Hot Links!

This is a picture of a large hot dog. It is a PUN on HOT LINKS.
Last Update 02-10-2008

What's so Damn Special about "Our House"?

Nothing really. We are just your typical family next door. We have our quirks as well as our saving graces.

We like to go to Pow Wows, tinker with our computers and surf the web.

And now we would like to share our experiances with you.

And, Yes, We do have 2 cats in the yard (Spider and Pixie).

Snippits of our Lives. (Click Me)
Glenn and Sharon are Two Nerds as they play with the new web cam in thier 'Puter Room. This is Sharon watching the kids collect Easter Eggs in 1996. This is shortly before her aneurysm burst. About a year later Sharon is back home relearning to walk. In this picture Sharon has just arrived at our hotel and wants to hop the bus to Disney Land!
Two Nerds. Sharon Easter 1996. Sharon Easter 1997. Sharon Disney 2002.