Babe Ease:
Ms. Looney's All-Round Best Bloody Pregnancy Links

Your kid will bang his head. . . .. times off the hardwood...!

January 4th in the year 2005

Anne Geddes Baby Picture
What do you call those spongy green things that you soak in water and put in vases to hold flowers...

TTC: Hello? How come I'm not pregnant yet?

Curse the world! Aunt Flo just showed up!

Yeah! I just found out I'm pregnant.
Make sure you scroll all the way down on the next page.

Help! I had a miscarriage ! ! !

Okay, see below for a slew of links for you to explore...

Ms. Looney's Favourite Pregnant Pages

Links re Development of the Baby

Links re Nutrition for Pregnant Women

Links re Other People's Portals of Pregnancy Information

Your site bores me; show me something new.

Best Baby Things to Buy

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Here are a few pictures of Damien...
...the love of my life, whether he likes it not;.....the light of my soul, my sunshine, the reason I get out of bed early in the morning, (whether I like it or not).

Latest journal entry...
He started to crawl last Monday and now today, Dec. 1st, he's hip-hopping all over the place. I can't believe this little frog.
Damien is almost 9 months old. We are all doing great. Today I finally caught him for the first time sitting up from a lying on his tummy position. It was amazing. He just inched back very patiently until he was sitting up. He is such a joy; I spend lots of time just watching him. While I was breastfeeding, it was common for me to burst into joyful tears just carrying him around the house (there's hormones for ya). He has four teeth. He's slept through the night since he was almost three months old. He doesn't drink any bottles and stopped breastfeeding on his own when he was eight months old.... I know, weird huh? He eats so much food that I think I don't have to worry about the bottles, but it feels so odd. My sister came over to babysit and she's like, where are the bottles and I had to say foolishly, ummm, we don't have any bottles.

If you haven't been here before, read on...

These links are organized by me, Ms. Looney, now also known as..."Damien's Mom". I am a 35 year old, married since Friday, December 13th, 1991, Irish-Canadian woman who has a little baby boy and stays at home. I got pregnant for the first time in October 1998. Turns out the fetus died at 5 weeks even though the uterus kept growing until I was at 12 weeks. I had my D&C one week before Christmas 1998 (merry fricken X-mas).

Reason for this site? To amuse myself while I waited in 1998 to see if AF is going to show up or not, I've created this... voila!! I took all the pages that I book-marked when I thought I was pregnant and put them here. My goal is to make this a page of useful and fast links (sans a lot of gif's) that women with slow computers can use without too much frustration.

This is my very short Journal of Tears and Laughter.

Okay, I took that damn stupid SlamBook poll and just got rid it because no amount of pleading on my part could intice anybody to post in it. I can only conclude that it's a big time waster; and now that I too have a baby to look after, I def. see see why.

Click Here!
Click Here if you are filthy rich!

Ms. Looney's Favourite Pregnant Pages:

Create Pregnancy Calendar
Ms. Looney's calendar bible: use to calculate your due date based on your last menstrual period or, and useful as a daily journal. You have to 'join' before they will show you the calendar, so be warned that it can be frustrating trying to get through it as the member name you pick always seems to be taken already. And they try to trick you into agreeing to having e-mails sent to you, so be careful of the pre-checked boxes they supply. If you are patient, this site is worth it.

Stork Talk - Let The Count Down Begin!
Okay - so your doctor told you the due date - how much time do you have to get ready ? D-Day is fast approaching !!! Type the date the doctor gave you and you'll see....

Baby Needs Calculator
A quiz by that asks you questions like what season will be your baby be born, etc. then you submit to receive a list of everything you need to buy for your newborn.

Any Day in History
Historic Events & Birthdates that occurred on a SELECTED day of the year. Look up your baby's birthday to see what happened on that day in the past.

Parent Soup Baby Namer
Browse through iVillage A - Z listings of names, then you can go look up what the name means.

Baby Fat Facts
The average American woman gains between 25 and 35 pounds during pregnancy, but only 7.5 pounds are baby! Wondering where the rest of that weight goes? Click here.
Okay, the page I was referring to is missing, so in the meantime, I will direct you to another site that has the info. - scroll down the page, you'll see it on the right hand side in hard to read print I might add.

eGroups (formely known as OneList)
Ms. Looney could not have lived through her first couple of miscarriages without the friends she made from her mail list group - like Jill & Mandy & Tara & Dana & Erin & Cezanne. A never ending well of support from women in similar circumstances who come from all over the world.

