Hello, and welcome to the lymelight. the home of transposed letters and misspelled words. he he.
i guess if you are here you or someone you love has lyme. in 1999 when i was first diagnosed with lyme, i came to the web in desperation to find some information on symptons. i wanted someone to lay them out, the doctors i saw made no sense and i had all these weird symptoms no one was talking about. and i could barely read!! so i decided i would make a web page that would tell it like it is, typos and all so when you are first diagnosed, you have somewhere to come and can say. OMG, that is exactly what happens to me. fortunatly many followed. and today there are many good pages out there. if you are fighting lyme i wish you much luck, and i hope there is a cure for those of us who suffer the chronic form.
I have decided to put this page into book form, just recently, because i am not very good at this page building stuff. and its just getting out of hand.
who would have thought i would still be doing this four years later! hmm, not me. i was supposed to go back to work two weeks after starting doxy. oh well.
so, today, 2/15/03 i am updating my page and reformting it. lets hope i dont mess it all up. so this is turning into the book cover.
Hey people its December, and i dont like my web page again. i still have lyme, and my computer got a terrible virus and as soon as I put a new machine together i will fix this mess i created. I have not had a great summer. not feeling well. but found out i had vit b12 def. feel much better after shots. |