Mom's Ordeal

Rita Gregory



Mom, a year ago...
Ready to enjoy a good Thanksgiving Dinner......






Mom, today 11/24/99
Spending Thanksgiving in a nursing home! 





Exactly a year ago, Mom was celebrating Thanksgiving with the family and leading a relatively contented happy life at the age of 76. During the year that has past, she has had a growth removed from her right upper cheek area. It was diagnosed as skin lymphoma. After further tests she was told that she had non-Hodgkin's, aggressive lymphoma. The Doctor who did the diagnostic evaluation and treatment recommendation also just happened to have a treatment center as well! How fortunate for us.

I expressed my concern with regards to the Chemo treatment for Mom. This concern was dramatically heighten when it became apparent that "the doctor" had never heard of Osteogensis Imperfecta, nor had he any idea how Chemo and O.I. might interact. When we were about to leave I again expressed my concern, this time not just with regards to O.I.. but whether or not Mom's heart could withstand the treatment. At that point, "the doctor" thought it would be a good idea for Mom to see a heart specialist (Glad I thought of it).

The heart specialist, Dr. Domingo, vacillated in recommending Chemo for Mom. He did not come right out and say not to get it, but he did say that Chemo would damaged the heart. 

Mom proceeded to get the Chemo and to quickly deteriorate, which is normal with Chemo, but not at such a quick pace. This might explain some of the repercussions that might be experienced with the mixing of Chemo and O.I... After about the third treatment she had been hospitalized 4 or 5 times and could hardly be taken care of at home. She could not even stand by the side of the bed. She was taken from the hospital to a nursing home (Brentwood in the Meadows) where she spent one night. She through a fit there and Dad went to pick her up the next morning. After getting her home it was decided that Chemo should be put on hold, even a decision "the doctor" supported when he stated to me, "she can't get Chemo at this time, because she can't even stand". It seemed to me that this statement should have produce some acknowledgement by "the doctor" that Chemo and O.I. might have to have special (different) guidelines for the administration of the treatment.

The treatment was stopped for 6 to 8 weeks and Mom got better. She could walk with the walker, get herself in and out of bed. She went riding in the car. She even was going out to restaurants to eat! Note, that prior to her first treatment with Gandhi, I had made an appointment with another Doctor for a second opinion. But the same day that I had faxed a medical release to Gandhi's office he phone my folks and scared the shit out of them. He told them that no matter who they went to see they would still get the same results and if Mom didn't get treatments right away she would die. Of course, my folks cancelled the appointment I had made for the second opinion. All during this time I was arranging and rearranging (because they always broke the appointments-Mom and Dad) appointments with other Doctors for the best possible treatment for her condition.

I finally got her to go see another doctor, His specialty was in radiation, (Dr. ??can't think of his name right now) has a place directly across the street from "the doctor". This doctor had come across O.I.. before and had even written a paper on it. He was of the opinion that perhaps Chemo should be adjusted for Mom's condition and perhaps, maybe not even given to her at all. At least not any more than the treatments that she had already received. 

This anthology will continue later....

Here is a excerpt of an email that I sent to my cousin Jeff, who is a doctor, dated September 12, 1999 8:43 AM Hi Jeff How are you doing? Things are somewhat better here than a few weeks ago. Mom is much stronger and feels 100% better. But she has not had another dose of Chemo for about 5 or 6 weeks. She is walking with aid and it appears that her fractures are healing. The x-rays didn't show the fractures, but the bone scan did. She is suppose to go for another Chemo tomorrow. She is dreading it, so am I. She seems more like her old self. I can't stand Gandhi, I am not going to have anything to do with him. When Mom was going through the ordeal of a few weeks back and she was in the hospital. He told me he had called in all the specialists, pain management doctor and bone specialist. These are individuals I believe he should have called in prior to treatment, not after the fact (Mom's deteriorating condition) There should have been some sort of consultation for a consensus on the best possible treatment and how it would effect Mom considering her bone condition! When I asked Gandhi about further Chemo treatment he stated he did not think she could get anymore at that time because she could not even stand up?!!? Now that Mom is feeling better he wants to start the same treatment regiment as before! I would think the results will be similar. For more details of emails concerning Mom, click on the emails button.

Mom came home today 11/29/99. Dad got a medical transport to bring her home. I have worked all day, haven't seen her. Don't really know what the status is....more later

Today 12/2/98 Dad called and apparently Mom broke her chest bone when the nurses and aides at home were moving her around. They are taking her to the hospital with the ambulance.

After about three hours at the Emergency room they sent Mom home telling her the cancer has spread throughout her body and now it is in her bones. This is a pretty quick diagnosis from emergency room personnel?? So when Mom had a heart attack in the hospital earlier and "the doctor" thought she was going to die that day he told us she was cured of cancer! Again as I have said in the past, no one knows about this bone condition or how it reacts to what would be "normal" treatments for the average individual.

It's 525 AM 12/3/99 I have got to go open the store this morning down in New Port Richey. I hope I have enough time to see Mom this morning. I plan on bringing her that nutrition supplement (Uncle Bill and Aunt Helen) you know the stuff I take for the bones. Hopefully, if she'll take a little of that in everything she drinks it will help her bones.

