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The uracao ederation of orkers  was founded on August  21st of 1964 in Curacao, Netherlands Antilles. Together with the island of Bonaire, Aruba,  the Dutch windward islands (Saba-Statia and StMaarten) and Holland we form the Kingdom of the Netherlands.  Last  August  our Federation  celebrated it's  36th anniversary. 
For more than 36 years has promoted the ideals of trade unionism. These ideals include the elevation of the working class, the promotion of harmony and solidarity among workers and the opposition to the exploitation of workers. We offer the opportunity to unite and associate with workers in the whole world through local and international affiliation. Locally we are affiliated to the Central of Curacao Unions (SSK) domiciled at 44 Schouwburgweg where our Union head office is located. Founded in 1964 to become with its 3250 members the largest general Union today in the Netherlands Antilles.

Internationally we have affiliation with the I.C.F.T.U. I.M.F. (International Metalworkers Federation) I.U.F. U.N.I.  and I.F.B.W.W.    has at this moment more than forty Collective Labor Agreements in force with different companies in the private sector among which the Union of Antillean Civil Contractors as the largest employers Union with approximately thirtyfive members. We represent industrial workers, security, marine civil personnel, aviation, civil construction workers, supermarkets, whole-salers, car rentals, airlines, bakeries, mining, automotive workers and petrol stations. COPDA (Curacao Oil Products Dealers Association) and CUROIL represent the employers.

In 1979  as the first and only labour union in the Netherlands Antilles in coöperation with the Curacao Contractors Union (CAB) founded Kuido Mediko Foundation guaranteeing  the family members of our affiliates sickness insurance benefits covering 90% of all costs in case of sickness, accidents as well as medical treatment, medicine, hospitalization and nursing In case of delivery a fixed amount was  paid to the member. This insurance was transferred to the Social Security Bank (SVB) of the Netherlands Antilles on March 1st 1996 after seventeen years of pioneering social security for our members and as forerunner of the legal Family Sickness Insurance which became part of our social Legislation as of March 1st 1996 and which is mandatory for all workers who earn less than Naf. 3690,70 a month. The monthly premium to be paid is 2.1%  of the gross salary of the employee, no matter how many family members the employee has.

Fondo di Entiero
Funeral Foundation covers for only three guilders a month our affiliates and their family members in case of death and funeral. This foundation dates back to the mid seventies and is still in force. The monthly premium is still three guilders (same amount as in the seventies).
A premium that is  payable for everybody  notwithstanding how small his  income might be!

The Board of the  is elected by the Congress, which is at the same time the highest authority in our by-laws. The Congress consists of delegates with speaking and voting right and are chosen directly by our members.
The next highest instance is the Federation Advisory Board. In charge of the daily activities we have the daily Federation Board together with our staff employees.

All members of can use all our facilities in the "Yubi Spencer Union Hall" for their meetings, courses, symposia or other Union activities.

If you are not a member of  yet, what are you waiting for......don't hesitate........ ...........

Join CFW Now!

Our telephone numbers are: (599-9) 737-1403....737-0391....737-0390
Our fax number is : (599-9) 737-1426