no cigarette Life Saver Cigarettes no cigarette

You are the

person to choose

To Help Smokers Quit Smoking

PURPOSE -To make the first couple of days easier to quit
  -To replace the feeling of a pack of cigarettes
  -To remind the smoker why they quit
  -To keep the smoker's hands and mind busy until the craving for a cigarette passes
METHOD -To make two packs of Life Saving Cigarettes
  -To give them to someone who wants to quit
  -To carry them in the same place as a person's cigarettes were carried
SECRET MESSAGE -Unroll each pack
  -Place them in numbered order (1-20)
  -the letters in the squares spell "SMOKERS SAVE A LIFE, QUIT!"

PAGE 1 -Instructions on assembling the cigarette packs
PAGE 2 -Cigarettes 1-8
PAGE 3 -Cigarettes 9-12 and instructions on assembling cigarettes
PAGE 4 -Cigarettes 13-20

Good luck and good life
Stephen M. Mann

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