Pediatric Nurse

Welcome to my page! My name is Beth and I am a Nurse Practitioner at a Children's Hospital in Memphis, TN. I also work part time as an RN at a Level 1 Trauma Center here in town. I have been involved in pediatric nursing for the last seven years. My experience has mostly been in the emergency room, which has been very rewarding for me. I feel like I bring something special to my little patients, whether it's helping them to relax, smile a little bit, make the hurt not hurt so bad. Sometimes the work is emotionally draining; there have been times where I felt that I could not continue doing what I do anymore. There have been times when things get so bad that I have to call home, just to check and see that my kids are alright. But there are times, many more times, where I feel like I am the luckiest person on the planet, with the best job in the world.
That's why I am starting this page, to celebrate the joy of pediatric nursing with others who enjoy the same job that I do.


As I was finishing up getting my MSN degree last year, I found myself doing a lot of work on the internet. I was doing research, emailing professors, contacting state boards, etc. I became increasingly aware of the power of the internet, and how it can help my career and the careers of other nurses. I have been keeping a list of my favorite nursing sites, and I'd like to share them with you! a huge listing of pediatric links. Most are very specialized, but you can probably find the information you are looking for somewhere in there. a site I contribute to, has a lot of nursing links, job information, and a little bit of everything else. A fun site to explore. a great site with a lot of funny cartoons. A lot of good links to other funny sites.

Hey! If anyone wants to trade tshirts or sweatshirts from other children's hospitals, drop me a line!