The real truth about circumcision

what the zealots opposed to it don't want you to know

This site will be updated from time to time, but not frequently.

Millenia of success debated

With the time tested benefits of circumcision known and observed for several thousand years, a handful of people would have you question whether that success was real or justified. The fact that those who've practiced circumcision - Jews, Moslems, Aborigines, North American Indians and many others - still know it is a benefit, is reason enough to know it need not be questioned. And to realize that it was practiced by so many different peoples around the world - most of whom never knew of the other's existence - is testimony to the commonality of the procedure's discovered benefits.

Discussed to death

This topic has been discussed to death, especially on the Internet. One person after another who opposes this successful routine operation - and there are not really that many of them - have made their way into virtually every news group and posting board on the Internet and either tried to foment arguments with those who disagree with them or to deluge the sites with their biased, distorted and childish comments. They work very hard to make people believe that this minor operation's success or prevalence is decreasing. IT IS DOING NO SUCH THING! It is not decreasing, it is not less prevalent today, and it is certainly not something other than totally safe and successful. As far as prevalence is concerned, recent statistics from not only the United States and Canada, but from many regions of the world where the procedure is generally uncommon, show that as people discover the benefits of circumcision, the incidence of circumcision actually increases steadily... people know a good thing when they find it.


Don't believe all the hoopla about this being the wrong thing to do because "the rest of the world doesn't do it". The rest of the world doesn't do it because of varying conditions in their own regions: poor medical care, governments that don't want to pay for preventive health care, anti-Semitism, anti-Moslem sentiments, ignorance in general and many other reasons. And too often, doctors simply want to get paid more than national insurance or other medical plans will pay, so they don't want to do the operation.

The Internet advantage

The anti-circumcision "activists", or "intactivists" as they are often called, have had the advantage over most others of the pro-circumcision/majority point of view, of having been on the Internet since its very early days, and as a result, have become very adept and very in tune with how to network with others who believe similarly on the net, and have been able to keep one step ahead of the majority who do not share their point of view.

Distortion in action

In January 1999, the very reputable WABC television news program 20/20 (Friday, Jan. 15, 1999) did a story about neonatal circumcision in the United States. After the show, they conducted a short-lived poll on their web site to obtain people's opinion about how they felt about the operation. Despite having just reported on the show that at the time of the story, over 80% of newborn American boys are routinely circumcised, the poll results showed that respondents were 60% "absolutely opposed". How could that be? The reason, folks, is that ordinary America wasn't voting in the poll during its two days of solicitation. The anti-circumcisionists used their network of Internet friends and allies to alert each other so they could flood the web site as soon as possible after the show and post their negative replies so others who viewed the site would think it was a mirror of reality. But it was A DECEPTION.

Why has this occurred? One thing that's crucial on the net is to be able to pass information around quickly. The WABC survey was mentioned to me and I was asked to post it on this page but the wrong URL was supplied. A well-intentioned person of the pro-circumcision camp wanted others to know about it and I was going to post it, but when I looked, the URL was incorrect. I searched for it myself, which took a while, and it was time wasted in trying to make it known. The anti-circumcision forces don't make these mistakes. In fact, they spend their time complaining, whining and writing letters to magazines and newspapers so that it looks like their opinion is the dominant one.

Getting to the real truth

But what happens when the investigations by reputable agencies like WABC are done? The results are all pro-circumcision... because that's the medical and scientific truth. So after 25 years of agitation, these anti-circumcision activists have no way to convince others that the truth isn't so other than to distort, fight, divert, complain and whine, and confuse and confound people.

The Alternative / Anti-circumcision connection

Have you ever noticed that if you pick up a Men's health magazine, a contemporary parenting magazine, or look for alternative information about virtually anything today, especially on the Internet, and especially about health issues, you will invariably find at least one negative article about circumcision?

This writer finds it not only bewildering, but shallow and offensive, on the part of those providing such useful and thoughtful alternative information, that they so often package their information with the anti-circumcision nonsense. One particularly reputable alternative health person and personality in New York City, who presents excellent health and nutrition information, just happens to have two or three articles on circumcision on his web site. After reading these articles, it becomes clear that these articles are flimsy at best and do little shed light on any aspect of the subject. It should be considered a tribute to his site's honesty and integrity that the best anti-circumcision arguments he found are readily recognized as neutral and unsubstantiated nonsense.

