We've moved!

Dr. Cynthia Cristofani's Pediatric Advanced Life Support program is alive and well. We are no longer affiliated with Emanuel Hospital; see our new website at http://pediatricfocus.org.

The PPCC course, though, is no longer offered; we couldn't compete with PEPP, because it offers a nationally recognized certification. Thus Dr. Cristofani and Ted Farr, EMT-P, have adapted the Pediatric Advanced Life Support course (PALS) to meet the needs of prehospital caregivers. If your agency would like to host a PALS for Paramedics course, you can talk to Ted Farr at 503-319-7884. And if you want to use content from Dr. Cristofani's PPCC textbook, or if you want to talk to her about anything else, you can page her at 503-301-3029.

Maintained by Daniel Cristofani. Last updated 11/11/06.
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