Welcome to Hao Min's homepage
Still under construction
Now playing Bardot - ASAP
I'm currently doing com/sci at melb uni, used to go to mckinnon & mhs. For other info about me, look me up on icq, # starts with 5
If u sign guestbook, dun bag my website! i know it's crap, but i cant b stuffed...
21/12/2005 - Woow, being a looooong
time since i updated this. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
- got a domain! www.howmean.com.
Thanks sammy!!
14/8/04 - This's not a blog, but
i'm gotta say: uni sux - too much work!!
I might add frames to this page, when I could be bothered, of course.
Updated background, sound and improvised some settings (search engine still
doesnt work - I've given up on it)
3/8/04 And the Deez takes the top spot on the ladder! For the first time in some 40 years, I might add... mighty effort by the boys
23/5/04 Taking pre-emptive action - made a disclaimer, just incase ppl want to delete this site for plagiarism.
17/1/04 Just got back from the planetshaker's conference. It was awesome! It was a life changing experience for many youths.
3/12/03 Finally exams are over! So now i got time to finish the webpage.
My Guestbook! |
Sign My Guestbook!
You are -4% geek | ![]() | Boy, you really broke through the bottom on this one. You are SO not geek. I recommend staying away from conventions, computer stores, colleges, universities, or anywhere else people might display the slightest interest in something other than what's on TV at the present moment. Your mere presence among geeks of any degree is incredibly dangerous to the continued existence of the known universe. Here, I'll say it slow so you can understand: Anti-geek + Geek = Big Boom. Now go read a book, for god's sake. No offence! |
Here's some miscellaneous websites I made many years ago (still updating the kof2001 webpage)
Hepatitis B | For those who want to copy for a project, or just for information |
King of fighters 99 | An arcade game, also out on PC, dreamcast, PS, PS2 |
King of Fighters 2000 | sequel to kof99, better game play... |
Better webpage than the other ones, coz some of it's borrowed (search for 'king of fighters 2001' in google!!) | |
disclaimer | Just in case I get sued for plagiarism - read my disclaimer first! |
Other junk | |
Post-war Iraq essay | For year 12 issues essay |
Bill of Rights | |
testing page |
Other links (I didn't make these ones)
Christian Answers | An intriguing and interesting site about Christianity, illustrates many issues today, such as teenage stress, drinking, emotions such as jealousy, and lots more. Has many profound compositions. Suitable for everybody, whether Christian or not. |
What do you think of child labour? | |
Australian Mathematics Trust | |
Illusions | Great illusions... need flash to run |
Ultimate IQ test | |
New Age Movement | |
Sodomite Steamroller Buggers Again - The Conspiracy Unfolds | Uncovering US government conspiracies in terms of federal income tax. For intellectuals |