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Get oral herpes out of your life!

Here's a quick, easy, cheap, cure for and way to prevent
oral herpes sores with no side affects.

   I used to get at least three or four outbreaks a year. Now I get none and that means a lot more, painless big grins and belly laughs per year.

    This method for treating and preventing (yes, that's preventing!) oral herpes breakouts has not been scientifically researched or tested. But it has no side affects and can't hurt, although it will sting a little. 
     If you have one of those suckers now, and if this method works for you the way it works for me, it will start the healing immediately. If you follow these steps as soon as you feel that familiar little soreness that tells you herpes has moved back into your lip, you may never again dread the huge, oozing, painful sore and eyesore it can grow into.

    What you need

          hydrogen peroxide
          Q-tip, cotton ball, or square of toilet paper--something to apply the peroxide
          Chap Stick--other lip balms may work, but I've never tried any.
          (Chap Stick is not paying me for this recommendation)

    What to do

     1. Before the sore breaks through the skin, you must open up a little pipeline to the infection so the peroxide can get to it. It doesn't have to be bigger than a puncture with a needle. If you can't make yourself use a needle, break the surface with a fingernail or tooth brush, or rub it hard with a towel.
     2. Apply hydrogen peroxide. If it doesn't turn white and bubbly where you've made the entry, repeat step 1. It will sting a little, but just a few bubbles are enough to start bringing out the virus that had planned to take over your lip and make your life miserable for at least a couple of weeks.
     3. When the stinging tops, repeat step 2 a couple more times, then apply Chap Stick.
     4. Every hour, wipe off the Chap Stick and repeat steps 2 and 3 at least three or four times.
     If you already have a huge, painful, ugly oozer on your lip, follow steps 2 - 4 until it dries up, and keep Chap Stick on it until the scab is gone. The Chap Stick keeps the scab moist so it doesn't crack open, and you can still grin wide without pain. A little face makeup on top camouflages it pretty well, too.
     That does it for me and I hope it will for you. If it doesn't, apply peroxide and Chap Stick several more times. 


     Herpes seems to need air to live and grow. As you  know, an outbreak can start after you've spent too much time in the sun or in any wee break in the skin.  I think Chap Stick works by keeping out the air. Sometimes there's no peroxide handy, but I'm never without Chap Stick and it prevents or stops a breakout even by itself. However, the peroxide speeds things up, because it gets the virus out and your body doesn't have to absorb and dispose of it.