Sunday, 12/4/99, it's been a hellish day today. Dad really can't handle Mom, they argue just about all the time. She cannot move in bed. Her chest is hurting and she is starting to complain of her hips. I worked on vehicles all day (off and on) trying to get one I can use to drive to work with. James helped me fix the brakes on Corl's car, guess we will use that to go to work with tomorrow. My van's alternator is gone. Don't think I will be able to see Mom tomorrow. I believe Amy and his wife Carolyn came up today. 

12/5/99 It was about 1830 hrs when Dad called and everything seemed ok. He said they were going to bed. About 2130 hrs Rebekah calls telling me they are taking Mom to the hospital. I speak to Dad and he says he is calling the ambulance because Mom has the shakes? I believe they have been arguing for about three hours (since their earlier call) and now to alleviate that situation they are going to go to the emergency room. I take Dad because he shouldn't drive at night and I also believe he has been drinking. We get there and they proceed to take x-rays of Mom. This time (different hospital-7 rivers in Crystal River) they say they see a fracture in her chest bone (the other hospital didn't the day before) and they see NO evidence of cancer spreading into her chest area??!? Which of course is good news, the other hospital the day or two before had said they didn't see the fracture and that the cancer had spread into the chest area! Corl and I went to Mom and Dad's house about 0130 hrs and they arrived back via transport about 0230 hrs. The nurse arrived about 0715 and that's when we left, have to get ready for work down in New Port Richey. We will be there until 2230 hrs tonight.

Well it is 9 pm Wednesday (12/15/99) night. Corl and I have just left my folk's house. Aunt Helen and Uncle Bill are leaving tomorrow morning around 7 am. Thank God they showed up about a week and a half ago. Maybe it was two weeks? Not sure. Anyway, they helped tremendously with Mom. She now appears to be on the road to recovery. If they are no further roadblocks ahead. She has a very long ways to go, but at least it appears that she is headed in the right direction.

Sunday, Dec. 19, 1999 Went over to Mom & Dad at 1 PM today. Mom was in a lot of pain the last few days. Possibly the bad weather we have been having? Dr. Mendizabol phone in a prescription for Loratab and Mom slept most of the day yesterday. However she woke early in the evening last night and was up all night with Dad. She was completely out of it. As she was today while I was there. She hadn't been given anymore of those pills for fear that might have caused her problem. When I left around 730 PM she seemed to be getting tired and (perhaps) be going to sleep.

I am going to be getting up at 330 or 400 AM, will be picking up a fare and taking her to Tampa airport. When I get back I may be able to sleep a couple of hours and then head for work down in New Port Richey. We're open till 11 PM now so I'll be getting home around 1230 AM. So it doesn't appear that I'll be seeing Mom tomorrow.

Tuesday, Dec. 21, 1999, Mom is in the hospital again (Seven Rivers Hospital, Crystal River 352-795-6560, Room 232 bed 1 I believe). When I got back from doing my fare (Tampa PU this AM) around 930 AM I was going to go over to Mom. I called home first and found out that the visiting nurse was concern with noise in Mom's lungs and thought she might have to go into the hospital tomorrow. But the aide and Dad thought it would be better to have it check out sooner. So did Dr. Mendizabol. He told Dad to call 911.

As I was turning onto Dad's street I met the ambulance. I turned around and followed it to sevens rivers hospital. We got there around 10 AM. They drew some blood and did a workup for infections. It appears that there is some. So they decided to admit Mom. She got to her room around 5 PM and after she was settled in bed I took Dad back home.

Mom was very bad tempered and having a tizzy. By the time we got back to Dad's she had called and left several messages on the answering machine. She just won't calm down, even when we are right beside her. She is not comfortable anywhere or anyway. She always wants to be somewhere else. Of course, who can blame her! 

What is alarming is her heart rate, which ranges from 112 to 140 bpm. I have called and left messages for Dr. Mendizabol to hopefully prescribe something for her to calm her down and slow down her heart before she has another attack. I have also spoken to Mom's nurse in efforts to get her something for the problem. (Note. she hasn't had any kind of pain killer other than Tylenol for over 24 hours) 

I missed work today. I just called the hospital and she is resting now, it's 930 PM.

Mom was in the hospital for two or three days, most of the time she was there she was pretty out of it. In fact she had a phone by her bed and she called 911 twice to say she was being abused. So they took the phone away from her. 

Dad had told me that they were going to keep her in the hospital for awhile in order that she might get some rehabilitation. On the second day there, however, "Dr." Gandhi came in and Dad, more or less, told him off. The third day comes Dad is visiting Mom and Dr. Mendizabol comes in, very cold, and says, "Mr. Gregory, Rita is being discharged today". The first Dad, or anybody, had heard about it . Dad figured Gandhi had told him (Mendizabol) about the day before and subsequently Mom is being discharged!

Dec. 29, 1999 Mom's cold is about all gone and she is feeling better. So despite the Doctors, she might be getting better! Her mind is much better and she is starting to move her legs. She is getting up in the wheelchair for long periods of time

Sat. 1/8/2000 Mom went with Dad to Luigui's for breakfast. In the wheelchair. Must be feeling better!

2/1/200 Mom and Dad have both been real sick. Mom had pneumonia and was in the hospital last week for a few days. She insisted on coming home before the doctor was ready. So Dad and I picked her up, I think on Friday. She seems to be coming along, but she is real tired and weak. Today was the first day that Dad sounded like himself in about two weeks! 



08/04/2004 08:11 PM


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