Corky's TBI Page

Hello and welcome to my page. My name is Nancy but my internet friends call me Corky or NancyLee. I am 28 years old and have had a tbi (Traumatic Brain Injury) for almost 10 years.

When I was 19 I was involved in a very serious car accident. A lady with beginning altzeihmers pulled into the path of my very small Honda Civic CRX. I was an unrestrained driver so my head met the windsheild. I received many injuries: a crushed left ankle, broken right wrist, broken ribs, punctured chest cavity, collasped lung, lacerated liver and of course a severe head/brain injury.

That wreck landed me in the hospital for four months. Physically my feet and hands are bad and cause me alot of trouble. My endurance is not good and I get exhausted very very easy. Mentally I have trouble with short term (altho that is getting better somewhat), my sense of direction is kaput, sometimes my emotional status is that of a child and alot of the time I dont feel my age(not sure if thats a bad thing, LOL). BUT, even tho my wreck was devastating I have benefitted from it. I have become more focused on what I want to do with my life. I am currently attending The University of North Alabama where I am studying to become a Social Worker. My major is social work and my minors are psychology and spanish.

My recovery has been long and hard and is still going on today. I believe I will always be recovering in some form or other. Maybe improving would be a better word :o).

My intrests vary quite a bit, and usually very drastic. For example, I used to have hamsters. Not one or two, but ten. All in ten gallon aquariums, all in my small room. Then I had a tarantula and a turtle and an iguana. I bought a bicycle and all the equipment and then after a week or so I decided it was not a good idea because of my balance. Next was rollerblades and gear... same thing + feet trouble. I bought a basketball and that didn't last long either.

I have always liked taking photos so the door to my permanent intrest was opened when I decided to take a photography class at the community college I go to. I had an instructor who was very understanding yet knew to not take much bull. With his help, and two classes, my style went from shooting nothing to shooting good photos. Thanks Mr. Bingham.

I hope this page helps somebody gain knowledge about head injuries and the people who have them. Below are some links you may find useful.

I have restrained from putting any moving things or music because it tends to cause seizures in those of us with seizure disorders. I hope you find this page interesting without it.