:: clueless but learning ::

welcome to clueless but learning :: bloghome | contact ::

:: Monday, November 19, 2002 ::

Why am I working 10-15 hours/week in a home business?

  1. Get out of debt (1st and 2nd mortgage, CCs, etc.)
  2. Quit job (Lots of work, pay is good, but the hours are horrible)
  3. Travel and live on a Wildcat 350 catamaran (We've wanted to live on a boat a long as we've been married - 8.5 years)
  4. Simplify our life(can't do that while we're in debt)
  5. Save (Preparation for unexpected setbacks)
  6. Raise family without having to answer to money
  7. Buy waterfront property; build a dock, garage, storage space, and eventually a house for company to stay in
  8. Be an eternal student(Learning is the most fun there is)
... Matt ... 1:15 AM ...
:: Friday, November 8, 2002 ::

This has been a rough week. Had to stay home from THE JOB on Wednesday because my neck was so screwed up that I couldn't move. Normally I would be glad to stay home from work, but if all I can do is lay in bed and sleep, I'd rather feel good and go to work. Now my neck is fine (or close), but I seem to have gotten a cold somewhere. These things never last long though. I'll knock it out in a day or so. ::sneeze::

There's always something good to mention though. Business is good. There are nice people on the web. Example: .zannah.

... Matt ... 10:25 AM ...
:: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 ::

Are you dissatisfied with your current income? Would you like to make more money or even earn your FREEDOM from working at a JOB? I don't know if what I'm doing is the answer for you, but there is only one way to find out. Browse my business website. If what you see there makes sense to you, fill out the information request form. I'll contact you personally to answer your questions and get you started and on the way to a brighter finacial future.

... Matt ... 10:30 AM ...
:: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 ::

After some self-examination, I have become aware that there is a major disconnect between my dreams and desires on one hand and my professional career path. As a result, I have rewritten some of the parts of this site and feel that it now serves my needs much better. Particularly in the subheading at the top of this page.

I have come to a realization over the past several months. Web design is not going to get me what I want. A job is not going to get me what I want. A conventional service-based business is not going to get me what I want. The only thing that will do the trick is a home-based business that generates residual, ongoing income.

There are only two things I know of that do that:

  1. Investing: the only problem here is that you need to have something to invest. And not a little, either. That pretty much disqualifies me for now.
  2. A business of duplication: I tried multilevel businesses in the past and I said to myself that I would never go down that path again. But I've found a system that avoids the pitfalls of traditional MLM's. Visit my business website to find out more.

... Matt ... 10:30 AM ...
:: Monday, July 15, 2002 ::
I found some other free webhosting services that include ftp, so I'll soon be back online with my blog. Of course I'll either forward from here to the new site or just include a link from here to there.
Making some progress on a couple of fronts:
  • Hsing-I - started taking lessons again after a decade-long hiatus. My new teacher was once-upon-a-time one of my classmates. He continued training throughout the nineties and has learned much.
  • Sailing - My wife and I have found someone else who also would like to live on boat. It's good to have friends with similar goals.
  • Web design - As you can see from the link at the right, I have completed a site for a paying client. I am also handling the upkeep, when needed.
... Matt ... 3:00 PM ...
:: Sunday, March 03, 2002 ::
I don't think I really have time for this but I will continue to read other blogs. And Geocities just cut off ftp service for their free accounts. I hate them.
... Matt ... 12:43 AM ...
:: Friday, February 22, 2002 ::
It has definitely been a busy week. Now I can get in here and add a little content.
... Matt ... 1:25 PM ...
:: Monday, February 11, 2002 ::
Here we are at the end af another Monday. Alive and breathing. I really need to figure out how to get organized and self-disciplined on this freelance thing. Doing the work is not the problem - I enjoy it. It's getting the work and making all the other parts of my fit in around it that's a challenge. OK. Two things I need to brainstorm on - electronic conversion process for work (I'm not going to bother to explain that - it's boring) and my plan for success in business and life. I'll report back in a week if I figure out way to make sure I don't forget the whole project altogether.
... Matt ... 9:51 PM ...
:: Saturday, February 09, 2002 ::
I acquired Dreamweaver 2 and Fireworks 2 today and I'm sitting here playing around with them. Dreamweaver seems pretty cool, but it says it converts everything to tables when it publishes and I really don't like all those nested table sites. Updating them is such a pain. I think the newest version is better. I've heard it's so well integrated that creating and updating sites is really easy. I do enjoy hacking the code though. If I want to make money at this, I have to find a more efficient way to work, though. I think I can start out with version 2. Later I'll get the real thing when the income will pay for it.

Meanwhile, I'll be satisfied that I can listen to Deep Forest and Enigma while I work, 'cause I'm at home.
... Matt ... 6:26 PM ...

:: Friday, February 08, 2002 ::
That was a good ending - Mike Eruzione (BTW, I saw that game in 1980 - I was 12) lit the 'cauldron', and then Leanne Rimes finished it off with a decent song. I don't care what genre of music it is, a good voice and I like it. Time for sleep - I have a church men's meeting in the morning.
... Matt ... 11:50 PM ...
Sting and YoYoMa were awesome! I love that song - 'Fragile'. I wish there was more great musical art in the Olympics, but I guess that's not the main purpose. We recorded our SciFi shows tonight so we could watch the Opening and I think it was worth it. Wait - they're about to light the flame.....
... Matt ... 11:23 PM ...
I've been watching the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympics and I've got to say "Shut up, Bob Costas and Katie Kouric!!!" Why do the damn liberal media pundits think they have to tell us everything that we can see with our own eyes? Because they think we're stupid. That's why the government has to take care of us and always warn us if we might stub our toes. I especially hate it when they talk through the women's figure skating. It's my favorite part of the Olympics. The skating and the music are, together, art. They should do their talking before and after - not during - the skating.
... Matt ... 10:42 PM ...
:: Thursday, February 07, 2002 ::
I think I'm going to run ths blog as a repository for the all the information I can gather on the subjects I've listed. There will be some personal reflection also, but that won't be the main direction of the site. There are many sites out there that do stream-of-conciusness or gut-spilling, and I doubt anyone really wants to hear about all of things going on in MY head, so I'll just stick to usefulness. As time passes, this site will become more and more useful.
... Matt ... 10:32 PM ...
Last night I got my first freelance web design job. I need to put together a pricing proposal and layout plan, but I think it's a done deal.
... Matt ... 9:44 AM ...
:: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 ::
This is my first posting here. Thought I'd try it out. I've had a homemade blog at this address but the templates they have at blogger seem pretty handy. From now on I'll not mix web design and blogging except to customize this template. Blogger can take care of all the archiving for me.
... Matt ... 1:30 PM ...