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As a present for my 25th birthday and to celebrate another year of good health, my family gave me a CHESAPEAKE  16 wooden kayak kit along with a generous gift certificate for Home Depot. This kit is manufactured by CHESAPEAKE LIGHT CRAFT, and it is built with a method called stitch-and-glue wherein pre-cut panels of marine grade mahogany plywood are stitched together with copper wire and are glued and sealed with epoxy and fiberglass.

Construction of the kayak began in January 2000, at which time I also began my immersion with HTML to enable me to document and share my first boat-building experience with this on-line construction journal. Thankfully, learning HTML was cost-free and relatively effortless with the following web-based resources: W I S E   G U Y' S   H T M L   H E L P   G U I D E and T H E   B A R E B O N E S   G U I D E   T O   H T M L.

For a pile of reasons, construction of the kayak and its accompanying website terminated a short two months thereafter and the entire project was stagnant for more than two years. Now, as of J U N E  9,  2 0 0 2 construction has miraculously resumed 100 miles along the coast south of its original birthplace-- from Ventura to Huntington Beach, California.

Ultimately, this site will detail the fundamental steps of the construction process and will include shop notes, lessons learned, and things to remember for future boat-building endeavors.

I welcome you to peruse these pages, and I certainly hope you enjoy your visit. Please feel free to e-mail me with your inquiries or suggestions.

F I R S T   W O R K S H O P
from beginning to bulkheads--
Ventura, CA

W O R K S H O P   R E L O C A T E D
from bulkhead installation, and so forth--
Huntington Beach, CA

~The projected date of completion is now set for the end of this summer, 2002~

For an introduction click the keys below.

Created and maintained by Marschinda V. Felix.