Song= With A Little Help From My Friends

Hello! Welcome To Our World!
The World of a Family and Their Multiple!

Warning: These Pages May Contain Material That Is "Triggering"!

This site was started on 4-3-99 and is a work in progress.Please visit again soon!

Perhaps you are also a multiple, or you have a family member or friend who is a multiple, or maybe you're just curious. We're happy to have you here no matter the reason!
If you need, or want, to know more about MPD itself, we have permission to place a link to a website that can answer any questions you may have. (Cause we figured it was silly to do all that work when someone else already has!)
Just click on the button and you will be transported to "the place of much information".

But, PLEASE, don't forget to come back!

Unlike most websites we've visited, this site is being built, almost exclusively, by the Family,(or Alters), of a multiple. She has given us permission to do this, and she will contribute when necessary.
This background was selected by one of the littles in this family. Her name is Janice Joy. The angel does look a bit like her, w/o the wings, of course!

On the pages where we tell of ourselves, most of the explaining will be done by: Elizabeth, Patty, or Martha. They are the oldest, and strong personalities, and are always busy trying to keep things on track.
Of course, our host has a page,too. On it she tells something of her life, and how & why we came about.

Our Host : Here, Jan tells you of herself!

The Littles : The children in our family.

The Teens : The teenagers are interesting girls!

The Others : These are personalities that are not teens or littles.

Integrated & Gone : Here are some who have been integrated and/or are "gone".

Our Faith : This tells how we feel about our Lord!

Love and God Bless

Please send us mail, or better yet, sign our guestbook!

A Wonderful Webring!

Christian Multiples' Web Ring
site is owned by
Martha and Friends.

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Christian Multiples' Web Ring?
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I thank these people for the Graphics on this page:

Background & Bars

Welcome Sign & Buttons