support and information to families experiencing the tragedy of SIDS; helping
parents of SIDS victims understand what is know about this mysterious disease,
educational seminars, materials, and other aids for health professionals,
and supporting medical research into the cause and prevention of SIDS and
SIDS related issues.
Services are provided at no charge.
Membership in the Florida SIDS Alliance is open to all interested individuals, families, and organization. The Alliance welcomes your personal involvement as a member, participant or contributor.
For support or information, contact the Florida SIDS Alliance at
1 800 SIDS FLA or send email to: Lisa Sculley
In The Belief That EVERY Child Should Live …
The Florida SIDS Alliance brings dedicated people together who share the dream that one day all children born in the US will be free from the threat of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
The Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Alliance is a national, nonprofit, voluntary health organization uniting individuals, families, and professionals concerned about Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
History of FL SIDS Alliance| What is SIDS? | Risk Reduction | Information Resources |