Why does this occur? Perhaps it's out of ignorance, perhaps it's out of being a little bit too susceptible to alternative thought, or perhaps it's even a bit trendy to think that uncircumcised is the "neuvo" way to be. Here's some of the "information" that backs up this peculiar new thought pattern:

This web site will not pit one group of people who choose circumcision against the other. In will, instead, point out what all these diverse people have IN COMMON with each other. The aforementioned 20/20 news show and government statistics from hospitals and clinics around the United States is basically sufficient. The hard fact is that the overwhelming majority of Americans choose circumcision for their children. They do it for varying reasons, all of them good, and all of them in consideration of what they believe to be best for their children, based on health concerns, medical information, cultural and religious beliefs, and whatever else may influence their decision.

Statistics may be obtained from various State Departments of Health and from the various medical journals and other scientific magazines and publications. Here is a brief summary of the current information:

Your decision in favor of circumcision is the correct one

You should know that if you choose circumcision, your child will never be out of place among his peers in any social situation or have the physical difficulties his uncircumcised counterparts experience on a regular basis. Yes, this latter situation is more prevalent than anyone opposed to circumcision wants you to know, but it is still true. And if you ask around, or search the web, you will find that this fact is quite well documented. Talk to your doctor; they aren't out to get wealthy performing this relatively low paying routine operation for you, as the anti-circumcisionists falsely assert. Doctors - even despite their many failures - are generally looking out for your child's best interest.

This site is here to help inform you

This site is dedicated to helping to clarify the truth for those who want to know it, and to all the researchers who have contributed so much to unmasking the real truth that this common, everyday, procedure is useful, beneficial and harmless. And by the way, it is also not as painful as rumored by even the most well-intended PRO-circumcision advocates. Yes, readers, that is also true. Not all babies cry their heads off while it is being done, nor do they lapse into unconsciousness or defecation from pain.

Additionally, many observations suggest that our Jewish friends - who circumcise universally during a festive ceremony - may have the best method, because as it is forbidden to hurt the child, no painful clamping devices are used and the child generally does not exhibit pain. It is no accident that many non-Jewish physicians ask those perform this ceremony to perform their own sons' circumcisions.

some anti-circumcision forces are so brazen as to assert that even though Jewish law absolutely and unequivocally mandates circumcision for all boys, Jewish parents who fear circumcision may elect not to do it and still have their son considered Jewish; this is simply not so even among the most liberal Jewish viewpoint and the notion should be discarded with all their other rubbish before the child is done the worst disservice of his lifetime.

This site concludes with its links to informational sites, below. Some of the sites elaborate on items above and some are simply references. How you interpret or use them, of course, is up to you. It is hoped you find some educational value in what you read, and that it helps you arrive at a comfortable decision in favor of circumcision for your child and family, and for the benefits of routine infant circumcision (RIC) in general. Good luck in your continued search. Please note that links can expire at any time and it is not something any web site can control.

None of the links below are to be construed as endorsements of any kind, or as promotion of any services or point of view. They are simply some of the sites on the Internet that support or seem to support the beliefs and information on the subject matter of this page. As more information is discovered, references will be added or updated.

Here's the latest (autumn 2000) official United States National Institute of Health published information about circumcision:

web page and articles

This is a very progressive commentary/statement by a Reform ("liberal") Jewish organization about the discriminatory nature of the U.S. Welfare program, which does not cover routine health care for children compared to those on private insurance policies:

assailing the racist policy

Some of what the anti-circumcisionists have been up to and will offer you:

These are some of the legitimate health services available:

Some terrific information on nutrition, exercise, fluoridation, etc., but take the other items with a grain of salt.

These are sites about the Jewish circumcision ceremony, from those who know. There is much information that applies to Christians and others as well, indluding questions about the safety of Tylenol. These are worth a look.

Miscellaneous sites:

Circumcision Online News

Even in an emergency, a confused parent does the wrong thing.

If this article is correct that "In 99 of 100 males, the foreskin develops normally" and a 6% newborn circumcision rate is too high, then how can it be that 10% to 15% of adults need remedial medical circumcisions?

visitors since January 17, 1999

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