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Here you will find recipes for the renal patient. This page is here to give you ideas and suggestions on the preparation of foods that are acceptable to the needs of the renal patient. You are welcome to use this page as a guide for your palate.
All diets are different in needs, as ordered by your own doctor and dietitian. If you have any doubts about a is simple...DO NOT USE IT. Only you and your own doctor know what you are allowed. These are just ideas and suggestions submitted by other renal patients and their friends and families.If you would like to submit your own ideas, helpful hints or recipes, please send me an email with the catagory you wish the recipe to be listed on, any copyright information, if you would like your email included with your submission and any nutritional information that you may have, that will help others in trying your recipe.
You can also go to Renal Recipes' own There you can chat with others and exchange ideas or just visit!
Also you will find a for your use. You can post what you like there...maybe even post times to meet at the to visit and talk!!
Vent, share, or just is there for YOU!AGAIN...if you are unsure if you can use any of the recipes...PLEASE check with your doctor, your dietition or just do not use it. Your health is the most important here!
Bon Appetite!
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on February 14th, 2000
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A Poem:
I Have Recieved.....(inspirational)