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Heredity or Bad Childhood:
Implications of the move to a biological explanation


It used to be that mental illnesses were explained by bad childhoods.  These days, researchers are focusing on bad genes. What's the real story and why should it matter, so long as we

come closer to understanding (and treating) mood disorders?

The consensus now is that genetics predetermines a susceptibility to a mood disorder, and traumas

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Involuntary treatment continued

To Madness and Back
by John McManamy
originally published in
Suite 101

country, jobless and friendless and nearly penniless.  You don't really want to be sober, for aside from the unwelcome intrusion of reality, you also find your psyche playing host to the type of cold fusion nuclear reaction that

Few of you have ever had the experience of waking up from a drunken stupor in a strange city in a strange

Involuntary treatment continued