sports Medicine

                                                    at San Diego Feb 1998

                                         3- Migrain Training in 2004 Org By Study Group & Certified by 

                                                    Dr Chandrashekhar at Ahmedabad

                                         4- Awarded felloship for Diabetes Trainging Programme undertaken by

                                              DRC-WDF Project ( WHO Recognised) at MV Hospital Chennai-August 2004

                                                by Diabetes Research Foundation

Important                         1-Represented India (IASM) at 26th World Congress of Sports Medicine

Contribution:                          at Orlando Florida ,USA May-June"98

                                          2-Representing as council member from India in FIMS council meeting

                                                Attended as council member representative of  India at

                                                 FIMS Council Meeting during Orlando World Conf June "98 USA

                                           3-Member-"Sports Development Policy Committee" By Ministry Of

                                                   Youth & Sports  Govt of Gujarat 1996-97 

                                            4-expert panel member Guj State Textbook  Reform Committee2000 

Academic & Professional  1- Gujarat Medical Conference GIMACON 2003 at Ahmedabad  

Conference/Symposia        2-IMA  National. Conference.  of  G.P.Pune -May'96

 Workshops/Exhibition      3-Speaker Delegate at IMA National Conference at Daman Dec'97   

   attended  (1996-04)        4-Central Council Delegate at IMA Nat.Con. at Hyderabad  Dec'98

                                            5-Alt. Med International Conf. at Ahmedabadad Dec'98

                                            6-Speaker & Delegate at FFPAI Nat.Con. at Rajkot January '99

                                            7-12th CMAAO Conference at New Delhi Oct'95

                                                (Commonwealth Medical Asso of ASIA & Ocenia)

Delegate                            1-Coordinators of Gujarat Delegates at (ISSCE)Banglore Jan "98

State & National :                International Sports Science Congress and Exhibition.

                                           2-­ First Nat. Confer of Alt. Med  Feb.'97·Ahmedabad 

                                           3-­ 20th Annual Conference   of Indian Asso.of

                                           4-Sports Medicine at Cuttack¬Orrisa 'April'97

                                           5- ­State Council Del at GSA IMA State Conf.Bhavnagar,Guj Nov'97

                                           6-Silver Jubilee Con  Of IASM at Amritsur Dec 2003

Delegate                             1-World Travel Show '99¸ Los Angeles USA '98

International :                     2- Natural Expo West Anaheim Convention. USA '98

                                            3- World Internet Show LA Convention USA'98

                                             4-World Congress of Sports Medicine Orlando  USA'98

                                             5-"Agritech 96" May '96 Tel Aviv Israel

Keynote Speaker              1-­ APESS Nat. Conf. at New Delhi Dec'97

 & Guest Speaker:            2­- National  Youth  Federation &  Maharashtra Kridabharti

   (National)                          National Seminar at Dombivali Maharashtra Aug '98

                                            3 -Community awareness of mass fitness bby sports medicine

                                                     at Saurashtra Patel Cultural Samaj Maninagar Ahmedabad "98

    (International)                1-Invited  at 15th Annual Meeting of Israel Sports Medicine Society

                                                    March 1999 at Jeruslem

                                             2-Invited to present poster presentation at world congress of physical

                                                    education at Singapore Dec ,97

                                             3-Invited to participate in 6th International conference on Biochemistry 

                                                    of exercise at Maastricht,Netherrlands Feb 1999.

                                             4-Invited at Sports medicine Symposium Jeruslem 2000& 2001as

                                                   speaker from India

Chairman:                            1-Annual Conference of West Bengal Asso. of Sports Medicine

Co-chairman                            Calcutta April 1999-Sports Medicine Session

& Organiser:                       2-­ Sports Medicine Session at  International Sports

                                                   Science Congress & Exibition. Banglore Jan'96

                                              3-­ Seminar “Update in sports medicine” with AMA July 2001

                                                  -Seminar"Update of Sports Medicine" with IMA

 (Academic)                         4- Dept of Edu-SIPE Govt of Gujarat& SMAG at Ahmedabad July "96.

                                             5 -First National. Prog.of IASM in Golden Jubilee

        &                                        Year at Ahmedabad with SMAG at Ahmedabad Sep'97

    (Field)                               ­6-Field prog.of SMAG "Oxalgin Gel SMAG Cup'97

                                                   Cricket Tournament amongst Doctor ago A’ bad

                                              7-Field prig. of SMAG "He-man SMAG Cup 98¸ 

                                                   Cricket Tournament Amongst doctors af Ahmedabad Sep'98

Merits & Awards:               1-Felicitation  at Annual Conference of MMC-Ahmedabad   March 2002

    (1996-2004                       2- -Felicitation by Mr Bharat Barot Hon.Edu. minister Gov Gujarat for

                                                    pioneering work in development of sports medicine in Gujarat a subject

                                                     important for public health March 26th 2000

                                              3-Felicitation for representing India (IASM)  National Sports Medicine

                                                   Federation at World Congress of Sports Medicine  Orlando USA ‘98

On AMA Annual Day Feb '99  at Ahmedabad By Chief Minister of Gujarat

                                               4-Felicitation & Award of achievement memento trophy at Annual

                                                   Saurashtra Patel Cultural Samaj Meet, Maninagar Ahmedabad Oct "98

                                               5--Merit  Certificate  at  1st  National Conference

                                                   of Alternative Medicine at Ahmedabad Feb'97

                                               6-F.C.G.P. Merit Certi. by A.M.A at March Annual Day '96