Directions to 10 acre hunting spot.

On IH 35 South headed towards laredo,texas go about 8 miles past Cotulla Texas. You will see a sign that says Exit 63 elm creek interchange. Take that exit and continue south on the access road. You will see another sign that says rest area 2 miles in between mile marker 62 and 61. You willthan come up on a sign that says rest area next right.


Right in line with this sign you will look to your right and see the entrance to the land.


This is the entrance to the land

The mud hole is not deep and go thru it with my ford Taurus

You will continue about 3/10ths of a mile and come up to the first right and take that down about 4/10ths of a mile. You will come up to where the road veers to the left. Photo below.

Beginning of left

After the left this is the road. Take it about .7 of a mile down and you will come up to the property line of the 10 acres.

Please note the property starts on the right side of this entance. These roads have not been kept up and this is the property before mine once entrance. This person lives in Washington state now and never comes out here. I have tried to buy it from him but does not want to sell.

This is the middle point of the 10 acres. In here is where we would camp.


This is the last part of the front of the 10 acres. Now this road was very well maintained by the owner next door to my property. He has a deer blind at the very end of this road. The property is about 980 feet deep. In the middle if this road is a very thick area would a pile of dirt on my sideof the property is where I built a small pond at one time. Water is in there now but will last about 2 months only unless it rains again.



This is what is at the end of this road dividing property lines. The fence in the back is a double fence that borders a 150 acre place. Now if you notice these long flag poles these are the property lines.


Now back to the middle part of the property when you drive into there this is where we camp. If you walk down that trail you will see a deer blind and past the deer blind about 100 yards is a big trap that was left out there. I do not think it is functional any more.



Now I am going to tell you pretty much about what is around this 10 acres and the history. This 10 acres is located in La Salle County. It has an extended doe season. I have owned this land for 20 years now. I leased it out to a hunter that had it for 5 years straight. I than leased it out about 4 years ago to a person from ebay. After that another person from ebay got it. This guy fed it very heavy. The poor guy got his feeders stolen. He had cameras out there that would go off on game. He was taking photos of 300 plus pound hogs. After the season was up I went out there with my son and a friend of his a shot a hog right away. We went back the following weekend and got another one. Deer hunting is bad here. This is hog paradise. Last year no one hunted it or did I lease it out. Now I went out there to take photos this month and did not see anything but some rabbits and some tracks from large game. The entrance from the highway had a gate at one time but is now missing. This has created a mess for the property owners out there laving it open to any one that wants to come in and shoot. My land is located next to a 30 acre track that the people are very responsible and the land behind me is 150 acres and he does not hunt any more. This person was at one time trapping every thing and than charging expensive hunting trips. The land on the left side of me is 10 acres but he lives in washington state now and never comes out. Before that is a 20 acre and they do not come out anymore. Most people do not come out here much anymore and the few that do are pretty responsible hunters. So my advice if anyone wants to hunt this land. Feed it heavy and you will not go wrong. Try to live within 100 miles or have a way to go back and forth every so many days to feed it by hand or if you put feeders hide them in the brush in the middle of the property. I have had feeders out there for years and no one ever took them. This is good for now until the extended doe season is over. The dee blinds on the proerty line on that road is not suppose to be there by deed rules. All blinds must be 150 feet from property lines. I do not think that guy has gone there lately. I have sat there before and had deer come up on me or javelina or hogs or what ever they are. They looked like a javelina but the size of a hog. If you need anymore questions answered call me at 210-777-9014 and ask for Jimmie.