After you have registered, search for a list that fits your needs using their search engine. Then follow the directions to subscribe to the list. I would recommend you use the digest feature instead of getting each piece of e-mail separately.

In October 1998, I joined a list of ladies who were all expecting babies in July 1999. Four of us in the group of 50 had miscarriages. Three of those ladies have since gotten pregnant again.
This group also has it's own website… July99 Website

Baby Zone: Baby Personality Horoscope
A bit more detail, showing the Symbol, Ruling Planet, Birthstone, Flower, Colour and famous people born under the same sign, (warning, irritating pop-up ads will bedevil you).

Michael Thiessen's Sign Compatibility
Will your children get along? Click your babies sign, then on the next page you come to, click the mate's sign.

Frequently asked questions re pregnancy, but a lot of clicking and pop-up's involved.

Dancing Baby
Cute, huge time waster of a dancing baby.

Nursery Rhyme List
This is the start of a list of nursery rhymes. Rhymes marked with an asterisk have extra information about their origins or interpretations. By Tracy Lightfoot.
Here's a sample of one Jack and Jill

Zelo Nursery Rhymes
Good list of nursery rhymes.
Here's a sample of a Nursery Rhyme Hush Little Baby Don't You Cry

Reduce SIDS
Six Steps to Reduce the Risk of SIDS.

One of them is put your baby to sleep on his back. I did that and now Damien has a head like an iron - one side is wall flat. My mom saw an article in the paper that said this is a new thing that's happening quite often now that a lot of parents are putting the kid to sleep on their backs. I don't know whether to believe it or not because he came out with the iron head and I always wedged things under his head to keep him off the flat side. Oh, and he always swung his head back to the flat side no matter what, I could've had a cement block under there and it made no difference to him.

Canada - Maternity Leave
Information for Canadian pregnant women's maternity leave from work. This is the basic that one can expect; ask your employer for their policy on maternity leave which may include more benefits.

All you Ontario ladies who are drooling about the new One-Year maternity leave better do your homework. My little sister's employer told her that she doesn't get the one-year mat. leave becuase the new law doesn't apply in Ontario yet, and then someone else told me that the law has been passed, but Ontario hasn't voted on whether your employer has to keep a job for you. So investigate before January 1, 2001. It seems that your Human Resource person could be lazy and ignorant so it's up to you to find out what you get.

Canada S.I.N.
Canada's Social Insurance Number (SIN) Info. Put in an application for your newborn. Please note that you need a birth certificate before you can apply for this. Also, in the interest of driving you crazy, please note that you have to register the birth (Statement of Live Birth - form given to me by the hospital) with Toronto City Hall before you can apply for a birth certificate. Ahh, government efficiency at it's best.

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Join the Fisher-Price® Family!
Join the Fisher-Price® Family!
Well, as much as a family a large corporation can be ;)

Links re Development of the Baby

Development of the Embryo
Text information re development, example: Week Two: Conception is the moment at which the sperm penetrates the ovum. Once fertilized it is called a zygote, until it reaches the uterus 3-4 days later. Has links to colour photos.

Stages of Fetal Development
The pregnancy process divided into many black and white images: one month before conception to the end of nine months with text information.

Visible Baby
This spiral represents the 23 stages occurring in the first trimester of pregnancy and every two weeks of the second and third trimesters. Click on any stage to have a better and bigger picture pop up with more text information.

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Links re Nutrition for Pregnant Women

Recipe-a-Day is a free list service with a seasonal focus on cooking and baking.

BabyZone: Nutrition during Pregnancy: Protecting Yourself and Your Baby
Readers should keep in mind that this was printed in the 1970's, at a time where medical practice was not as sensitive to the importance of nutrition in pregnancy as it is now.

FamilyWeb Nutrition
One pager of text information re suggested servings of each food group.

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Always Low Prices at
Always Low Prices at

Links re Other People's Portals of Pregnancy Information at HomeArts

Family Web
FamilyWeb's Pre-Natal and Post-Natal Care


Welcome to PREGNANCY

Pregnancy by Babies OnLine

Page of more exhausting links by Babies Online


Baby Centre


Baby Zone

Pregnancy Today

Baby Related Web Pages
Tons of links to explore, (they stole my site idea): The Dollar Stretcher: Reader's Tips for Soon-to-be-Parents

Excite's Choices

MarchMom Web Sites Pregnancy Links
...with the most scariest background EVER seen, swear to God.

