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THis pIctU®E waS T@kEN aBuT in 1974... 

By THe wAy,



HpE yOU'rE h@vIng a G®eAt eXpeRIencEs at tHis 
3rd mIllenIum...


Hi everyone...

If you're looking for a web friends, you can e-mail me... especially girls... ho... ho... I'm only joking...

I was interested in web design, and if you have some cool scripts, maybe you're willing to share it with me... 

In this page, I have a great multi search engine and some simple games that you can play. Just give it a try...

Or you can look at the gallery to see my pictures collections (there is no nudity)

Please contact me to give your suggestions or opinions about this page.

Thanks for visitting and see ya'

Copyright ©1999 Ary Handoko. All Rights Reserved. Rev.