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Retreat 1998


Water Drip

This web site is created especially for yogis who is going to and will be participating in the retreat held at Sri Lankaramaya Temple.

We are organising a Buddhist Meditation Retreat from 6 Dec 98 to 20 Dec 98. Ven. Amathea Gavesi Thera has accepted our invitation to conduct / instruct the Meditation Retreat.

If you are participating, please duly complete the form and either mail to Sri Lankaramaya or submit the application form to me at Sri Lankaramaya, Sunday between 4 pm to 6 pm or at Phor Kar See (Bright Hill Temple) Saturday between 5-7pm or Sunday between 9-11am.

We are also arranging to provide lodging to participants at Sri Lankaramaya. However, due to space and facility constraints, we can only limit to a maximum of 80 stay-in participants. Stay-in participants are those who intended to train for at least 5 days.

All participants are to don white clothing, completely white. It is recommended that participants should put on white-collar T-shirt and white long pants or long skirts (no shorts). All participants are to abide by the Sri Lankaramaya Buddhist Temple rules and regulations, and are encouraged to take part in the daily temple Pujas.

All participants will be served vegetarian breakfasts and lunches. Utensils, cushions and towel blankets will be provided. Participants are discouraged from bringing expensive or valuable items.

The tentative daily programs are as follows: Time Events
0530 am - 0730 am Morning Puja, Meditation Instruction, Practice
0730 am - 0830 am Breakfast
0830 am - 1130 am Meditation Practice, Interview
1130 am - 1230 pm Lunch
1230 pm - 0730 pm Meditation Practice, Interview
0730 pm - 0815 pm Temple Puja
0830 pm - 0945 pm Dharma Talk
1000 pm - 1045 pm Retreat Puja

All stay-in participants should report on the eve of the training day. For example, those participating on the 7 Dec 98 should report to Sri Lankaramaya on 6 Dec 98 before 8 pm.

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