Motherstuff, a few hundred links
while she yearns for you buy her book :) As if you need one after bookmarking my page H AH HA HA HA H AH... as if stay-at-home moms have any money for the love of Lord Jesus..


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Your site bores me; show me something new

I'm sorry...
I can't stop laughing long enough to even try to explain this one HA L HA LHA H AH:A HA HAH HA A

Birth Stories
The more birth stories you read, the more you will be prepared for your own birth; well, better informed than if you had not read these ;) Bottom line: expect the unexpected ! !

Today's Poem
Poetry Daily: Featuring a new peom for you to try and figure out what the hell it's all about!

Word of the Day
Learn a new word every day, by Mierriam-Webster.

Sunshine Boy
Fresh beef shipped in every Friday.
Every morning I get the Toronto Star delivered to my house. But when I need some beefcake, I turn to the tackier newspaper in Toronto which is The Toronto Sun. They are famous for their cheesecake shots. So click over to rate his body from 1 to 10, and let's see how much they like it!!!

Daily Cartoon: Ms. Looney's favourite cartoon that speaks to me when I sit in my cube (when I USED to sit in my cube. My husband thinks otherwise, but I have no plans to go back to the office. Now where's that welfare application link?

Joke of the Day
Joke of the day - (new site as of Nov. 2000)

Ms. Manners
Fresh columns every Sunday.
I can't link you straight to her,; you have to click the link above, then when you see the next page pop up, scroll down a little bit and you will see her in the middle under: It's Personal.

All you wanted to know about pregnancy
Amusing answers to serious questions about pregnancy.
Example: Qustion: What is a chastity belt?
Answer: A laboursaving device.

Featured Art
Mother and Child (The Oval Mirror) by Mary Cassatt, 1901; The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

More Fab. Art
The Boating Party by Mary Cassat, (and here I feel lucky if I can work up enough energy for a shower...)

Daily Devotions
You are invited to spend a few moments with God, (you atheists keep scrolling, nothing for you to see here ;)

Diaper Girls
This is where I got that picture of that guy upstairs who's in an adult-size crib with a big depend on. I c.a.n.t. believe what I'm seeing. And what's even more shocking is ....... look how high her counter is ? !? !? !?

Andy Garcia
Eight years ago her girlfriend said hey, come out tonight to meet this guy who looks like Andy Garcia and Ms. Looney said COUNT ME IN, and even though he didn't really look like Andy Garcia, Ms. Looney married him 5 months later anyway.

Pic of me breastfeeding at Yorkdale Mall.
I'm kinda of out there with it, so be warned...

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Best Baby Things to Buy

Buy the
What to Expect When You're Expecting
book right this second.
This is my true bible, even if you have access to the computer 24-7; nothing beats being able to read through this book on a monthly, weekly or even nightly basis. Very comforting and easy to understand. Even if your older sister gave you her old dog-eared copy, I would chuck it in the garbage and pick up the latest edition because they are constantly updating the text.

Also, I would only recommend buying this book via the Internet if you are American. It`s not worth it for us Canadians
with our dollar doing so badly against yours. And if you have never bought something over the net before, you can can always fax them your credit card information, but when you use the net, there are no long-distance charges!

There is a lot of clicking involved, so slow computers should take a pass:
Click the link above, then in the next page click "Add to Shopping Cart", then in the next page click "Proceed to Checkout", then on the next page click " Click here to continue your order on our secure server", then you see a page called "Completing Your Order is Easy" which you then fill out with your credit card number, (it will ask you if this is a gift and if yes, you can pick out the wrapping paper). At this point you can still cancel your order. Then just keep following the instructions and you will have the book in your hands in 24 hours.

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Mutual Admiration Society

Mandy's Home Page
This page belongs to my friend from the July99 OneList mailing list.

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Thanks for dropping by. Next time, if you don't mind, call first. Don't let the virtual door hit you in the cyber ass on the way out.

Thank you for your visit. Next time bring
some Rum and Cokes!

Strangers are just friends that one hasn't met yet...
...since April 14th, 1999.

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