
Welcome To Nursing School


Links To Health Related & Nursing Related Sites

A Little About  Me:

My Name Is Carrie, I am 26 Years Old and I have a Daughter of 4 years old, her name is Hailee, I live in Springfield Missouri, and I am currently in the St. John's School of Nursing.

North American Nursing Diagonosis

Student Nurse Information Center

My Hobbies:

Nursing Resources On The Web Medical Surgical

Care Plans & Case Studies

My Hobbies include my daughter, Gardening Canoeing, Hiking,kickboxing, Swimming,  Camping, Tae-Kwon-Do, Running, Traveling and I love to read. Just to name a few.


More Care Plans


My Favorite Sites:

Erotic Fruit & Veggies


Male Anatomy


SpringHouse Journals

Pulling Trucks

Got A question?


Little Humor In The Day:

Tired of studying? Try this out and Make some $ doing it.

TOP  10 Ways To Survive Nursing School
10. Coffee
9. Arcane
8. Abundance of student loan application processes
7. Nose Clip to the Nose
6. Ability to locate care plans in a single bound
5. Did I mention Coffee?
4. Plenty of Pictures of your family since you will not see them anymore
3. Puncture proff skin
2. Knowing that someone puncture proof and yet full of hot air
And The Number One Way:
     Take Out Number from Every Place that delivers in a 50 mile radius


My E-Mail


I wish everyone good luck on their way to being an Registered Nurse (RN) Thanks For Your Visit to My Site.Carrie


Web Page Designer

Contact me if you have questions or comments Regarding this Website. Or if you are intrested in me building you one contact me via E-Mail. Thank You For Visiting.
